614 lines
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614 lines
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module Internal.Api.Request exposing
( ApiCall, ApiPlan, Attribute, callAPI, withAttributes, toChain
, Request, Error(..)
, accessToken, timeout, onStatusCode
, fullBody, bodyBool, bodyInt, bodyString, bodyValue, bodyOpBool, bodyOpInt, bodyOpString, bodyOpValue
, queryBool, queryInt, queryString, queryOpBool, queryOpInt, queryOpString
# API module
This module helps describe API requests.
## Plan
@docs ApiCall, ApiPlan, Attribute, callAPI, withAttributes, toChain
Sometimes, APIs might fail. As a result, you may receive an error.
@docs Request, Error
## API attributes
### General attributes
@docs accessToken, timeout, onStatusCode
### Body
@docs fullBody, bodyBool, bodyInt, bodyString, bodyValue, bodyOpBool, bodyOpInt, bodyOpString, bodyOpValue
### Query parameters
@docs queryBool, queryInt, queryString, queryOpBool, queryOpInt, queryOpString
import Dict
import Http
import Internal.Api.Chain as C
import Internal.Config.Log exposing (Log, log)
import Internal.Config.Text as Text
import Internal.Tools.Json as Json
import Internal.Values.Context as Context exposing (APIContext)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Task
import Url
import Url.Builder as UrlBuilder
{-| The API call is a plan that describes how an interaction is planned with
the Matrix API.
type alias ApiCall ph =
{ attributes : List ContextAttr
, baseUrl : String
, context : APIContext ph
, method : String
, path : List String
{-| Shortcut definition to define a function that bases an APICall on a given
type alias ApiPlan a =
APIContext a -> ApiCall a
{-| An attribute maps a given context to an attribute for an API call.
type alias Attribute a =
APIContext a -> ContextAttr
{-| A context attribute describes one aspect of the API call that is to be made.
type ContextAttr
= BodyParam String Json.Value
| FullBody Json.Value
| Header Http.Header
| NoAttr
| QueryParam UrlBuilder.QueryParameter
| StatusCodeResponse Int ( Error, List Log )
| Timeout Float
{-| Error indicating that something went wrong.
type Error
= InternetException Http.Error
| MissingUsername
| MissingPassword
| NoSupportedVersion
| ServerReturnsBadJSON String
| ServerReturnsError String Json.Value
{-| Ordinary shape of an HTTP request.
type alias Request x a =
{ headers : List Http.Header
, body : Http.Body
, method : String
, url : String
, resolver : Http.Resolver x a
, timeout : Maybe Float
{-| Attribute that requires an access token to be present
accessToken : Attribute { a | accessToken : () }
accessToken =
>> (++) "Bearer "
>> Http.header "Authorization"
>> Header
{-| Attribute that adds a boolean value to the HTTP body.
bodyBool : String -> Bool -> Attribute a
bodyBool key value =
bodyValue key <| Json.encode Json.bool value
{-| Attribute that adds an integer value to the HTTP body.
bodyInt : String -> Int -> Attribute a
bodyInt key value =
bodyValue key <| Json.encode Json.int value
{-| Attribute that adds a boolean to the HTTP body if it is given.
bodyOpBool : String -> Maybe Bool -> Attribute a
bodyOpBool key value =
case value of
Just v ->
bodyBool key v
Nothing ->
{-| Attribute that adds an integer value to the HTTP body if it is given.
bodyOpInt : String -> Maybe Int -> Attribute a
bodyOpInt key value =
case value of
Just v ->
bodyInt key v
Nothing ->
{-| Attribute that adds a string value to the HTTP body if it is given.
bodyOpString : String -> Maybe String -> Attribute a
bodyOpString key value =
case value of
Just v ->
bodyString key v
Nothing ->
{-| Attribute that adds a JSON value to the HTTP body if it is given.
bodyOpValue : String -> Maybe Json.Value -> Attribute a
bodyOpValue key value =
case value of
Just v ->
bodyValue key v
Nothing ->
{-| Attribute that adds a string value to the HTTP body.
bodyString : String -> String -> Attribute a
bodyString key value =
bodyValue key <| Json.encode Json.string value
{-| Attribute that adds a JSON value to the HTTP body.
bodyValue : String -> Json.Value -> Attribute a
bodyValue key value _ =
BodyParam key value
{-| Create a plan to create an API call.
callAPI : { method : String, path : List String } -> ApiPlan { a | baseUrl : () }
callAPI { method, path } context =
{ attributes = []
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, context = context
, method = method
, path = path
{-| Decode the server's response into (hopefully) something meaningful.
decodeServerResponse : D.Decoder ( a, List Log ) -> String -> Maybe ( Error, List Log ) -> Result ( Error, List Log ) ( a, List Log )
decodeServerResponse decoder body statusCodeError =
case D.decodeString D.value body of
Err e ->
description : String
description =
D.errorToString e
( ServerReturnsBadJSON description
, description
|> Text.logs.serverReturnedInvalidJSON
|> log.error
|> List.singleton
Ok v ->
decodeServerValue decoder v statusCodeError
{-| Decode the server's response, assuming that it parses correctly to
a JSON value.
decodeServerValue : D.Decoder ( a, List Log ) -> Json.Value -> Maybe ( Error, List Log ) -> Result ( Error, List Log ) ( a, List Log )
decodeServerValue decoder value statusCodeError =
|> D.decodeValue decoder
|> Result.mapError
(\err ->
description : String
description =
D.errorToString err
-- TODO: Parse errors returned by Matrix API
error : Maybe ( Error, List Log )
error =
case ( error, statusCodeError ) of
( Just e, _ ) ->
( Nothing, Just e ) ->
( Nothing, Nothing ) ->
( ServerReturnsBadJSON description
, description
|> Text.logs.serverReturnedUnknownJSON
|> log.error
|> List.singleton
{-| Add an empty attribute that does nothing.
empty : Attribute a
empty =
always NoAttr
{-| Adds a JSON value as the HTTP body.
fullBody : Json.Value -> Attribute a
fullBody value _ =
FullBody value
getBody : List ContextAttr -> Maybe Json.Value
getBody attributes =
|> List.filterMap
(\attr ->
case attr of
FullBody v ->
Just v
_ ->
|> List.reverse
|> List.head
|> (\fb ->
case fb of
Just _ ->
Nothing ->
(\attr ->
case attr of
BodyParam key value ->
Just ( key, value )
_ ->
[] ->
head :: tail ->
Just <| E.object (head :: tail)
getHeaders : List ContextAttr -> List Http.Header
getHeaders =
(\attr ->
case attr of
Header h ->
Just h
_ ->
getQueryParams : List ContextAttr -> List UrlBuilder.QueryParameter
getQueryParams =
(\attr ->
case attr of
QueryParam q ->
Just q
_ ->
getStatusCodes : List ContextAttr -> Dict.Dict Int ( Error, List Log )
getStatusCodes =
(\attr ->
case attr of
StatusCodeResponse code err ->
Just ( code, err )
_ ->
>> Dict.fromList
getTimeout : List ContextAttr -> Maybe Float
getTimeout =
(\attr ->
case attr of
Timeout f ->
Just f
_ ->
>> List.reverse
>> List.head
getUrl : ApiCall a -> String
getUrl { attributes, baseUrl, path } =
(List.map Url.percentEncode path)
(getQueryParams attributes)
{-| When the HTTP request cannot be deciphered but the status code is known,
return with a given default error.
onStatusCode : Int -> String -> Attribute a
onStatusCode code err _ =
StatusCodeResponse code
( err
|> E.string
|> Tuple.pair "errcode"
|> List.singleton
|> E.object
|> ServerReturnsError err
, String.concat
-- TODO: Move to Internal.Config.Text
[ "Received an invalid HTTP response from Matrix server "
, "but managed to decode it using the status code "
, String.fromInt code
, ": Default to errcode "
, err
|> log.warn
|> List.singleton
{-| Add a boolean value as a query parameter to the URL.
queryBool : String -> Bool -> Attribute a
queryBool key value _ =
(if value then
|> UrlBuilder.string key
|> QueryParam
{-| Add an integer value as a query parameter to the URL.
queryInt : String -> Int -> Attribute a
queryInt key value _ =
QueryParam <| UrlBuilder.int key value
{-| Add a boolean value as a query parameter to the URL if it exists.
queryOpBool : String -> Maybe Bool -> Attribute a
queryOpBool key value =
case value of
Just v ->
queryBool key v
Nothing ->
{-| Add an integer value as a query parameter to the URL if it exists.
queryOpInt : String -> Maybe Int -> Attribute a
queryOpInt key value =
case value of
Just v ->
queryInt key v
Nothing ->
{-| Add a string value as a query parameter to the URL if it exists.
queryOpString : String -> Maybe String -> Attribute a
queryOpString key value =
case value of
Just v ->
queryString key v
Nothing ->
{-| Add a string value as a query parameter to the URL.
queryString : String -> String -> Attribute a
queryString key value _ =
QueryParam <| UrlBuilder.string key value
{-| Resolve the response of a Matrix API call.
rawApiCallResolver : D.Decoder ( a, List Log ) -> Dict.Dict Int ( Error, List Log ) -> Http.Resolver ( Error, List Log ) ( a, List Log )
rawApiCallResolver decoder statusCodeErrors =
(\response ->
case response of
Http.BadUrl_ s ->
Http.BadUrl s
|> InternetException
|> Tuple.pair
|> (|>) [ log.error ("Encountered bad URL " ++ s) ]
|> Err
Http.Timeout_ ->
|> InternetException
|> Tuple.pair
|> (|>) [ log.error "Encountered timeout - maybe the server is down?" ]
|> Err
Http.NetworkError_ ->
|> InternetException
|> Tuple.pair
|> (|>) [ log.error "Encountered a network error - the user might be offline" ]
|> Err
Http.BadStatus_ metadata body ->
|> Dict.get metadata.statusCode
|> decodeServerResponse decoder body
Http.GoodStatus_ metadata body ->
|> Dict.get metadata.statusCode
|> decodeServerResponse decoder body
{-| Configure the HTTP request to time out after a given expiry time.
timeout : Float -> Attribute a
timeout f _ =
Timeout f
{-| Transform an APICall to a TaskChain.
toChain :
{ logHttp : Request ( Error, List Log ) ( update, List Log ) -> ( update, List Log )
, coder : Json.Coder httpOut
, request : ApiPlan ph1
, toContextChange : httpOut -> (APIContext ph1 -> APIContext ph2)
, toUpdate : httpOut -> ( update, List Log )
-> C.TaskChain Error update ph1 ph2
toChain data apiContext =
data.request apiContext
|> (\call ->
r : Request ( Error, List Log ) ( httpOut, List Log )
r =
{ method = call.method
, headers = getHeaders call.attributes
, url = getUrl call
, body =
getBody call.attributes
|> Maybe.map Http.jsonBody
|> Maybe.withDefault Http.emptyBody
, resolver = rawApiCallResolver (Json.decode data.coder) (getStatusCodes call.attributes)
, timeout = getTimeout call.attributes
logR : Request ( Error, List Log ) ( update, List Log )
logR =
{ method = call.method
, headers = getHeaders call.attributes
, url = getUrl call
, body =
getBody call.attributes
|> Maybe.map Http.jsonBody
|> Maybe.withDefault Http.emptyBody
, resolver =
(Json.decode data.coder
|> D.map
(\( out, logs ) ->
case data.toUpdate out of
( u, uLogs ) ->
( u, List.append logs uLogs )
(getStatusCodes call.attributes)
, timeout = getTimeout call.attributes
case data.logHttp logR of
( httpU, httpLogs ) ->
Http.task r
|> Task.map
(\( httpO, logs ) ->
case data.toUpdate httpO of
( u, uLogs ) ->
{ contextChange = data.toContextChange httpO
, logs = List.concat [ httpLogs, logs, uLogs ]
, messages = [ httpU, u ]
|> Task.mapError
(\( err, logs ) ->
{ error = err
, logs = List.append httpLogs logs
, messages = [ httpU ]
{-| Add more attributes to the API plan.
withAttributes : List (Attribute a) -> ApiPlan a -> ApiPlan a
withAttributes attrs f context =
f context
|> (\data ->
{ data
| attributes =
|> List.map (\attr -> attr data.context)
|> List.append data.attributes