Merge State Manager to 3-data-types
Merge pull request #7 from noordstar/3-state-managerpull/8/head
@ -15,12 +15,14 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Internal.Tools.Hashdict exposing
( Hashdict
, empty, singleton, insert, remove, removeKey
, isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size
, isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
, keys, values, toList, fromList
, rehash, union
, encode, decoder, softDecoder
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ This allows you to store values based on an externally defined identifier.
## Query
@docs isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size
@docs isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
## Lists
@ -151,6 +151,14 @@ insert v (Hashdict h) =
Hashdict { h | values = Dict.insert (h.hash v) v h.values }
{-| Since the Hashdict contains a hash function, the == operator does not work
simply. Instead, you should use the isEqual operator.
isEqual : Hashdict a -> Hashdict a -> Bool
isEqual h1 h2 =
toList h1 == toList h2
{-| Determine if a hashdict is empty.
isEmpty : Hashdict a -> Bool
@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
module Internal.Tools.Mashdict exposing
( Mashdict
, empty, singleton, insert, remove, removeKey
, isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
, keys, values, toList, fromList
, rehash, union
, encode, decoder, softDecoder
# Mashdict
A **mashdict**, (short for "maybe mashdict") is a hashdict that uses a hash
function that _maybe_ returns a value. In this case, the mashdict exclusively
stores values for which the hashing algorithm returns a value, and it ignores
the outcome for all other scenarios.
In general, you are advised to learn more about the
[Hashdict](Internal-Tools-Hashdict) before delving into the Mashdict.
## Dictionaries
@docs Mashdict
## Build
@docs empty, singleton, insert, remove, removeKey
## Query
@docs isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
## Lists
@docs keys, values, toList, fromList
## Transform
@docs rehash, union
## JSON coders
@docs encode, decoder, softDecoder
import FastDict as Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
{-| A dictionary of keys and values where each key is defined by its value, but
a value is not always given. For example, this can be relevant when not all
inserted values are relevant:
import Mashdict exposing (Mashdict)
users : Mashdict Event
users =
Mashdict.fromList .location
[ Event "Graduation party" 8 (Just "park")
, Event "National holiday" 17 Nothing
, Event "Local fair" 11 (Just "town square")
-- National holiday will be ignored
-- because it does not hash
type alias Event =
{ name : String
, participants : Int
, location : Maybe String
In the example listed above, all events are stored by their specified location,
which means that all you need to know is the value "park" to retrieve all the
information about the event at the park. As a result of optimization, this means
all values without a hash, are filtered out, as we can never query them.
type Mashdict a
= Mashdict
{ hash : a -> Maybe String
, values : Dict String a
{-| Decode a mashdict from a JSON value. To create a mashdict, you are expected
to insert a hash function. If the hash function doesn't properly hash the values
as expected, the decoder will fail to decode the mashdict.
decoder : (a -> Maybe String) -> D.Decoder a -> D.Decoder (Mashdict a)
decoder f xDecoder =
D.keyValuePairs xDecoder
|> D.andThen
(\items ->
if List.all (\( hash, value ) -> f value == Just hash) items then
|> Dict.fromList
|> (\d -> { hash = f, values = d })
|> Mashdict
|> D.succeed
|||| "Hash function fails to properly hash all values"
{-| Create an empty mashdict.
empty : (a -> Maybe String) -> Mashdict a
empty hash =
Mashdict { hash = hash, values = Dict.empty }
{-| Encode a Mashdict into a JSON value. Keep in mind that an Elm function
cannot be universally converted to JSON, so it is up to you to preserve that
hash function!
encode : (a -> E.Value) -> Mashdict a -> E.Value
encode encodeX (Mashdict h) =
|> Dict.toList
|> (Tuple.mapSecond encodeX)
|> E.object
{-| Convert an association list into a mashdict.
fromList : (a -> Maybe String) -> List a -> Mashdict a
fromList hash xs =
{ hash = hash
, values =
|> List.filterMap (\x -> hash x |> (\hx -> ( hx, x )))
|> Dict.fromList
{-| Get the value associated with a hash. If the hash is not found, return
`Nothing`. This is useful when you are not sure if a hash will be in the
get : String -> Mashdict a -> Maybe a
get k (Mashdict h) =
Dict.get k h.values
{-| Insert a value into a mashdict. The key is automatically generated by the
hash function. If the function generates a collision, it replaces the existing
value in the mashdict. If the function returns `Nothing`, the value isn't
inserted and the original Mashdict is returned.
insert : a -> Mashdict a -> Mashdict a
insert v (Mashdict h) =
case h.hash v of
Just hash ->
Mashdict { h | values = Dict.insert hash v h.values }
Nothing ->
Mashdict h
{-| Determine if a mashdict is empty.
isEmpty : Mashdict a -> Bool
isEmpty (Mashdict h) =
Dict.isEmpty h.values
{-| Since the Hashdict contains a hash function, the == operator does not work
simply. Instead, you should use the isEqual operator.
isEqual : Mashdict a -> Mashdict a -> Bool
isEqual h1 h2 =
toList h1 == toList h2
{-| Get all of the hashes in a mashdict, sorted from lowest to highest.
keys : Mashdict a -> List String
keys (Mashdict h) =
Dict.keys h.values
{-| Determine if a value's hash is in a mashdict.
member : a -> Mashdict a -> Bool
member value (Mashdict h) =
h.hash value
|> (\key -> Dict.member key h.values)
|> Maybe.withDefault False
{-| Determine if a hash is in a mashdict.
memberKey : String -> Mashdict a -> Bool
memberKey key (Mashdict h) =
Dict.member key h.values
{-| Remap a mashdict using a new hashing algorithm.
rehash : (a -> Maybe String) -> Mashdict a -> Mashdict a
rehash f (Mashdict h) =
{ hash = f
, values =
|> Dict.values
|> List.filterMap
(\v -> (\hash -> ( hash, v )) (f v))
|> Dict.fromList
{-| Remove a value from a mashdict. If the value's hash is found, the key-value
pair is removed. If the value's hash is not found, no changes are made.
hdict |> Mashdict.remove (Event "Graduation party" 8 (Just "park"))
remove : a -> Mashdict a -> Mashdict a
remove v (Mashdict h) =
case h.hash v of
Just hash ->
Mashdict { h | values = Dict.remove hash h.values }
Nothing ->
Mashdict h
{-| Remove a key from a mashdict. If the key is not found, no changes are made.
hdict |> Mashdict.removeKey "park"
removeKey : String -> Mashdict a -> Mashdict a
removeKey k (Mashdict h) =
Mashdict { h | values = Dict.remove k h.values }
{-| Create a mashdict with a single key-value pair.
singleton : (a -> Maybe String) -> a -> Mashdict a
singleton f v =
empty f |> insert v
{-| Determine the number of values in a mashdict.
size : Mashdict a -> Int
size (Mashdict h) =
Dict.size h.values
{-| Decode a mashdict from a JSON value. If you cannot deduce the originally
used hash function, (or if you simply do not care) you can use this function to
decode and rehash the Mashdict using your new hash function.
softDecoder : (a -> Maybe String) -> D.Decoder a -> D.Decoder (Mashdict a)
softDecoder f xDecoder =
D.keyValuePairs xDecoder
|> ( Tuple.second >> fromList f)
{-| Convert a mashdict into an association list of key-value pairs, sorted by
toList : Mashdict a -> List ( String, a )
toList (Mashdict h) =
Dict.toList h.values
{-| Combine two mashdicts under the hash function of the first. If there is a
collision, preference is given to the first mashdict.
union : Mashdict a -> Mashdict a -> Mashdict a
union (Mashdict h1) hd2 =
case rehash h1.hash hd2 of
Mashdict h2 ->
{ hash = h1.hash
, values = Dict.union h1.values h2.values
{-| Get all values stored in the mashdict, in the order of their keys.
values : Mashdict a -> List a
values (Mashdict h) =
Dict.values h.values
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
module Internal.Values.StateManager exposing
( StateManager
, empty, singleton, insert, remove, append
, isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
, keys, values, fromList, toList
, encode, decoder
{-| The StateManager tracks the room state based on events, their event types
and the optional state keys they provide. Instead of making the user loop
through the room's timeline of events, the StateManager offers the user a
dictionary-like experience to navigate through the Matrix room state.
## Dictionaries
@docs StateManager
## Build
@docs empty, singleton, insert, remove, append
## Query
@docs isEmpty, member, memberKey, get, size, isEqual
## Lists
@docs keys, values, fromList, toList
## JSON coders
@docs encode, decoder
import FastDict as Dict exposing (Dict)
import Internal.Tools.Mashdict as Mashdict exposing (Mashdict)
import Internal.Values.Event as Event exposing (Event)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
{-| The StateManager manages the room state by gathering events and looking at
their details.
type StateManager
= StateManager (Dict String (Mashdict Event))
{-| Add a new statemanager on top of an existing StateManager. This can be
useful when trying to calculate a room state based on two already existing
append : StateManager -> StateManager -> StateManager
append sm2 sm1 =
List.foldl insert sm1 (values sm2)
-- {-| Remove any floating empty Mashdicts from ALL keys in the dictionary.
-- -}
-- cleanAll : StateManager -> StateManager
-- cleanAll ((StateManager manager) as sm) =
-- List.foldl cleanKey sm (Dict.keys manager)
{-| To keep the StateManager as simple as possible, you can keep the dictionary
clean by removing any floating empty Mashdicts in the dictionary.
To save time, this function exclusively removes an empty Mashdict at a given
key. This way, you don't need to run a complete clean of a large dictionary
every time you just edit a single key in the dictionary.
cleanKey : String -> StateManager -> StateManager
cleanKey key (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.update key
(\dict ->
if Mashdict.isEmpty dict then
Just dict
|> StateManager
{-| Decode a StateManager from a JSON value.
decoder : D.Decoder StateManager
decoder =
|> Mashdict.decoder .stateKey
|> D.keyValuePairs
|> Dict.fromList
|> StateManager
{-| Create an empty StateManager.
empty : StateManager
empty =
StateManager Dict.empty
{-| Encode a StateManager into a JSON value.
encode : StateManager -> E.Value
encode (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.toCoreDict
|> E.dict identity (Mashdict.encode Event.encode)
{-| Build a StateManager using a list of events.
fromList : List Event -> StateManager
fromList events =
List.foldl insert empty events
{-| Get an event based on its event type and state key. If there is no such
event sent in the room, the function returns `Nothing`.
get : { eventType : String, stateKey : String } -> StateManager -> Maybe Event
get { eventType, stateKey } (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.get eventType
|> Maybe.andThen (Mashdict.get stateKey)
{-| Insert a new event into the state manager. If the event does not have a
state key, it is overlooked.
insert : Event -> StateManager -> StateManager
insert event (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.update
(\typeDict ->
case typeDict of
Nothing ->
Just <| Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
Just md ->
Just <| Mashdict.insert event md
|> StateManager
|> cleanKey event.eventType
{-| Determine whether the StateManager contains any events.
isEmpty : StateManager -> Bool
isEmpty (StateManager manager) =
Dict.isEmpty manager
{-| Since the StateManager's internal structure prevents Elm from making (==)
comparisons, the `isEqual` function allows you to make comparisons that ignore
the incomparable function.
isEqual : StateManager -> StateManager -> Bool
isEqual (StateManager sm1) (StateManager sm2) =
if Dict.size sm1 /= Dict.size sm2 then
else if Dict.keys sm1 /= Dict.keys sm2 then
(\key ->
case ( Dict.get key sm1, Dict.get key sm2 ) of
( Just s1, Just s2 ) ->
Mashdict.isEqual s1 s2
( _, _ ) ->
(Dict.keys sm1)
{-| Retrieve all keys from a StateManager.
keys : StateManager -> List { eventType : String, stateKey : String }
keys (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.toList
(\( eventType, dict ) ->
|> Mashdict.keys
(\stateKey ->
{ eventType = eventType, stateKey = stateKey }
|> List.concat
{-| Determine whether an event is part of the StateManager.
member : Event -> StateManager -> Bool
member event (StateManager manager) =
case Dict.get event.eventType manager of
Just dict ->
Mashdict.member event dict
Nothing ->
{-| Determine whether a given key is part of the StateManager.
memberKey : { eventType : String, stateKey : String } -> StateManager -> Bool
memberKey { eventType, stateKey } (StateManager manager) =
case Dict.get eventType manager of
Just dict ->
Mashdict.memberKey stateKey dict
Nothing ->
{-| Get a StateManager without a given event in it. If the StateManager already
doesn't have the event, nothing changes.
remove : Event -> StateManager -> StateManager
remove event (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.update event.eventType ( (Mashdict.remove event))
|> StateManager
|> cleanKey event.eventType
{-| Create a StateManager that contains a single event.
singleton : Event -> StateManager
singleton event =
insert event empty
{-| Determine the StateManager's size by the amount of events.
size : StateManager -> Int
size (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.values
|> Mashdict.size
|> List.sum
{-| Transform the StateManager to a list of events.
toList : StateManager -> List Event
toList =
{-| Get the values from the StateManager, ordered by their event type (and by
their state key, if multiple events are of the same event type).
values : StateManager -> List Event
values (StateManager manager) =
|> Dict.values
|> Mashdict.values
|> List.concat
@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
module Test.Tools.Hashdict exposing (..)
import Expect
import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer)
import Internal.Tools.Hashdict as Hashdict exposing (Hashdict)
import Internal.Values.Event as Event
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Values.Event as TestEvent
fuzzer : (a -> String) -> Fuzzer a -> Fuzzer (Hashdict a)
fuzzer toHash fuz =
|||| (Hashdict.fromList toHash) (Fuzz.list fuz)
eventFuzzer : Fuzzer (Hashdict Event.Event)
eventFuzzer =
fuzzer .eventId TestEvent.fuzzer
suite : Test
suite =
describe "Hashdict"
[ describe "empty"
[ test "empty isEmpty"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.isEmpty
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"Nothing is member"
(\event ->
Hashdict.empty .eventId
|> Hashdict.member event
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz Fuzz.string
"No key is member"
(\key ->
Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.memberKey key
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz Fuzz.string
"Get gets Nothing"
(\key ->
Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.get key
|> Expect.equal Nothing
, test "Size is zero"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.size
|> Expect.equal 0
|> always
, test "No keys"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.keys
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "No values"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.values
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "To list is []"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.toList
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "From list is empty"
|> Hashdict.fromList (\x -> x)
|> Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.empty identity)
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, test "Empty + empty == empty"
(Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.union (Hashdict.empty String.toUpper)
|> Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.empty String.toLower)
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, fuzz (Fuzz.intRange 0 10)
"JSON encode -> JSON decode"
(\indent ->
Hashdict.empty identity
|> Hashdict.encode E.string
|> E.encode indent
|> D.decodeString (Hashdict.decoder identity D.string)
|> (Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.empty String.toUpper))
|> Expect.equal (Ok True)
, describe "singleton"
[ fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"singletong = empty + insert"
(\event ->
Hashdict.empty .eventId
|> Hashdict.insert event
|> Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.singleton .eventId event)
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"Singleton - event = empty"
(\event ->
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.remove event
|> Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.empty .sender)
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"Singletong - event (key) = empty"
(\event ->
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.removeKey event.eventId
|> Hashdict.isEqual (Hashdict.empty .sender)
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"not isEmpty"
(\event ->
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.isEmpty
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
(\event ->
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.member event
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
(\event ->
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.memberKey event.eventId
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"False memberKey"
(\event ->
if event.eventId == event.roomId then
Hashdict.singleton .eventId event
|> Hashdict.memberKey event.roomId
|> Expect.equal False
, describe "JSON"
[ fuzz2 eventFuzzer
(Fuzz.intRange 0 10)
"JSON encode -> JSON decode"
(\hashdict indent ->
|> Hashdict.encode Event.encode
|> E.encode indent
|> D.decodeString (Hashdict.decoder .eventId Event.decoder)
|> Hashdict.toList
|> Expect.equal (Ok <| Hashdict.toList hashdict)
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
module Test.Tools.Mashdict exposing (..)
import Expect
import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer)
import Internal.Tools.Mashdict as Mashdict exposing (Mashdict)
import Internal.Values.Event as Event
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Values.Event as TestEvent
fuzzer : (a -> Maybe String) -> Fuzzer a -> Fuzzer (Mashdict a)
fuzzer toHash fuz =
|||| (Mashdict.fromList toHash) (Fuzz.list fuz)
eventFuzzer : Fuzzer (Mashdict Event.Event)
eventFuzzer =
fuzzer .stateKey TestEvent.fuzzer
suite : Test
suite =
describe "Mashdict"
[ describe "empty"
[ test "empty isEmpty"
(Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.isEmpty
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"Nothing is member"
(\event ->
Mashdict.empty .stateKey
|> Mashdict.member event
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz Fuzz.string
"No key is member"
(\key ->
Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.memberKey key
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz Fuzz.string
"Get gets Nothing"
(\key ->
Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.get key
|> Expect.equal Nothing
, test "Size is zero"
(Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.size
|> Expect.equal 0
|> always
, test "No keys"
(Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.keys
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "No values"
(Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.values
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "To list is []"
(Mashdict.empty identity
|> Mashdict.toList
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "From list is empty"
|> Mashdict.fromList (\x -> x)
|> Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.empty identity)
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, test "Empty + empty == empty"
(Mashdict.empty Maybe.Just
|> Mashdict.union (Mashdict.empty Maybe.Just)
|> Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.empty Maybe.Just)
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, fuzz (Fuzz.intRange 0 10)
"JSON encode -> JSON decode"
(\indent ->
Mashdict.empty Just
|> Mashdict.encode E.string
|> E.encode indent
|> D.decodeString (Mashdict.decoder Just D.string)
|> (Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.empty Just))
|> Expect.equal (Ok True)
, describe "singleton"
[ fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"singleton = empty + insert"
(\event ->
Mashdict.empty .stateKey
|> Mashdict.insert event
|> Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event)
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"singleton - event = empty"
(\event ->
Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.remove event
|> Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.empty (always Nothing))
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"singleton - event (key) = empty"
(\event ->
case event.stateKey of
Just key ->
Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.removeKey key
|> Mashdict.isEqual (Mashdict.empty .stateKey)
|> Expect.equal True
Nothing ->
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"Only isEmpty when not Nothing"
(\event ->
(case event.stateKey of
Just _ ->
Nothing ->
|> Mashdict.singleton .stateKey
|> Mashdict.isEmpty
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
(\event ->
(case event.stateKey of
Just _ ->
Nothing ->
(Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.member event
, fuzz2 TestEvent.fuzzer
(\event rkey ->
case event.stateKey of
Just key ->
Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.memberKey key
|> Expect.equal True
Nothing ->
Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.memberKey rkey
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"False memberKey"
(\event ->
if event.stateKey == Just event.roomId then
Mashdict.singleton .stateKey event
|> Mashdict.memberKey event.roomId
|> Expect.equal False
, describe "JSON"
[ fuzz2 eventFuzzer
(Fuzz.intRange 0 10)
"JSON encode -> JSON decode"
(\hashdict indent ->
|> Mashdict.encode Event.encode
|> E.encode indent
|> D.decodeString (Mashdict.decoder .stateKey Event.decoder)
|> Mashdict.toList
|> Expect.equal (Ok <| Mashdict.toList hashdict)
@ -20,6 +20,23 @@ fuzzer =
(Fuzz.maybe unsignedDataFuzzer)
{-| Fuzzer for an event with a set state key
fuzzerState : Fuzzer Event
fuzzerState =
(\event default ->
{ event
| stateKey =
|> Maybe.withDefault default
|> Maybe.Just
unsignedDataFuzzer : Fuzzer Event.UnsignedData
unsignedDataFuzzer =
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
module Test.Values.StateManager exposing (..)
import Expect
import Fuzz exposing (Fuzzer)
import Internal.Values.StateManager as StateManager exposing (StateManager)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Test exposing (..)
import Test.Values.Event as TestEvent
fuzzer : Fuzzer StateManager
fuzzer =
|> Fuzz.list
|> StateManager.fromList
fuzzerKey : Fuzzer { eventType : String, stateKey : String }
fuzzerKey =
(\a b -> { eventType = a, stateKey = b })
suite : Test
suite =
describe "StateManager"
[ describe "empty"
[ test "empty isEmpty"
|> StateManager.isEmpty
|> Expect.equal True
|> always
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzer
"empty has no member"
(\event ->
|> StateManager.member event
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz fuzzerKey
"empty has no memberKey"
(\key ->
|> StateManager.memberKey key
|> Expect.equal False
, fuzz fuzzerKey
"Empty gets Nothing"
(\key ->
|> StateManager.get key
|> Expect.equal Nothing
, test "Empty has no keys"
|> StateManager.keys
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "Empty has no values"
|> StateManager.values
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "toList empty equals []"
|> StateManager.toList
|> Expect.equal []
|> always
, test "fromList [] equals empty"
|> StateManager.fromList
|> Expect.equal StateManager.empty
|> always
, test "JSON encode -> JSON decode remains empty"
|> StateManager.encode
|> E.encode 0
|> D.decodeString StateManager.decoder
|> Expect.equal (Ok StateManager.empty)
|> always
, describe "singleton"
[ fuzz TestEvent.fuzzerState
"singleton = empty + event"
(\event ->
|> StateManager.insert event
|> StateManager.isEqual (StateManager.singleton event)
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzerState
"singleton - event = empty"
(\event ->
StateManager.singleton event
|> StateManager.remove event
|> StateManager.isEqual StateManager.empty
|> Expect.equal True
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzerState
"singleton has one member"
(\event ->
StateManager.singleton event
|> StateManager.member event
|> Expect.equal True
-- , fuzz2 TestEvent.fuzzerState TestEvent.fuzzerState
-- "singleton has no other members"
-- (\e1 e2 ->
-- if (Debug.log "To compare" e1) == e2 then
-- Expect.pass
-- else
-- ()
-- |> Debug.log "Not equal"
-- |> always (StateManager.singleton e1)
-- |> StateManager.member e2
-- |> Expect.equal False
-- )
, fuzz TestEvent.fuzzerState
"singleton has one value"
(\event ->
StateManager.singleton event
|> StateManager.values
|> Expect.equal [ event ]
-- Write other tests here
Reference in New Issue