Finish /login API endpoint
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Api exposing (Phantom)
module Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Api exposing (Phantom, loginWithUsernameAndPassword)
@ -7,24 +7,52 @@ module Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Api exposing (Phantom)
This module allows the user to log in using a username and password.
This module allows the user to log in using a username and password.
@docs Phantom
@docs Phantom, loginWithUsernameAndPassword
import Internal.Api.Api as A
import Internal.Api.Api as A
import Internal.Api.Request as R
import Internal.Api.Request as R
import Internal.Config.Leaks as L
import Internal.Tools.Json as Json
import Internal.Tools.Json as Json
import Internal.Values.Context as Context
import Internal.Values.Context as Context
import Internal.Values.Envelope as E
import Internal.Values.Envelope as E
import Internal.Values.User as User exposing (User)
import Internal.Values.User as User exposing (User)
import Internal.Values.Vault as V
import Json.Encode as E
loginWithUsernameAndPassword : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput -> A.TaskChain (Phantom a) (Phantom { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPassword =
A.startWithVersion "r0.0.0" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1
|> A.sameForVersion "r0.0.1"
|> A.sameForVersion "r0.1.0"
|> A.sameForVersion "r0.2.0"
|> A.forVersion "r0.3.0" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV2
|> A.forVersion "r0.4.0" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV3
|> A.forVersion "r0.5.0" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV4
|> A.sameForVersion "r0.6.0"
|> A.sameForVersion "r0.6.1"
|> A.forVersion "v1.1" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV5
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.2"
|> A.forVersion "v1.3" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV6
|> A.forVersion "v1.4" loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV7
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.5"
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.6"
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.7"
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.8"
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.9"
|> A.sameForVersion "v1.10"
|> A.versionChain
type alias Phantom a =
type alias Phantom a =
{ a | baseUrl : (), versions : () }
{ a | baseUrl : (), versions : () }
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPassword =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput =
{ deviceId : Maybe String
{ deviceId : Maybe String
, enableRefreshToken : Maybe Bool
, initialDeviceDisplayName : Maybe String
, initialDeviceDisplayName : Maybe String
, password : String
, password : String
, username : String
, username : String
@ -47,25 +75,96 @@ type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV2 a =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV3 a =
{ a
| deviceId : Maybe String
, enableRefreshToken : Maybe Bool
, initialDeviceDisplayName : Maybe String
, password : String
, username : String
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV1 =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV1 =
{ accessToken : String
{ accessToken : String -- Even though it is not required, we do not want it to be omitted.
, homeserver : String
, homeserver : String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
, user : User
, user : Maybe User
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV2 =
{ accessToken : String -- Even though it is not required, we do not want it to be omitted.
, deviceId : Maybe String
, homeserver : String
, user : Maybe User
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV3 =
{ accessToken : String -- Even though it is not required, we do not want it to be omitted.
, deviceId : Maybe String
, homeserver : Maybe String
, user : Maybe User
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV4 =
{ accessToken : String -- Even though it is not required, we do not want it to be omitted.
, deviceId : Maybe String
, homeserver : Maybe String
, user : Maybe User
, wellKnown : Maybe DiscoveryInformationV1
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV5 =
{ accessToken : String -- Even though it is not required, we do not want it to be omitted.
, deviceId : Maybe String
, expiresInMs : Maybe Int
, homeserver : Maybe String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
, user : Maybe User
, wellKnown : Maybe DiscoveryInformationV1
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV6 =
{ accessToken : String
, deviceId : String
, expiresInMs : Maybe Int
, homeserver : Maybe String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
, user : User
, wellKnown : Maybe DiscoveryInformationV1
type alias DiscoveryInformationV1 =
{ homeserver : HomeserverInformation
, identityServer : Maybe IdentityServerInformation
type alias HomeserverInformation =
{ baseUrl : String }
type alias IdentityServerInformation =
{ baseUrl : String }
type alias PhantomV1 a =
type alias PhantomV1 a =
{ a | baseUrl : (), now : () }
{ a | baseUrl : (), now : () }
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV1 a -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV1 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 { username, password } context =
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 { username, password } context =
{ attributes =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyString "password" password
[ R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "username" username
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
@ -84,6 +183,304 @@ loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 { username, password } context =
, refresh = out.refreshToken
, refresh = out.refreshToken
, value = out.accessToken
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV2 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV2 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV2 { deviceId, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "string" -- Yup. That's what it says.
, coder = coderV2
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "r0", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = Nothing
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = Nothing
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, out.deviceId
|> E.SetDeviceId
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV3 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV2 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV3 { deviceId, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "address" Nothing
, R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyValue "identifier"
[ ( "type", E.string "" )
, ( "user", E.string username )
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
, coder = coderV3
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "r0", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = Nothing
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = Nothing
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, out.deviceId
|> E.SetDeviceId
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV4 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV2 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV4 { deviceId, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "address" Nothing
, R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyValue "identifier"
[ ( "type", E.string "" )
, ( "user", E.string username )
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
, coder = coderV4
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "r0", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = Nothing
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = Nothing
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, out.wellKnown
|> (.homeserver >> .baseUrl)
|> E.SetBaseUrl
|> E.Optional
, out.deviceId
|> E.SetDeviceId
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV5 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV2 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV5 { deviceId, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "address" Nothing
, R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyValue "identifier"
[ ( "type", E.string "" )
, ( "user", E.string username )
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
, coder = coderV4
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "v3", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = Nothing
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = Nothing
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, out.wellKnown
|> (.homeserver >> .baseUrl)
|> E.SetBaseUrl
|> E.Optional
, out.deviceId
|> E.SetDeviceId
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV6 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV3 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV6 { deviceId, enableRefreshToken, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "address" Nothing
, R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyValue "identifier"
[ ( "type", E.string "" )
, ( "user", E.string username )
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyOpBool "refresh_token" enableRefreshToken
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
, coder = coderV5
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "v3", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = out.expiresInMs
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = out.refreshToken
, value = out.accessToken
, out.user
|> (V.SetUser >> E.ContentUpdate)
|> E.Optional
, out.wellKnown
|> (.homeserver >> .baseUrl)
|> E.SetBaseUrl
|> E.Optional
, out.deviceId
|> E.SetDeviceId
|> E.Optional
, []
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV7 : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV3 i -> A.TaskChain (PhantomV1 a) (PhantomV1 { a | accessToken : () })
loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV7 { deviceId, enableRefreshToken, initialDeviceDisplayName, username, password } context =
{ attributes =
[ R.bodyOpString "address" Nothing
, R.bodyOpString "device_id" deviceId
, R.bodyValue "identifier"
[ ( "type", E.string "" )
, ( "user", E.string username )
, R.bodyOpString "initial_device_display_name" initialDeviceDisplayName
, R.bodyString "password" password
, R.bodyOpBool "refresh_token" enableRefreshToken
, R.bodyString "type" "m.login.password"
, R.bodyString "user" username
, R.onStatusCode 400 "M_UNKNOWN"
, R.onStatusCode 403 "M_FORBIDDEN"
, R.onStatusCode 429 "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
, coder = coderV6
, method = "POST"
, path = [ "_matrix", "client", "v3", "login" ]
, contextChange =
\out -> Context.setAccessToken out.accessToken
, toUpdate =
\out ->
( E.More
[ E.SetAccessToken
{ created = Context.getNow context
, expiryMs = out.expiresInMs
, lastUsed = Context.getNow context
, refresh = out.refreshToken
, value = out.accessToken
, E.ContentUpdate (V.SetUser out.user)
, out.wellKnown
|> (.homeserver >> .baseUrl)
|> E.SetBaseUrl
|> E.Optional
, E.SetDeviceId out.deviceId
, []
, []
@ -128,6 +525,300 @@ coderV1 =
, coder = Json.string
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, description =
[ "The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered."
, coder = User.coder
coderV2 : Json.Coder LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV2
coderV2 =
{ name = "Login Response"
, description =
[ "Authenticates the user by password, and issues an access token they can use to authorize themself in subsequent requests."
, ""
, init = LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV2
{ fieldName = "access_token"
, toField = .accessToken
, description =
[ "An access token for the account. This access token can then be used to authorize other requests."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "device_id"
, toField = .deviceId
, description =
[ "ID of the logged-in device. Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "home_server"
, toField = .homeserver
, description =
[ "The hostname of the homeserver on which the account has been registered."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, description =
[ "The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered."
, coder = User.coder
coderV3 : Json.Coder LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV3
coderV3 =
{ name = "Login Response"
, description =
[ "Authenticates the user by password, and issues an access token they can use to authorize themself in subsequent requests."
, ""
, init = LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV3
{ fieldName = "access_token"
, toField = .accessToken
, description =
[ "An access token for the account. This access token can then be used to authorize other requests."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "device_id"
, toField = .deviceId
, description =
[ "ID of the logged-in device. Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "home_server"
, toField = .homeserver
, description =
[ "The hostname of the homeserver on which the account has been registered."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, description =
[ "The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered."
, coder = User.coder
coderV4 : Json.Coder LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV4
coderV4 =
{ name = "Login Response"
, description =
[ "Authenticates the user by password, and issues an access token they can use to authorize themself in subsequent requests."
, ""
, init = LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV4
{ fieldName = "access_token"
, toField = .accessToken
, description =
[ "An access token for the account. This access token can then be used to authorize other requests."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "device_id"
, toField = .deviceId
, description =
[ "ID of the logged-in device. Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "home_server"
, toField = .homeserver
, description =
[ "The hostname of the homeserver on which the account has been registered."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, description =
[ "The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered."
, coder = User.coder
{ fieldName = "well_known"
, toField = .wellKnown
, description =
[ "Optional client configuration provided by the server. If present, clients SHOULD use the provided object to reconfigure themselves, optionally validating the URLs within. This object takes the same form as the one returned from .well-known autodiscovery."
, coder = disoveryInformationCoderV1
coderV5 : Json.Coder LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV5
coderV5 =
{ name = "Login Response"
, description =
[ "Authenticates the user by password, and issues an access token they can use to authorize themself in subsequent requests."
, ""
, init = LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV5
{ fieldName = "access_token"
, toField = .accessToken
, description =
[ "An access token for the account. This access token can then be used to authorize other requests."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "device_id"
, toField = .deviceId
, description =
[ "ID of the logged-in device. Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "expires_in_ms"
, toField = .expiresInMs
, description =
[ "The lifetime of the access token, in milliseconds. Once the access token has expired a new access token can be obtained by using the provided refresh token. If no refresh token is provided, the client will need to re-log in to obtain a new access token. If not given, the client can assume that the access token will not expire. "
, coder =
{ fieldName = "home_server"
, toField = .homeserver
, description =
[ "The hostname of the homeserver on which the account has been registered."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "refresh_token"
, toField = .refreshToken
, description =
[ "A refresh token for the account. This token can be used to obtain a new access token when it expires by calling the /refresh endpoint."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, description =
[ "The fully-qualified Matrix ID that has been registered."
, coder = User.coder
{ fieldName = "well_known"
, toField = .wellKnown
, description =
[ "Optional client configuration provided by the server. If present, clients SHOULD use the provided object to reconfigure themselves, optionally validating the URLs within. This object takes the same form as the one returned from .well-known autodiscovery."
, coder = disoveryInformationCoderV1
coderV6 : Json.Coder LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV6
coderV6 =
{ name = "Login Response"
, description =
[ "Authenticates the user by password, and issues an access token they can use to authorize themself in subsequent requests."
, ""
, init = LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV6
{ fieldName = "access_token"
, toField = .accessToken
, description =
[ "An access token for the account. This access token can then be used to authorize other requests."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "device_id"
, toField = .deviceId
, description =
[ "ID of the logged-in device. Will be the same as the corresponding parameter in the request, if one was specified."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "expires_in_ms"
, toField = .expiresInMs
, description =
[ "The lifetime of the access token, in milliseconds. Once the access token has expired a new access token can be obtained by using the provided refresh token. If no refresh token is provided, the client will need to re-log in to obtain a new access token. If not given, the client can assume that the access token will not expire. "
, coder =
{ fieldName = "home_server"
, toField = .homeserver
, description =
[ "The hostname of the homeserver on which the account has been registered."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "refresh_token"
, toField = .refreshToken
, description =
[ "A refresh token for the account. This token can be used to obtain a new access token when it expires by calling the /refresh endpoint."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "user_id"
{ fieldName = "user_id"
, toField = .user
, toField = .user
@ -137,3 +828,97 @@ coderV1 =
, coder = User.coder
, coder = User.coder
{ fieldName = "well_known"
, toField = .wellKnown
, description =
[ "Optional client configuration provided by the server. If present, clients SHOULD use the provided object to reconfigure themselves, optionally validating the URLs within. This object takes the same form as the one returned from .well-known autodiscovery."
, coder = disoveryInformationCoderV1
disoveryInformationCoderV1 : Json.Coder DiscoveryInformationV1
disoveryInformationCoderV1 =
{ name = "Discovery Information"
, description =
[ "Gets discovery information about the domain. The file may include additional keys, which MUST follow the Java package naming convention, e.g. This ensures property names are suitably namespaced for each application and reduces the risk of clashes."
, "Note that this endpoint is not necessarily handled by the homeserver, but by another webserver, to be used for discovering the homeserver URL."
, ""
, init = DiscoveryInformationV1
{ fieldName = "m.homeserver"
, toField = .homeserver
, coder =
{ name = "Homeserver Information"
, description =
[ "Used by clients to discover homeserver information."
, init = \a _ -> { baseUrl = a }
{ fieldName = "base_url"
, toField = .baseUrl
, description =
[ "The base URL for the homeserver for client-server connections."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = L.field
, toField = always Nothing
, description =
[ "The Elm SDK always expects objects to have at least two fields."
, "Otherwise, what's the point of hiding the value in an object?"
, "For this reason, this empty placeholder key will always be ignored."
, coder = Json.value
, description =
[ "Used by clients to discover homeserver information."
{ fieldName = "m.identity_server"
, toField = .identityServer
, coder =
{ name = "Homeserver Information"
, description =
[ "Used by clients to discover homeserver information."
, init = \a _ -> { baseUrl = a }
{ fieldName = "base_url"
, toField = .baseUrl
, description =
[ "The base URL for the homeserver for client-server connections."
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = L.field
, toField = always Nothing
, description =
[ "The Elm SDK always expects objects to have at least two fields."
, "Otherwise, what's the point of hiding the value in an object?"
, "For this reason, this empty placeholder key will always be ignored."
, coder = Json.value
, description =
[ "Used by clients to discover identity server information."
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ static and hence can be passed on easily.
type alias Context =
type alias Context =
{ accessTokens : Hashdict AccessToken
{ accessTokens : Hashdict AccessToken
, baseUrl : Maybe String
, baseUrl : Maybe String
, deviceId : Maybe String
, now : Maybe Timestamp
, now : Maybe Timestamp
, password : Maybe String
, password : Maybe String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
, refreshToken : Maybe String
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ fromApiFormat (APIContext c) =
coder : Json.Coder Context
coder : Json.Coder Context
coder =
coder =
{ name =
{ name =
, description =
, description =
, init = Context
, init = Context
@ -158,6 +159,13 @@ coder =
, coder = Json.string
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "deviceId"
, toField = .deviceId
, description = Debug.todo "Needs docs"
, coder = Json.string
{ fieldName = "now"
{ fieldName = "now"
, toField = .now
, toField = .now
@ -275,6 +283,7 @@ init : String -> Context
init sn =
init sn =
{ accessTokens = Hashdict.empty .value
{ accessTokens = Hashdict.empty .value
, baseUrl = Nothing
, baseUrl = Nothing
, deviceId = Nothing
, now = Nothing
, now = Nothing
, refreshToken = Nothing
, refreshToken = Nothing
, password = Nothing
, password = Nothing
@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ type EnvelopeUpdate a
= ContentUpdate a
= ContentUpdate a
| HttpRequest (Request.Request ( Request.Error, List Log ) ( EnvelopeUpdate a, List Log ))
| HttpRequest (Request.Request ( Request.Error, List Log ) ( EnvelopeUpdate a, List Log ))
| More (List (EnvelopeUpdate a))
| More (List (EnvelopeUpdate a))
| Optional (Maybe (EnvelopeUpdate a))
| RemoveAccessToken String
| RemoveAccessToken String
| SetAccessToken AccessToken
| SetAccessToken AccessToken
| SetBaseUrl String
| SetBaseUrl String
| SetDeviceId String
| SetRefreshToken String
| SetRefreshToken String
| SetVersions Versions
| SetVersions Versions
@ -298,6 +300,12 @@ update updateContent eu ({ context } as data) =
More items ->
More items ->
List.foldl (update updateContent) data items
List.foldl (update updateContent) data items
Optional (Just u) ->
update updateContent u data
Optional Nothing ->
RemoveAccessToken token ->
RemoveAccessToken token ->
{ data | context = { context | accessTokens = Hashdict.removeKey token context.accessTokens } }
{ data | context = { context | accessTokens = Hashdict.removeKey token context.accessTokens } }
@ -307,6 +315,9 @@ update updateContent eu ({ context } as data) =
SetBaseUrl b ->
SetBaseUrl b ->
{ data | context = { context | baseUrl = Just b } }
{ data | context = { context | baseUrl = Just b } }
SetDeviceId d ->
{ data | context = { context | deviceId = Just d } }
SetRefreshToken r ->
SetRefreshToken r ->
{ data | context = { context | refreshToken = Just r } }
{ data | context = { context | refreshToken = Just r } }
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import Internal.Config.Text as Text
import Internal.Tools.Hashdict as Hashdict exposing (Hashdict)
import Internal.Tools.Hashdict as Hashdict exposing (Hashdict)
import Internal.Tools.Json as Json
import Internal.Tools.Json as Json
import Internal.Values.Room as Room exposing (Room)
import Internal.Values.Room as Room exposing (Room)
import Internal.Values.User as User exposing (User)
{-| This is the Vault type.
{-| This is the Vault type.
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import Internal.Values.Room as Room exposing (Room)
type alias Vault =
type alias Vault =
{ accountData : Dict String Json.Value
{ accountData : Dict String Json.Value
, rooms : Hashdict Room
, rooms : Hashdict Room
, user : User
@ -57,11 +59,12 @@ type VaultUpdate
| MapRoom String Room.RoomUpdate
| MapRoom String Room.RoomUpdate
| More (List VaultUpdate)
| More (List VaultUpdate)
| SetAccountData String Json.Value
| SetAccountData String Json.Value
| SetUser User
coder : Json.Coder Vault
coder : Json.Coder Vault
coder =
coder =
{ name =
{ name =
, description =
, description =
, init = Vault
, init = Vault
@ -80,6 +83,13 @@ coder =
, coder = Hashdict.coder .roomId Room.coder
, coder = Hashdict.coder .roomId Room.coder
{ fieldName = "user"
, toField = .user
, description = Debug.todo "Needs description"
, coder = User.coder
{-| Get a given room by its room id.
{-| Get a given room by its room id.
@ -136,3 +146,6 @@ update vu vault =
SetAccountData key value ->
SetAccountData key value ->
setAccountData key value vault
setAccountData key value vault
SetUser user ->
{ vault | user = user }
Reference in New Issue