Add final features to JSON coder module

Bram 2024-01-19 16:21:41 +01:00
parent 3f08e4a3e7
commit 28d2a17a10
2 changed files with 160 additions and 723 deletions

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@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
module Internal.Tools.Decode exposing
( Decoder, string, bool, int, float
, nullable, list, slowDict, fastDict, keyValuePairs
, field, at, index, opField, opFieldWithDefault
, maybe, oneOf
, map, map2, map3, map4, map5, map6, map7, map8, map9, map10, map11
, lazy, value, null, succeed, fail, andThen
, pString, pBool, pInt, pList
# Advanced security Json.Decode
This module extends the standard JSON encode / decode library for security
measures. Most Elm libraries do not access an API this often without insight
for the user, and hence this module aims to offer the user more insight into
what is going on.
Additionally, the decoder will warn for suspicious values, and provide helpful
errors when the JSON fails to decode.
## Primitives
@docs Decoder, string, bool, int, float
## Data structures
@docs nullable, list, slowDict, fastDict, keyValuePairs
## Object primitives
@docs field, at, index, opField, opFieldWithDefault
## Inconsistent structure
@docs maybe, oneOf
## Mapping
@docs map, map2, map3, map4, map5, map6, map7, map8, map9, map10, map11
## Fancy decoding
@docs lazy, value, null, succeed, fail, andThen
## Phantom decoding
Phantom decoders allow you to create phantom types of standard Elm types.
@docs pString, pBool, pInt, pList
import Dict as SDict
import FastDict as FDict
import Internal.Config.Leaks as L
import Internal.Config.Log as Log
import Internal.Config.Phantom as Phantom
import Internal.Config.Text as Text
import Internal.Tools.DecodeExtra as D
import Json.Decode as D
import Set
{-| A value that knows how to decode JSON values.
type alias Decoder a =
D.Decoder { content : a, messages : List ( String, String ) }
{-| Create decoders that depend on previous results.
andThen : (a -> Decoder b) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b
andThen func =
(\a ->
(\b -> { b | messages = a.messages ++ b.messages })
(func a.content)
{-| Decode a nested JSON object, requiring certain fields.
at : List String -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
at =
{-| Decode a JSON boolean into an Elm bool.
bool : Decoder Bool
bool = empty D.bool
{-| Initialize a standard object for the decoder.
empty : a -> { content : a, messages : List ( String, String ) }
empty x =
{ content = x, messages = [] }
{-| Ignore the JSON and make the decoder fail.
fail : String -> Decoder a
fail =
{-| Decode a JSON object into a fast Elm dict from miniBill/elm-fast-dict.
fastDict : Decoder a -> Decoder (FDict.Dict String a)
fastDict x =
keyValuePairs x
|> andThen
(\pairs ->
dict =
FDict.fromList pairs
oldLength =
List.length pairs
newLength =
FDict.size dict
if oldLength == newLength then
succeed dict
{ content = dict
, messages =
[ ( Log.warn, Text.decodedDictSize oldLength newLength ) ]
{-| Decode a JSON object, requiring a particular field.
field : String -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
field =
{-| Decode a JSON number into an Elm flaot.
float : Decoder Float
float = empty D.float
{-| Decode a JSON array, requiring a particular index.
index : Int -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
index =
{-| Decode a JSON number into an Elm int.
int : Decoder Int
int = empty
{-| Decode a JSON object into a list of pairs.
keyValuePairs : Decoder a -> Decoder (List ( String, a ))
keyValuePairs x =
(\result ->
{ content = (Tuple.mapSecond .content) result
, messages =
|> Tuple.second
|> .messages
|> List.concat
(D.keyValuePairs x)
{-| Sometimes you have JSON with recursive structure, like nested comments.
You can use `lazy` to make sure your decoder unrolls lazily.
lazy : (() -> Decoder a) -> Decoder a
lazy =
{-| Decode a JSON array into an Elm list.
list : Decoder a -> Decoder (List a)
list x =
(\result ->
{ content = .content result
, messages =
|> .messages
|> List.concat
(D.list x)
{-| Transform a decoder.
map : (a -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder value
map func da =
(\a ->
{ content = func a.content
, messages = a.messages
{-| Try two decoders and combine the result.
map2 : (a -> b -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder value
map2 func da db =
(\a b ->
{ content = func a.content b.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
{-| Try three decoders and combine the result.
map3 : (a -> b -> c -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder value
map3 func da db dc =
(\a b c ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
{-| Try four decoders and combine the result.
map4 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder d -> Decoder value
map4 func da db dc dd =
(\a b c d ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
{-| Try five decoders and combine the result.
map5 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder d -> Decoder e -> Decoder value
map5 func da db dc dd de =
(\a b c d e ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
{-| Try six decoders and combine the result.
map6 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder d -> Decoder e -> Decoder f -> Decoder value
map6 func da db dc dd de df =
(\a b c d e f ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
{-| Try seven decoders and combine the result.
map7 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder d -> Decoder e -> Decoder f -> Decoder g -> Decoder value
map7 func da db dc dd de df dg =
(\a b c d e f g ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content g.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
, g.messages
{-| Try eight decoders and combine the result.
map8 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> value) -> Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder c -> Decoder d -> Decoder e -> Decoder f -> Decoder g -> Decoder h -> Decoder value
map8 func da db dc dd de df dg dh =
(\a b c d e f g h ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content g.content h.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
, g.messages
, h.messages
{-| Try 9 decoders and combine the result.
map9 :
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> value)
-> Decoder a
-> Decoder b
-> Decoder c
-> Decoder d
-> Decoder e
-> Decoder f
-> Decoder g
-> Decoder h
-> Decoder i
-> Decoder value
map9 func da db dc dd de df dg dh di =
(\a b c d e f g ( h, i ) ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content g.content h.content i.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
, g.messages
, h.messages
, i.messages
(D.map2 Tuple.pair dh di)
{-| Try 10 decoders and combine the result.
map10 :
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> value)
-> Decoder a
-> Decoder b
-> Decoder c
-> Decoder d
-> Decoder e
-> Decoder f
-> Decoder g
-> Decoder h
-> Decoder i
-> Decoder j
-> Decoder value
map10 func da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj =
(\a b c d e f ( g, h ) ( i, j ) ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content g.content h.content i.content j.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
, g.messages
, h.messages
, i.messages
, j.messages
(D.map2 Tuple.pair dg dh)
(D.map2 Tuple.pair di dj)
{-| Try 11 decoders and combine the result.
map11 :
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> k -> value)
-> Decoder a
-> Decoder b
-> Decoder c
-> Decoder d
-> Decoder e
-> Decoder f
-> Decoder g
-> Decoder h
-> Decoder i
-> Decoder j
-> Decoder k
-> Decoder value
map11 func da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk =
(\a b c d e ( f, g ) ( h, i ) ( j, k ) ->
{ content = func a.content b.content c.content d.content e.content f.content g.content h.content i.content j.content k.content
, messages =
[ a.messages
, b.messages
, c.messages
, d.messages
, e.messages
, f.messages
, g.messages
, h.messages
, i.messages
, j.messages
, k.messages
(D.map2 Tuple.pair df dg)
(D.map2 Tuple.pair dh di)
(D.map2 Tuple.pair dj dk)
{-| Helpful for dealing with optional fields
maybe : Decoder a -> Decoder (Maybe a)
maybe x =
(\result ->
case result of
Just { content, messages } ->
{ content = Just content, messages = messages }
Nothing ->
empty Nothing
(D.maybe x)
{-| Decode a `null` value into some Elm value.
null : a -> Decoder a
null =
D.null >> empty
{-| Decode a nullable JSON value into an Elm value.
nullable : Decoder a -> Decoder (Maybe a)
nullable x =
(\result ->
case result of
Just { content, messages } ->
{ content = Just content, messages = messages }
Nothing ->
empty Nothing
(D.nullable x)
{-| Try a bunch of different decoders. This can be useful if the JSON may come
in a couple different formats.
oneOf : List (Decoder a) -> Decoder a
oneOf =
{-| Decode a JSON object, requiring a particular field:
- If the field does not exist, the decoder decodes `Nothing`
- If the field DOES exist, the decoder must always return a `Just content` or fail
opField : String -> Decoder a -> Decoder (Maybe a)
opField key x =
(\result ->
case result of
Just { content, messages } ->
{ content = Just content, messages = messages }
Nothing ->
empty Nothing
(D.opField key x)
{-| Decode a JSON object, requiring a particular field or raising a default:
- If the field does not exist, the decoder returns the default
- If the field DOES exist, the decoder must always return value or fail
opFieldWithDefault : String -> a -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
opFieldWithDefault key default x =
opField key x |> map (Maybe.withDefault default)
{-| Transform a JSON boolean into a phantom Elm bool.
pBool : Decoder Bool -> Decoder (Phantom.PBool ph)
pBool =
map Phantom.PBool
{-| Transform a JSON number into a phantom Elm int.
pInt : Decoder Int -> Decoder (Phantom.PInt ph)
pInt =
map Phantom.PInt
{-| Transform a JSON list into a phantom Elm list.
pList : Decoder (List a) -> Decoder (Phantom.PList ph a)
pList =
map Phantom.PList
{-| Transform a JSON string into a phantom Elm string.
pString : Decoder String -> Decoder (Phantom.PString ph)
pString =
map Phantom.PString
{-| Decode a JSON object into an Elm dict.
slowDict : Decoder a -> Decoder (SDict.Dict String a)
slowDict x =
(\result ->
{ content =
|> (Tuple.mapSecond .content)
|> SDict.fromList
, messages =
|> Tuple.second
|> .messages
|> List.concat
(D.keyValuePairs x)
{-| Decode a JSON string into an Elm string.
This decoder also checks for suspicious inputs, such as the
[Leaking values](Internal-Config-Leaks), to look for suspicious inputs.
string : Decoder String
string =
(\content ->
{ content = content
, messages =
if Set.member content L.allLeaks then
[ ( Log.securityWarn, Text.leakingValueFound content )
{-| Ignore the JSON and produce a certain Elm value.
succeed : a -> Decoder a
succeed =
D.succeed >> empty
{-| Do not do anything with a JSON value, just bring it into Elm as a `Value`.
value : Decoder D.Value
value = empty D.value

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
module Internal.Tools.Json exposing module Internal.Tools.Json exposing
( Coder, string, bool, int, float ( Coder, string, bool, int, float, value
, encode, decode , Encoder, encode, Decoder, decode, Value
, succeed, fail, andThen, lazy
, Docs(..), RequiredField(..), toDocs , Docs(..), RequiredField(..), toDocs
, list, slowDict, fastDict, maybe , list, slowDict, fastDict, maybe
, Field, field , Field, field
, object2, object3, object4, object5, object6, object7, object8, object9, object10, object11 , object2, object3, object4, object5, object6, object7, object8, object9, object10, object11
, map
) )
{-| {-|
@ -28,12 +30,17 @@ data types. Because this module uses dynamic builder types, this also means it
is relatively easy to write documentation for any data type that uses this is relatively easy to write documentation for any data type that uses this
module to build its encoders and decoders. module to build its encoders and decoders.
@docs Coder, string, bool, int, float @docs Coder, string, bool, int, float, value
## JSON Coding ## JSON Coding
@docs encode, decode @docs Encoder, encode, Decoder, decode, Value
## Optional coding
@docs succeed, fail, andThen, lazy
## Documentation ## Documentation
@ -109,6 +116,22 @@ type Coder a
} }
type DecodeResult a
= Success ( a, List Log )
| Fail ( String, List Log )
{-| Decoder type that describes the format of a JSON value that can be decoded
as a given type.
type alias Decoder a =
D.Decoder ( a, List Log )
type alias Descriptive a =
{ a | name : String, description : List String }
{-| Structure of JSON documentation. It is up to an external module to turn the {-| Structure of JSON documentation. It is up to an external module to turn the
documentation structure into a readable format. documentation structure into a readable format.
-} -}
@ -117,11 +140,12 @@ type Docs
| DocsDict Docs | DocsDict Docs
| DocsFloat | DocsFloat
| DocsInt | DocsInt
| DocsLazy (() -> Docs)
| DocsList Docs | DocsList Docs
| DocsMap (Descriptive { content : Docs })
| DocsObject | DocsObject
{ name : String (Descriptive
, description : List String { keys :
, keys :
List List
{ field : String { field : String
, description : List String , description : List String
@ -129,8 +153,17 @@ type Docs
, content : Docs , content : Docs
} }
} }
| DocsOptional Docs | DocsOptional Docs
| DocsRiskyMap (Descriptive { content : Docs, failure : List String })
| DocsString | DocsString
| DocsValue
{-| Encoder type that takes an input and converts it to a JSON value.
type alias Encoder a =
a -> E.Value
{-| Value that tells whether an object field is required to be included. If it {-| Value that tells whether an object field is required to be included. If it
@ -143,6 +176,42 @@ type RequiredField
| OptionalFieldWithDefault String | OptionalFieldWithDefault String
type alias Value =
{-| Continue decoding a result. This function tests if it meets the criteria,
and then it manages the results.
andThen : Descriptive { back : b -> a, forth : a -> DecodeResult b, failure : List String } -> Coder a -> Coder b
andThen { name, description, failure, back, forth } (Coder old) =
{ encoder = back >> old.encoder
, decoder =
|> D.andThen
(\result ->
case result of
( out, logs ) ->
case forth out of
Success x ->
|> Tuple.mapSecond (List.append logs)
|> D.succeed
Fail ( f, _ ) -> f
, docs =
{ name = name
, description = description
, content =
, failure = failure
{-| Define a boolean value. {-| Define a boolean value.
-} -}
bool : Coder Bool bool : Coder Bool
@ -190,14 +259,21 @@ encode (Coder data) =
data.encoder data.encoder
{-| Fail a decoder.
fail : String -> List Log -> DecodeResult a
fail reason logs =
Fail ( reason, logs )
{-| Define a fast dict. The dict can only have strings as keys. {-| Define a fast dict. The dict can only have strings as keys.
-} -}
fastDict : Coder value -> Coder (FastDict.Dict String value) fastDict : Coder value -> Coder (FastDict.Dict String value)
fastDict (Coder value) = fastDict (Coder old) =
Coder Coder
{ encoder = FastDict.toCoreDict >> E.dict identity value.encoder { encoder = FastDict.toCoreDict >> E.dict identity old.encoder
, decoder = , decoder =
value.decoder old.decoder
|> D.keyValuePairs |> D.keyValuePairs
|> |>
(\items -> (\items ->
@ -209,7 +285,7 @@ fastDict (Coder value) =
|> List.concatMap Tuple.second |> List.concatMap Tuple.second
) )
) )
, docs = DocsDict , docs = DocsDict
} }
@ -287,8 +363,8 @@ field =
decoder decoder
|> D.opField fieldName |> D.opField fieldName
|> |>
(\value -> (\out ->
case value of case out of
Just ( v, l ) -> Just ( v, l ) ->
( Just v, l ) ( Just v, l )
@ -341,6 +417,25 @@ int =
} }
lazy : (() -> Coder value) -> Coder value
lazy f =
{ encoder =
\v ->
case f () of
Coder old ->
old.encoder v
, decoder =
(\() ->
case f () of
Coder old ->
, docs = DocsLazy (f >> toDocs)
{-| Define a list. {-| Define a list.
-} -}
list : Coder a -> Coder (List a) list : Coder a -> Coder (List a)
@ -360,6 +455,23 @@ list (Coder old) =
} }
{-| Map a value.
Given that the value needs to be both encoded and decoded, the map function
should be invertible.
map : Descriptive { back : b -> a, forth : a -> b } -> Coder a -> Coder b
map { name, description, back, forth } (Coder old) =
{ encoder = back >> old.encoder
, decoder = (Tuple.mapFirst forth) old.decoder
, docs =
{ name = name, description = description, content = }
{-| Define a maybe value. {-| Define a maybe value.
NOTE: most of the time, you wish to avoid this function! Make sure to look at NOTE: most of the time, you wish to avoid this function! Make sure to look at
@ -374,8 +486,8 @@ maybe (Coder old) =
old.decoder old.decoder
|> D.nullable |> D.nullable
|> |>
(\value -> (\out ->
case value of case out of
Just ( v, logs ) -> Just ( v, logs ) ->
( Just v, logs ) ( Just v, logs )
@ -430,7 +542,7 @@ objectEncoder items object =
-} -}
object2 : object2 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Coder object -> Coder object
@ -465,7 +577,7 @@ object2 { name, description, init } fa fb =
{-| Define an object with 3 keys {-| Define an object with 3 keys
-} -}
object3 : object3 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -504,7 +616,7 @@ object3 { name, description, init } fa fb fc =
{-| Define an object with 4 keys {-| Define an object with 4 keys
-} -}
object4 : object4 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -547,7 +659,7 @@ object4 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd =
{-| Define an object with 5 keys {-| Define an object with 5 keys
-} -}
object5 : object5 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -594,7 +706,7 @@ object5 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe =
{-| Define an object with 6 keys {-| Define an object with 6 keys
-} -}
object6 : object6 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -645,7 +757,7 @@ object6 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe ff =
{-| Define an object with 7 keys {-| Define an object with 7 keys
-} -}
object7 : object7 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -700,7 +812,7 @@ object7 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe ff fg =
{-| Define an object with 8 keys {-| Define an object with 8 keys
-} -}
object8 : object8 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -759,7 +871,7 @@ object8 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh =
{-| Define an object with 9 keys {-| Define an object with 9 keys
-} -}
object9 : object9 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -822,7 +934,7 @@ object9 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi =
{-| Define an object with 10 keys {-| Define an object with 10 keys
-} -}
object10 : object10 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -889,7 +1001,7 @@ object10 { name, description, init } fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj =
{-| Define an object with 11 keys {-| Define an object with 11 keys
-} -}
object11 : object11 :
{ name : String, description : List String, init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> k -> object } Descriptive { init : a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i -> j -> k -> object }
-> Field a object -> Field a object
-> Field b object -> Field b object
-> Field c object -> Field c object
@ -991,6 +1103,13 @@ string =
} }
{-| Succeed a decoder.
succeed : a -> List Log -> DecodeResult a
succeed x logs =
Success ( x, logs )
{-| Turn a Field type into a usable JSON decoder {-| Turn a Field type into a usable JSON decoder
-} -}
toDecoderField : Field a object -> D.Decoder ( a, List Log ) toDecoderField : Field a object -> D.Decoder ( a, List Log )
@ -1016,3 +1135,12 @@ toDocsField x =
toEncodeField : Field a object -> ( String, object -> Maybe E.Value ) toEncodeField : Field a object -> ( String, object -> Maybe E.Value )
toEncodeField (Field data) = toEncodeField (Field data) =
( data.fieldName, data.toField >> data.encoder ) ( data.fieldName, data.toField >> data.encoder )
value : Coder Value
value =
{ encoder = identity
, decoder = (\v -> ( v, [] )) D.value
, docs = DocsValue