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module Matrix.Room exposing
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( Room, mostRecentEvents, roomId
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, getAccountData
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, sendMessageEvent, sendStateEvent
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# Room
What is usually called a chat, a channel, a conversation or a group chat on
other platforms, the term used in Matrix is a "room". A room is a conversation
where a group of users talk to each other.
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@docs Room, mostRecentEvents, roomId
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This module exposes various functions that help you inspect various aspects of
a room.
## Account data
Account data is personal information that the user stores about this Matrix
room. This may include information like:
- What type of room this is
- A list of members in the room to ignore
- A list of currently ongoing chess matches in the room
- Personal notes the user may be taking
You may consider the account data as a `Dict String Json.Value` type. Account
data is linked to the user account: other logged in devices can see the account
data too, as the server synchronizes it, but the server shouldn´t show it to
other users.
@docs getAccountData
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## Sending events
Besides reading the latest events, one can also send new events to the Matrix
room. These events are JSON objects that can be shaped in any way or form that
you like. To help other users with decoding your JSON objects, you pass an
`eventType` string which helps them figure out the nature of your JSON object.
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@docs sendMessageEvent, sendStateEvent
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2024-07-16 10:41:09 +00:00
import Internal.Api.Main as Api
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import Internal.Values.Envelope as Envelope
import Internal.Values.Room as Internal
import Json.Encode as E
import Types exposing (Room(..))
{-| The Matrix Room type representing a room that the Matrix user has joined.
type alias Room =
{-| Get a piece of account data linked to a certain string key.
getAccountData : String -> Room -> Maybe E.Value
getAccountData key (Room room) =
Envelope.extract (Internal.getAccountData key) room
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{-| Get a room's room id. This is an opaque string that distinguishes rooms from
each other.
roomId : Room -> String
roomId (Room room) =
Envelope.extract .roomId room
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{-| Get a list of the most recent events sent in the room.
mostRecentEvents : Room -> List Types.Event
mostRecentEvents (Room room) =
Envelope.mapList Internal.mostRecentEvents room
|> List.map Types.Event
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{-| Send a message event to a given room.
sendMessageEvent :
{ content : E.Value
, eventType : String
, room : Room
, toMsg : Types.VaultUpdate -> msg
, transactionId : String
-> Cmd msg
sendMessageEvent data =
case data.room of
Room room ->
Api.sendMessageEvent room
{ content = data.content
, eventType = data.eventType
, roomId = roomId data.room
, toMsg = Types.VaultUpdate >> data.toMsg
, transactionId = data.transactionId
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{-| Send a state event to a given room.
sendStateEvent :
{ content : E.Value
, eventType : String
, room : Room
, stateKey : String
, toMsg : Types.VaultUpdate -> msg
-> Cmd msg
sendStateEvent data =
case data.room of
Room room ->
Api.sendStateEvent room
{ content = data.content
, eventType = data.eventType
, roomId = roomId data.room
, stateKey = data.stateKey
, toMsg = Types.VaultUpdate >> data.toMsg