
2.2 KiB

Messages library

This library handles the passing of messages. It can stores a list of messages and allows them to be retrieved by other apps.


Assuming you are using GadgetBridge and "overlay notifications":

  1. Gadgetbridge sends an event to your watch for an incoming message
  2. The android app parses the message, and calls require("messages").pushMessage({/** the message */})
  3. require("messages") calls Bangle.emit("message", "text", {/** the message */})
  4. Overlay Notifications shows the message in an overlay, and marks it as handled
  5. The default UI app (Message UI, messagegui) sees the event is marked as handled, so does nothing.
  6. The default widget (widmessages) does nothing with handled, and shows a notification icon.
  7. You tap the notification, in order to open the full GUI: Overlay Notifications calls require("messages").openGUI({/** the message */})
  8. openGUI calls require("messagegui").open(/** copy of the message */).
  9. The messagegui library loads the Message UI app.


When a new message arrives, a "message" event is emitted, you can listen for it like this:

myMessageListener = Bangle.on("message", (type, message)=>{
  if (message.handled) return; // another app already handled this message
  // <type> is one of "text", "call", "alarm", "map", or "music"
  // see `messages/lib.js` for possible <message> formats
  // message.t could be "add", "modify" or "remove"
  E.showMessage(`${message.title}\n${message.body}`, `${message.t} ${type} message`);
  // You can prevent the default `message` app from loading by setting `message.handled = true`:
  message.handled = true;

Apps can launch the currently installed Message GUI by calling require("messages").openGUI(). If you want to write your own GUI, it should include a library called messagegui with a method called open that will cause it to be opened, with the optionally supplied message. See apps/messagegui/lib.js for an example.


Please file any issues on[messages]%20library


Gordon Williams


Jeroen Peters


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