mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
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This module handles most of the tasks needed to set up a clock, so you can concentrate on drawing the time.
Tthe tutorial clock converted to use this module:
// Load fonts
// position on screen
const X = 160, Y = 140;
var ClockFace = require("ClockFace");
var clock = new ClockFace({
precision: 1, // update every second
draw: function(d) {
// work out how to display the current time
var h = d.getHours(), m = d.getMinutes();
var time = (" "+h).substr(-2)+":"+("0"+m).substr(-2);
// draw the current time (4x size 7 segment)
g.setFont("7x11Numeric7Seg", 4);
g.setFontAlign(1, 1); // align right bottom
g.drawString(time, X, Y, true /*clear background*/);
// draw the seconds (2x size 7 segment)
g.setFont("7x11Numeric7Seg", 2);
g.drawString(("0"+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2), X+30, Y, true /*clear background*/);
// draw the date, in a normal font
g.setFontAlign(0, 1); // align center bottom
// pad the date - this clears the background if the date were to change length
var dateStr = " "+require("locale").date(d)+" ";
g.drawString(dateStr, g.getWidth()/2, Y+15, true /*clear background*/);
Complete Usage
var ClockFace = require("ClockFace");
var clock = new ClockFace({
precision: 1, // optional, defaults to 60: how often to call update(), in seconds
init: function() { // optional
// called only once before starting the clock, but after setting up the
// screen/widgets, so you can use Bangle.appRect
draw: function(time, changed) { // at least draw or update is required
// (re)draw entire clockface, time is a Date object
// `changed` is the same format as for update() below, but always all true
// You can use `this.is12Hour` to test if the 'Time Format' setting is set to "12h" or "24h"
// The difference between draw() and update() is that the screen is cleared
// before draw() is called, so it needs to always redraw the entire clock
update: function(time, changed) { // at least draw or update is required
// redraw date/time, time is a Date object
// if you want, you can only redraw the changed parts:
if (changed.d) // redraw date (changed.h/m/s will also all be true)
if (changed.h) // redraw hours
if (changed.m) // redraw minutes
if (changed.s) // redraw seconds
pause: function() { // optional, called when the screen turns off
// for example: turn off GPS/compass if the watch used it
resume: function() { // optional, called when the screen turns on
// for example: turn GPS/compass back on
up: function() { // optional, up handler
down: function() { // optional, down handler
upDown: function(dir) { // optional, combined up/down handler
if (dir === -1) // Up
else // (dir === 1): Down
Simple Usage
Basic clocks can pass just a function to redraw the entire screen every minute:
var ClockFace = require("ClockFace");
var clock = new ClockFace(function(time) {
// draw the current time at the center of the screen
g.setFont("Vector:50").setFontAlign(0, 0)
require("locale").time(time, true),
Bangle.appRect.w/2, Bangle.appRect.h/2
The following properties are automatically set on the clock:
if the "Time Format" setting is set to "12h",false
for "24h".paused
while the clock is paused. (You don't need to check this inside yourdraw()
Inside the draw()
function you can access these using this
var ClockFace = require("ClockFace");
var clock = new ClockFace({
draw: function (time) {
if (this.is12Hour) // draw 12h time
else // use 24h format
Bangle.on('step', function(steps) {
if (clock.paused === false) // draw step count