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Stepometer Clock

A large font watch, displays step count in a doughnut guage and warns of low battery


  • Displays the time in large font
  • Display current step count in a doughnut guage
  • Show step count in the middle of the doughnut guage
  • The guage show percentage of steps out of a goal of 10000 steps


  • Requires one of the steps widgets to be installed

  • When the battery is less than 25% the doughnut turns red

BTN2 Long press to start the launcher

BTN2 is confiured to respond to a 1.5 second press in order to switch to the launcher App. Simply press and hold until you hear a buzz and release. This avoids accidently switching out of the watch app when clothing catches it.


  • Uses an arrayBuffer to prepare the doughnut guage. The arrayBuffer is 160*160 and is larger than required. The reason for this is that I plan to use this watch face with others in a multiclock format and want to be able to reuse the arrayBuffer with other clocks.