A highly customisable state machine driven user interface that will communicate with another BLE device. The controller uses the three buttons and the left and right hand side of the watch to provide a flexible and attractive BLE interface.
Amaze your friends by controlling your robot, your house or any other BLE device from your watch!
To keep the messages small, commands are sent from the Controller to the BLE target in a text string. This is made up of a comma delimited string of the following elements:
The combination of these variables will uniquely identify the status change requested from the watch to the target device that can then be programmed to respond appropriately.
Gordon Williams' EspruinoHub is an excellent way to transform BLE advertisements into MQTT messages for further processing.
I have used the convention of red/green for buttons that are switches and blue buttons that provide single function operation (such as navigating a menu or executing a on-off activity)