A highly customisable state machine driven user interface that will communicate with another BLE device. The controller uses the three buttons and the left and right hand side of the watch to provide a flexible and attractive BLE interface. Amaze your friends by controlling your robot from your watch!
Commands are sent from the Controller to the BLE robot in a JSON format.
## Usage
The application can be configured at will by chaning the definitions of the screens, events, icons and buttons.
Most changes are possible via data, rather than code change.
## Features
In its default state, it has three screens that provide the ability to:
turn the robot on or off
turn on and off its voice and microphone
make the robot move by spinning left or right and moving forward and backwards
## Controls
The controls will vary by screen, but I suggest a convention of using BTN3 (the bottom button) for moving backwards up the menu stack.
## Requests
In the first instance, please consult my blog post on this application here.