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const FONT = require ( 'infoclk-font.js' ) ;
const storage = require ( "Storage" ) ;
const locale = require ( "locale" ) ;
const weather = require ( 'weather' ) ;
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let config = require ( 'infoclk-config.js' ) . getConfig ( ) ;
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// Return whether the given time (as a date object) is between start and end (as a number where the first 2 digits are hours on a 24 hour clock and the last 2 are minutes), with end time wrapping to next day if necessary
let timeInRange = function ( start , time , end ) {
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// Convert the given date object to a time number
let timeNumber = time . getHours ( ) * 100 + time . getMinutes ( ) ;
// Normalize to prevent the numbers from wrapping around at midnight
if ( end <= start ) {
end += 2400 ;
if ( timeNumber < start ) timeNumber += 2400 ;
return start <= timeNumber && timeNumber <= end ;
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// Return whether settings should be displayed based on the user's configuration
let shouldDisplaySeconds = function ( now ) {
return ( config . seconds . forceWhenUnlocked > 0 && getUnlockStage ( ) >= config . seconds . forceWhenUnlocked ) || ! (
( config . seconds . hideAlways ) ||
( config . seconds . hideLocked && getUnlockStage ( ) < 2 ) ||
( E . getBattery ( ) <= config . seconds . hideBattery ) ||
( config . seconds . hideTime && timeInRange ( config . seconds . hideStart , now , config . seconds . hideEnd ) )
) ;
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// Determine the font size needed to fit a string of the given length widthin maxWidth number of pixels, clamped between minSize and maxSize
let getFontSize = function ( length , maxWidth , minSize , maxSize ) {
let size = Math . floor ( maxWidth / length ) ; //Number of pixels of width available to character
size *= ( 20 / 12 ) ; //Convert to height, assuming 20 pixels of height for every 12 of width
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// Clamp to within range
if ( size < minSize ) return minSize ;
else if ( size > maxSize ) return maxSize ;
else return Math . floor ( size ) ;
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// Get the current day of the week according to user settings
let getDayString = function ( now ) {
if ( config . date . dayFullName ) return [ 'Sunday' , 'Monday' , 'Tuesday' , 'Wednesday' , 'Thursday' , 'Friday' , 'Saturday' ] [ now . getDay ( ) ] ;
else return [ 'Sun' , 'Mon' , 'Tue' , 'Wed' , 'Thu' , 'Fri' , 'Sat' ] [ now . getDay ( ) ] ;
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// Pad a number with zeros to be the given number of digits
let pad = function ( number , digits ) {
let result = '' + number ;
while ( result . length < digits ) result = '0' + result ;
return result ;
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// Get the current date formatted according to the user settings
let getDateString = function ( now ) {
let month ;
if ( ! config . date . monthName ) month = pad ( now . getMonth ( ) + 1 , 2 ) ;
else if ( config . date . monthFullName ) month = [ 'January' , 'February' , 'March' , 'April' , 'May' , 'June' , 'July' , 'August' , 'September' , 'October' , 'November' , 'December' ] [ now . getMonth ( ) ] ;
else month = [ 'Jan' , 'Feb' , 'Mar' , 'Apr' , 'May' , 'Jun' , 'Jul' , 'Aug' , 'Sep' , 'Oct' , 'Nov' , 'Dec' ] [ now . getMonth ( ) ] ;
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if ( config . date . mmdd ) return ` ${ month } ${ config . date . separator } ${ pad ( now . getDate ( ) , 2 ) } ` ;
else return ` ${ pad ( now . getDate ( ) , 2 ) } ${ config . date . separator } ${ month } ` ;
// Get a Gadgetbridge weather string
let getWeatherString = function ( ) {
let current = weather . get ( ) ;
if ( current ) return locale . temp ( current . temp - 273.15 ) + ', ' + current . txt ;
else return 'Weather unknown!' ;
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// Get a second weather row showing humidity, wind speed, and wind direction
let getWeatherRow2 = function ( ) {
let current = weather . get ( ) ;
if ( current ) return ` ${ current . hum } %, ${ locale . speed ( current . wind ) } ${ current . wrose } ` ;
else return 'Check Gadgetbridge' ;
// Get a step string
let getStepsString = function ( ) {
return '' + Bangle . getHealthStatus ( 'day' ) . steps + ' steps' ;
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// Get a health string including daily steps and recent bpm
let getHealthString = function ( ) {
return ` ${ Bangle . getHealthStatus ( 'day' ) . steps } steps ${ Bangle . getHealthStatus ( 'last' ) . bpm } bpm ` ;
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// Set the next timeout to draw the screen
let drawTimeout ;
let setNextDrawTimeout = function ( ) {
if ( drawTimeout !== undefined ) {
clearTimeout ( drawTimeout ) ;
drawTimeout = undefined ;
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let time ;
let now = new Date ( ) ;
if ( shouldDisplaySeconds ( now ) ) time = 1000 - ( now . getTime ( ) % 1000 ) ;
else time = 60000 - ( now . getTime ( ) % 60000 ) ;
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drawTimeout = setTimeout ( drawLockedSeconds , time ) ;
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/ * * R e t u r n o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g v a l u e s :
* 0 : Watch is locked
* 1 : Watch is unlocked , but should still be displaying the large clock ( first stage unlock )
* 2 : Watch is unlocked and should be displaying the extra info and icons ( second stage unlock )
* /
let getUnlockStage = function ( ) {
if ( Bangle . isLocked ( ) ) return 0 ;
else if ( dualStageTaps < config . dualStageUnlock ) return 1 ;
else return 2 ;
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const DIGIT _WIDTH = 40 ; // How much width is allocated for each digit, 37 pixels + 3 pixels of space (which will go off of the screen on the right edge)
const COLON _WIDTH = 19 ; // How much width is allocated for the colon, 16 pixels + 3 pixels of space
const HHMM _TOP = 27 ; // 24 pixels for widgets + 3 pixels of space
const DIGIT _HEIGHT = 64 ; // How tall the digits are
const SECONDS _TOP = HHMM _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT + 3 ; // The top edge of the seconds, top of hours and minutes + digit height + space
const SECONDS _LEFT = 2 * DIGIT _WIDTH + COLON _WIDTH ; // The left edge of the seconds: displayed after 2 digits and the colon
const DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT = DIGIT _HEIGHT / 2 ; // Each letter of the day of week and date will be half the height of the time digits
const DATE _CENTER _X = SECONDS _LEFT / 2 ; // Day of week and date will be centered between left edge of screen and where seconds start
const DOW _CENTER _Y = SECONDS _TOP + ( DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT / 2 ) ; // Day of week will be the top row
const DATE _CENTER _Y = DOW _CENTER _Y + DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT ; // Date will be the bottom row
const DOW _DATE _CENTER _Y = SECONDS _TOP + ( DIGIT _HEIGHT / 2 ) ; // When displaying both on one row, center it
const BOTTOM _CENTER _Y = ( ( SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT + 3 ) + g . getHeight ( ) ) / 2 ;
// Draw a bar with the given top and bottom position
let drawBar = function ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) {
// Draw a day progress bar at the given position with given width and height
let drawDayProgress = function ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) {
// Get a floating point number from 0 to 1 representing how far between the user-defined start and end points we are
let getDayProgress = function ( now ) {
let start = config . bar . dayProgress . start ;
let current = now . getHours ( ) * 100 + now . getMinutes ( ) ;
let end = config . bar . dayProgress . end ;
let reset = config . bar . dayProgress . reset ;
// Normalize
if ( end <= start ) end += 2400 ;
if ( current < start ) current += 2400 ;
if ( reset < start ) reset += 2400 ;
// Convert an hhmm number into a floating-point hours
let toDecimalHours = function ( time ) {
let hours = Math . floor ( time / 100 ) ;
let minutes = time % 100 ;
return hours + ( minutes / 60 ) ;
start = toDecimalHours ( start ) ;
current = toDecimalHours ( current ) ;
end = toDecimalHours ( end ) ;
reset = toDecimalHours ( reset ) ;
let progress = ( current - start ) / ( end - start ) ;
if ( progress < 0 || progress > 1 ) {
if ( current < reset ) return 1 ;
else return 0 ;
} else {
return progress ;
let color = config . bar . dayProgress . color ;
g . setColor ( color [ 0 ] , color [ 1 ] , color [ 2 ] )
. fillRect ( x1 , y1 , x1 + ( x2 - x1 ) * getDayProgress ( now ) , y2 ) ;
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// Draw a calendar bar at the given position with given width and height
let drawCalendar = function ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) {
let calendar = storage . readJSON ( 'android.calendar.json' , true ) || [ ] ;
let now = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
let endTime = now + config . bar . calendar . duration * 1000 ;
// Events must end in the future. Requirement to end in the future rather than start is so ongoing events display partially at the left
// Events must start before the end of the lookahead window
// Sort longer events first, so shorter events get placed on top. Tries to prevent the situation where an event entirely within the timespan of another gets completely covered
calendar = calendar . filter ( event => ( ( now < 1000 * ( event . timestamp + event . durationInSeconds ) ) && ( event . timestamp * 1000 < endTime ) ) )
. sort ( ( a , b ) => { return b . durationInSeconds - a . durationInSeconds ; } ) ;
pipes = [ ] ; // Cache the pipes and draw them all at once, on top of the bar
for ( let event of calendar ) {
// left = boundary + how far event is in the future mapped from our allowed duration to a distance in pixels, clamped to x1
let leftUnclamped = x1 + ( event . timestamp * 1000 - now ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( config . bar . calendar . duration * 1000 ) ;
let left = Math . max ( leftUnclamped , x1 ) ;
// right = unclamped left + how long the event is mapped from seconds to a distance in pixels, clamped to x2
let rightUnclamped = leftUnclamped + event . durationInSeconds * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( config . bar . calendar . duration )
let right = Math . min ( rightUnclamped , x2 ) ;
//Draw the actual bar
if ( event . color ) g . setColor ( "#" + ( 0x1000000 + Number ( event . color ) ) . toString ( 16 ) . padStart ( 6 , "0" ) ) ; // Line plagiarized from the agenda app
else {
let color = config . bar . calendar . defaultColor ;
g . setColor ( color [ 0 ] , color [ 1 ] , color [ 2 ] ) ;
g . fillRect ( left , y1 , right , y2 ) ;
// Cache the pipes if necessary
if ( leftUnclamped == left ) pipes . push ( left ) ;
if ( rightUnclamped == right ) pipes . push ( right ) ;
// Draw the pipes
let color = config . bar . calendar . pipeColor ;
g . setColor ( color [ 0 ] , color [ 1 ] , color [ 2 ] ) ;
for ( let pipe of pipes ) {
g . fillRect ( pipe - 1 , y1 , pipe + 1 , y2 ) ;
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if ( config . bar . type == 'dayProgress' ) {
drawDayProgress ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ;
} else if ( config . bar . type == 'calendar' ) {
drawCalendar ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ;
} else if ( config . bar . type == 'split' ) {
let xavg = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2 ;
drawDayProgress ( x1 , y1 , xavg , y2 ) ;
drawCalendar ( xavg , y1 , x2 , y2 ) ;
g . setColor ( g . theme . fg ) . fillRect ( xavg - 1 , y1 , xavg + 1 , y2 ) ;
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// Return whether low battery behavior should be used.
// - If the watch isn't charging and the battery is low, mark it low. Once the battery is marked low, it stays marked low for subsequent calls.
// - When the watch sees external power, unmark the low battery.
// This allows us to redraw the full time in the low battery color to avoid only the seconds changing, but still do it once. And it avoids alternating.
let lowBattery = false ;
let checkLowBattery = function ( ) {
if ( ! Bangle . isCharging ( ) && E . getBattery ( ) <= config . lowBattColor . level ) lowBattery = true ;
else if ( Bangle . isCharging ( ) ) lowBattery = false ;
return lowBattery ;
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let onCharging = charging => {
checkLowBattery ( ) ;
drawLockedSeconds ( true ) ;
Bangle . on ( 'charging' , onCharging ) ;
// Draw the big seconds that are displayed when the screen is locked. Call drawClock if anything else needs to be updated
let drawLockedSeconds = function ( forceDrawClock ) {
// If the watch is in the second stage of unlock, call drawClock()
if ( getUnlockStage ( ) == 2 ) {
drawClock ( ) ;
setNextDrawTimeout ( ) ;
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now = new Date ( ) ;
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// If we should not be displaying the seconds right now, call drawClock()
if ( ! shouldDisplaySeconds ( now ) ) {
drawClock ( ) ;
setNextDrawTimeout ( ) ;
return ;
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// If the seconds are zero, or we are forced to raw the clock, call drawClock() but also display the seconds
else if ( now . getSeconds ( ) == 0 || forceDrawClock ) {
drawClock ( ) ;
// If none of the prior conditions are met, draw the seconds only and do not call drawClock()
g . reset ( )
. setFontAlign ( 0 , 0 )
. clearRect ( SECONDS _LEFT , SECONDS _TOP , g . getWidth ( ) , SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT ) ;
// If the battery is low, redraw the clock so it can change color
if ( checkLowBattery ( ) ) {
let color = config . lowBattColor . color ;
g . setColor ( color [ 0 ] , color [ 1 ] , color [ 2 ] ) ;
let tens = Math . floor ( now . getSeconds ( ) / 10 ) ;
let ones = now . getSeconds ( ) % 10 ;
g . drawImage ( FONT [ tens ] , SECONDS _LEFT , SECONDS _TOP )
. drawImage ( FONT [ ones ] , SECONDS _LEFT + DIGIT _WIDTH , SECONDS _TOP ) ;
setNextDrawTimeout ( ) ;
// Draw the bottom text area
let drawBottomText = function ( ) {
g . clearRect ( 0 , SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT , g . getWidth ( ) , g . getHeight ( ) ) ;
if ( config . bottomLocked . display == 'progress' ) drawBar ( 0 , SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT + 3 , g . getWidth ( ) , g . getHeight ( ) ) ;
else {
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let bottomString ;
if ( config . bottomLocked . display == 'weather' ) bottomString = getWeatherString ( ) ;
else if ( config . bottomLocked . display == 'steps' ) bottomString = getStepsString ( ) ;
else if ( config . bottomLocked . display == 'health' ) bottomString = getHealthString ( ) ;
else bottomString = ' ' ;
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g . reset ( )
. setFontAlign ( 0 , 0 )
. setFont ( 'Vector' , getFontSize ( bottomString . length , 176 , 6 , g . getHeight ( ) - ( SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT + 3 ) ) )
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. drawString ( bottomString , g . getWidth ( ) / 2 , BOTTOM _CENTER _Y ) ;
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// Draw the clock
let drawClock = function ( now ) {
//Prepare to draw
g . reset ( )
. setFontAlign ( 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( checkLowBattery ( ) ) {
let color = config . lowBattColor . color ;
g . setColor ( color [ 0 ] , color [ 1 ] , color [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( now == undefined ) now = new Date ( ) ;
//When the watch is locked or in first stage
if ( getUnlockStage ( ) < 2 ) {
//Draw the hours and minutes
g . clearRect ( 0 , 24 , g . getWidth ( ) , SECONDS _TOP ) ;
let x = 0 ;
for ( let digit of locale . time ( now , 1 ) ) { //apparently this is how you get an hh:mm time string adjusting for the user's 12/24 hour preference
if ( digit != ' ' ) g . drawImage ( FONT [ digit ] , x , HHMM _TOP ) ;
if ( digit == ':' ) x += COLON _WIDTH ;
else x += DIGIT _WIDTH ;
if ( storage . readJSON ( 'setting.json' ) [ '12hour' ] ) g . drawImage ( FONT [ ( now . getHours ( ) < 12 ) ? 'am' : 'pm' ] , 0 , HHMM _TOP ) ;
// If the seconds should be displayed, don't use the area when drawing the date
if ( shouldDisplaySeconds ( now ) ) {
. setFont ( 'Vector' , getFontSize ( getDayString ( now ) . length , SECONDS _LEFT , 6 , DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT ) )
. drawString ( getDayString ( now ) , DATE _CENTER _X , DOW _CENTER _Y )
. setFont ( 'Vector' , getFontSize ( getDateString ( now ) . length , SECONDS _LEFT , 6 , DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT ) )
. drawString ( getDateString ( now ) , DATE _CENTER _X , DATE _CENTER _Y ) ;
// Otherwise, use the seconds area
else {
let string = getDayString ( now ) + ' ' + getDateString ( now ) ;
g . clearRect ( 0 , SECONDS _TOP , g . getWidth ( ) , SECONDS _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT )
. setFont ( 'Vector' , getFontSize ( string . length , g . getWidth ( ) , 6 , DATE _LETTER _HEIGHT ) )
. drawString ( string , g . getWidth ( ) / 2 , DOW _DATE _CENTER _Y ) ;
drawBottomText ( ) ;
// Draw the bar between the rows if necessary
if ( config . bar . enabledLocked && config . bottomLocked . display != 'progress' ) drawBar ( 0 , HHMM _TOP + DIGIT _HEIGHT , g . getWidth ( ) , SECONDS _TOP ) ;
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// When watch in second stage
else {
g . clearRect ( 0 , 24 , g . getWidth ( ) , g . getHeight ( ) / 2 ) ;
rows = [
` ${ getDayString ( now ) } ${ getDateString ( now ) } ${ locale . time ( now , 1 ) } ` ,
getHealthString ( ) ,
getWeatherString ( ) ,
getWeatherRow2 ( )
] ;
if ( shouldDisplaySeconds ( now ) ) rows [ 0 ] += ':' + pad ( now . getSeconds ( ) , 2 ) ;
if ( storage . readJSON ( 'setting.json' ) [ '12hour' ] ) rows [ 0 ] += ( ( now . getHours ( ) < 12 ) ? ' AM' : ' PM' ) ;
let maxHeight = ( ( g . getHeight ( ) / 2 ) - HHMM _TOP ) / ( config . bar . enabledUnlocked ? ( rows . length + 1 ) : rows . length ) ;
let y = HHMM _TOP + maxHeight / 2 ;
for ( let row of rows ) {
let size = getFontSize ( row . length , g . getWidth ( ) , 6 , maxHeight ) ;
g . setFont ( 'Vector' , size )
. drawString ( row , g . getWidth ( ) / 2 , y ) ;
y += maxHeight ;
if ( config . bar . enabledUnlocked ) drawBar ( 0 , y - maxHeight / 2 , g . getWidth ( ) , y + maxHeight / 2 ) ;
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// Draw the icons. This is done separately from the main draw routine to avoid having to scale and draw a bunch of images repeatedly.
let drawIcons = function ( ) {
g . reset ( ) . clearRect ( 0 , 24 , g . getWidth ( ) , g . getHeight ( ) ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i ++ ) {
let x = [ 0 , 44 , 88 , 132 , 0 , 44 , 88 , 132 ] [ i ] ;
let y = [ 88 , 88 , 88 , 88 , 132 , 132 , 132 , 132 ] [ i ] ;
let appId = config . shortcuts [ i ] ;
let appInfo = storage . readJSON ( appId + '.info' , 1 ) ;
if ( ! appInfo ) continue ;
icon = storage . read ( appInfo . icon ) ;
g . drawImage ( icon , x , y , {
scale : 0.916666666667
} ) ;
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// Draw only the bottom row if we are in first or second stage unlock, otherwise call drawClock()
let drawBottomRowOrClock = function ( ) {
if ( getUnlockStage ( ) < 2 ) drawBottomText ( ) ;
else drawClock ( ) ;
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weather . on ( "update" , drawBottomRowOrClock ) ;
Bangle . on ( "step" , drawBottomRowOrClock ) ;
let onLock = locked => {
//If the watch is unlocked and the necessary number of dual stage taps have been performed, draw the shortcuts
if ( ! locked && dualStageTaps >= config . dualStageUnlock ) drawIcons ( ) ;
// If locked, reset dual stage taps to zero
else if ( locked ) dualStageTaps = 0 ;
drawLockedSeconds ( true ) ;
} ;
Bangle . on ( 'lock' , onLock ) ;
// Launch an app given the current ID. Handles special cases:
// false: Do nothing
// '#LAUNCHER': Open the launcher
// nonexistent app: Do nothing
let launch = function ( appId , fast ) {
if ( appId == false ) return ;
else if ( appId == '#LAUNCHER' ) {
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Bangle . buzz ( ) ;
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Bangle . showLauncher ( ) ;
} else {
let appInfo = storage . readJSON ( appId + '.info' , 1 ) ;
if ( appInfo ) {
Bangle . buzz ( ) ;
if ( fast ) Bangle . load ( appInfo . src ) ;
else load ( appInfo . src ) ;
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//Set up touch to launch the selected app, and to handle dual stage unlock
let dualStageTaps = 0 ;
let onTouch = function ( button , xy ) {
// If only the first stage has been unlocked, increase the counter
if ( dualStageTaps < config . dualStageUnlock ) {
dualStageTaps ++ ;
Bangle . buzz ( ) ;
// If we reach the unlock threshold, redraw the screen because we have now done the second unlock stage
if ( dualStageTaps == config . dualStageUnlock ) {
drawIcons ( ) ;
drawClock ( ) ;
setNextDrawTimeout ( ) ; // In case we need to replace an every minute timeout with an every second timeout
// If we have unlocked both stages, handle a shortcut tap
} else {
let x = Math . floor ( xy . x / 44 ) ;
if ( x < 0 ) x = 0 ;
else if ( x > 3 ) x = 3 ;
let y = Math . floor ( xy . y / 44 ) ;
if ( y < 0 ) y = - 1 ;
else if ( y > 3 ) y = 1 ;
else y -= 2 ;
if ( y < 0 ) {
Bangle . buzz ( ) ;
Bangle . showLauncher ( ) ;
} else {
let i = 4 * y + x ;
launch ( config . shortcuts [ i ] , config . fastLoad . shortcuts [ i ] ) ;
} ;
Bangle . on ( 'touch' , onTouch ) ;
//Set up swipe handler
let onSwipe = function ( lr , ud ) {
if ( lr == - 1 ) launch ( config . swipe . left , config . fastLoad . swipe . left ) ;
else if ( lr == 1 ) launch ( config . swipe . right , config . fastLoad . swipe . right ) ;
else if ( ud == - 1 ) launch ( config . swipe . up , config . fastLoad . swipe . up ) ;
else if ( ud == 1 ) launch ( config . swipe . down , config . fastLoad . swipe . down ) ;
} ;
Bangle . on ( 'swipe' , onSwipe ) ;
// If the clock starts with the watch unlocked, the first stage of unlocking is skipped
if ( ! Bangle . isLocked ( ) ) {
dualStageTaps = config . dualStageUnlock ;
drawIcons ( ) ;
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// Show launcher when middle button pressed, and enable fast loading
Bangle . setUI ( {
mode : "clock" , remove : ( ) => {
if ( drawTimeout !== undefined ) {
clearTimeout ( drawTimeout ) ;
drawTimeout = undefined ;
Bangle . removeListener ( 'charging' , onCharging ) ;
weather . removeListener ( 'update' , drawBottomRowOrClock ) ;
Bangle . removeListener ( 'step' , drawBottomRowOrClock ) ;
Bangle . removeListener ( 'lock' , onLock ) ;
Bangle . removeListener ( 'touch' , onTouch ) ;
Bangle . removeListener ( 'swipe' , onSwipe ) ;
g . reset ( ) ;
} ) ;
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// Load widgets
Bangle . loadWidgets ( ) ;
Bangle . drawWidgets ( ) ;
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drawLockedSeconds ( true ) ;
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