2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
mcl_mapgen = { }
2021-05-03 01:24:53 +00:00
local priority = {
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local math_floor = math.floor
local math_max = math.max
local minetest_get_node = minetest.get_node
local minetest_get_voxel_manip = minetest.get_voxel_manip
local minetest_log = minetest.log
local minetest_pos_to_string = minetest.pos_to_string
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
-- Calculate mapgen_edge_min/mapgen_edge_max
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.CS = math_max ( 1 , tonumber ( minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " chunksize " ) ) or 5 )
mcl_mapgen.BS = math_max ( 1 , core.MAP_BLOCKSIZE or 16 )
mcl_mapgen.LIMIT = math_max ( 1 , tonumber ( minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " mapgen_limit " ) ) or 31000 )
mcl_mapgen.MAX_LIMIT = math_max ( 1 , core.MAX_MAP_GENERATION_LIMIT or 31000 ) -- might be set to 31000 or removed, see https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/10428
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.OFFSET = - math_floor ( mcl_mapgen.CS / 2 )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.OFFSET_NODES = mcl_mapgen.OFFSET * mcl_mapgen.BS
mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES = mcl_mapgen.CS * mcl_mapgen.BS
local central_chunk_min_pos = mcl_mapgen.OFFSET * mcl_mapgen.BS
local central_chunk_max_pos = central_chunk_min_pos + mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES - 1
local ccfmin = central_chunk_min_pos - mcl_mapgen.BS -- Fullminp/fullmaxp of central chunk, in nodes
local ccfmax = central_chunk_max_pos + mcl_mapgen.BS
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
local mapgen_limit_b = math_floor ( math.min ( mcl_mapgen.LIMIT , mcl_mapgen.MAX_LIMIT ) / mcl_mapgen.BS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local mapgen_limit_min = - mapgen_limit_b * mcl_mapgen.BS
local mapgen_limit_max = ( mapgen_limit_b + 1 ) * mcl_mapgen.BS - 1
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local numcmin = math_max ( math_floor ( ( ccfmin - mapgen_limit_min ) / mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES ) , 0 ) -- Number of complete chunks from central chunk
local numcmax = math_max ( math_floor ( ( mapgen_limit_max - ccfmax ) / mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES ) , 0 ) -- fullminp/fullmaxp to effective mapgen limits.
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MIN = central_chunk_min_pos - numcmin * mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES
mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MAX = central_chunk_max_pos + numcmax * mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
minetest_log ( " action " , " [mcl_mapgen] World edges are: mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MIN = " .. tostring ( mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MIN ) .. " , mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MAX = " .. tostring ( mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MAX ) )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-05-02 19:18:03 +00:00
-- Mapgen variables
local overworld , end_ , nether = { } , { } , { }
mcl_mapgen.seed = minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " seed " )
mcl_mapgen.name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " mg_name " )
mcl_mapgen.v6 = mcl_mapgen.name == " v6 "
mcl_mapgen.superflat = mcl_mapgen.name == " flat " and minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " mcl_superflat_classic " ) == " true "
mcl_mapgen.singlenode = mcl_mapgen.name == " singlenode "
mcl_mapgen.normal = not mcl_mapgen.superflat and not mcl_mapgen.singlenode
local superflat , singlenode , normal = mcl_mapgen.superflat , mcl_mapgen.singlenode , mcl_mapgen.normal
minetest_log ( " action " , " [mcl_mapgen] Mapgen mode: " .. ( normal and " normal " or ( superflat and " superflat " or " singlenode " ) ) )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local lvm_block_queue , lvm_chunk_queue , node_block_queue , node_chunk_queue = { } , { } , { } , { } -- Generators' queues
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
local lvm , block , lvm_block , lvm_chunk , param2 , nodes_block , nodes_chunk , safe_functions = 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 -- Requirements: 0 means none; greater than 0 means 'required'
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local lvm_buffer , lvm_param2_buffer = { } , { } -- Static buffer pointers
local BS , CS = mcl_mapgen.BS , mcl_mapgen.CS -- Mapblock size (in nodes), Mapchunk size (in blocks)
local LAST_BLOCK , LAST_NODE = CS - 1 , BS - 1 -- First mapblock in chunk (node in mapblock) has number 0, last has THIS number. It's for runtime optimization
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
local offset = mcl_mapgen.OFFSET -- Central mapchunk offset (in blocks)
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
local CS_NODES = mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES -- 80
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local CS_3D = CS * CS * CS
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
function mcl_mapgen . register_chunk_generator ( callback_function , priority )
nodes_chunk = nodes_chunk + 1
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
safe_functions = safe_functions + 1
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
node_chunk_queue [ nodes_chunk ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( node_chunk_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_chunk_generator_lvm ( callback_function , priority )
lvm = lvm + 1
lvm_chunk_queue [ lvm_chunk ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( lvm_chunk_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_block_generator ( callback_function , priority )
block = block + 1
nodes_block = nodes_block + 1
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
safe_functions = safe_functions + 1
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
node_block_queue [ nodes_block ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( node_block_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
function mcl_mapgen . register_block_generator_lvm ( callback_function , priority )
block = block + 1
lvm = lvm + 1
lvm_block = lvm_block + 1
lvm_block_queue [ lvm_block ] = { i = priority or DEFAULT_PRIORITY , f = callback_function }
table.sort ( lvm_block_queue , function ( a , b ) return ( a.i <= b.i ) end )
2021-05-02 19:18:03 +00:00
function mcl_mapgen . get_block_seed ( pos , seed )
local p = pos
local x , y , z = p.x , p.y , p.z
if x < 0 then x = 4294967296 + x end
if y < 0 then y = 4294967296 + y end
if z < 0 then z = 4294967296 + z end
local seed = ( seed or mcl_mapgen.seed or 0 ) % 4294967296
return ( seed + ( z * 38134234 ) % 4294967296 + ( y * 42123 ) % 4294967296 + ( x * 23 ) % 4294967296 ) % 4294967296
function mcl_mapgen . get_block_seed_2 ( pos , seed )
local p = pos
local seed = seed or mcl_mapgen.seed or 0
local x , y , z = p.x , p.y , p.z
if x < 0 then x = 4294967296 + x end
if y < 0 then y = 4294967296 + y end
if z < 0 then z = 4294967296 + z end
local n = ( ( 1619 * x ) % 4294967296 + ( 31337 * y ) % 4294967296 + ( 52591 * z ) % 4294967296 + ( 1013 * seed ) % 4294967296 ) % 4294967296
-- n = (math_floor(n / 8192) ^ n) % 4294967296
local m = ( n * n ) % 4294967296
m = ( m * 60493 ) % 4294967296
m = ( m + 19990303 ) % 4294967296
return ( n * m + 1376312589 ) % 4294967296
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage ( )
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local blocks = minetest.deserialize ( storage : get_string ( " mapgen_blocks " ) or " return {} " ) or { }
local chunks = minetest.deserialize ( storage : get_string ( " mapgen_chunks " ) or " return {} " ) or { }
minetest.register_on_shutdown ( function ( )
storage : set_string ( " mapgen_chunks " , minetest.serialize ( chunks ) )
storage : set_string ( " mapgen_blocks " , minetest.serialize ( blocks ) )
end )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local vm_context -- here will be many references and flags, like: param2, light_data, heightmap, biomemap, heatmap, humiditymap, gennotify, write_lvm, write_param2, shadow
local data , data2 , area
local current_blocks = { }
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local current_chunks = { }
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
minetest.register_on_generated ( function ( minp , maxp , blockseed )
local minp , maxp , blockseed = minp , maxp , blockseed
local vm , emin , emax = minetest.get_mapgen_object ( " voxelmanip " )
2021-05-02 19:18:03 +00:00
minetest_log ( " warning " , " [mcl_mapgen] New_chunk= " .. minetest_pos_to_string ( minp ) .. " ... " .. minetest_pos_to_string ( maxp ) .. " , shell= " .. minetest_pos_to_string ( emin ) .. " ... " .. minetest_pos_to_string ( emax ) .. " , blockseed= " .. tostring ( blockseed ) .. " , seed1= " .. mcl_mapgen.get_block_seed ( minp ) .. " , seed2= " .. mcl_mapgen.get_block_seed_2 ( minp ) )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
if lvm > 0 then
vm_context = { lvm_param2_buffer = lvm_param2_buffer , vm = vm , emin = emin , emax = emax , minp = minp , maxp = maxp , blockseed = blockseed }
data = vm : get_data ( lvm_buffer )
vm_context.data = data
area = VoxelArea : new ( { MinEdge = emin , MaxEdge = emax } )
vm_context.area = area
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
if safe_functions > 0 then
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local x0 , y0 , z0 = minp.x , minp.y , minp.z
local bx0 , by0 , bz0 = math_floor ( x0 / BS ) , math_floor ( y0 / BS ) , math_floor ( z0 / BS )
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
local bx1 , by1 , bz1 = bx0 + LAST_BLOCK , by0 + LAST_BLOCK , bz0 + LAST_BLOCK -- only for entire chunk check
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
-- Keep `blockseed` in `chunks[cx][cy][cz].seed` for further safe usage:
local cx0 , cy0 , cz0 = math_floor ( ( bx0 - offset ) / CS ) , math_floor ( ( by0 - offset ) / CS ) , math_floor ( ( bz0 - offset ) / CS )
if not chunks [ cx0 ] then chunks [ cx0 ] = { } end
if not chunks [ cx0 ] [ cy0 ] then chunks [ cx0 ] [ cy0 ] = { } end
if not chunks [ cx0 ] [ cy0 ] [ cz0 ] then
chunks [ cx0 ] [ cy0 ] [ cz0 ] = { seed = blockseed , counter = 0 }
chunks [ cx0 ] [ cy0 ] [ cz0 ] . seed = blockseed
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local x1 , y1 , z1 , x2 , y2 , z2 = emin.x , emin.y , emin.z , emax.x , emax.y , emax.z
local x , y , z = x1 , y1 , z1 -- iterate 7x7x7 mapchunk, {x,y,z} - first node pos. of mapblock
local bx , by , bz -- block coords (in blocs)
local box , boy , boz -- block offsets in chunks (in blocks)
while x < x2 do
bx = math_floor ( x / BS )
local block_pos_offset_removed = bx - offset
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local cx = math_floor ( block_pos_offset_removed / CS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
box = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks [ bx ] then blocks [ bx ] = { } end
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
-- We don't know how many calls, including this one, will overwrite this block's content!
-- Start calculating it with `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x` variable.
-- It can be `8 or less`, if we (speaking of `x` axis) are on chunk edge now,
-- or it can be `4 or less` - if we are in the middle of the chunk by `x` axis:
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x = ( box > 0 and box < LAST_BLOCK ) and 4 or 8
while y < y2 do
by = math_floor ( y / BS )
block_pos_offset_removed = by - offset
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local cy = math_floor ( block_pos_offset_removed / CS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
boy = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks [ bx ] [ by ] then blocks [ bx ] [ by ] = { } end
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
-- Here we just divide `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x` by 2,
-- if we are (speaking of `y` axis now) in the middle of the chunk now.
-- Or we don't divide it, if not.
-- So, basing on `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x`,
--- we calculate `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y` this way:
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y = ( boy > 0 and boy < LAST_BLOCK ) and math_floor ( total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x / 2 ) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x
while z < z2 do
bz = math_floor ( z / BS )
block_pos_offset_removed = bz - offset
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
local cz = math_floor ( block_pos_offset_removed / CS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
boz = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
-- Now we do absolutely the same for `z` axis, basing on our previous result
-- from `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y` variable.
-- And our final result is in `total_mapgen_block_writes`.
-- It can be still 8, derived from `x` calculation, but it can be less!
-- It can be even 1, if we are in safe 3x3x3 area of mapchunk:
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local total_mapgen_block_writes = ( boz > 0 and boz < LAST_BLOCK ) and math_floor ( total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y / 2 ) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
-- Get current number of writes from the table, or just set it to 1, if accessed first time:
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local current_mapgen_block_writes = blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] and ( blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] + 1 ) or 1
2021-05-02 09:29:29 +00:00
-- And compare:
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
if current_mapgen_block_writes == total_mapgen_block_writes then
-- this block shouldn't be overwritten anymore, no need to keep it in memory
blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] = nil
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
if not chunks [ cx ] then chunks [ cx ] = { } end
if not chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] then chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] = { } end
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
if not chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] then
if not chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] then chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] = { counter = 1 } end
chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] . counter = chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] . counter + 1
if chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] . counter >= CS_3D then
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
current_chunks [ # current_chunks + 1 ] = { x = cx , y = cy , z = cz , s = chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] . seed }
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
-- this chunk shouldn't be overwritten anymore, no need to keep it in memory
chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] [ cz ] = nil
if next ( chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] ) == nil then chunks [ cx ] [ cy ] = nil end
if next ( chunks [ cx ] ) == nil then chunks [ cx ] = nil end
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
vm_context.seed = blockseed + box * 7 + boy * 243 + boz * 11931
if lvm_block > 0 then
vm_context.minp , vm_content.maxp = { x = x , y = y , z = z } , { x = x + LAST_NODE , y = y + LAST_NODE , z = z + LAST_NODE }
for _ , v in pairs ( lvm_block_queue ) do
vm_context = v.f ( vm_context )
if nodes_block > 0 then
current_blocks [ # current_blocks + 1 ] = { minp = { x = x , y = y , z = z } , maxp = { x = pos.x + LAST_NODE , y = pos.y + LAST_NODE , z = pos.z + LAST_NODE } , seed = seed }
blocks [ bx ] [ by ] [ bz ] = current_mapgen_block_writes
z = z + BS
if next ( blocks [ bx ] [ by ] ) == nil then blocks [ bx ] [ by ] = nil end
z = z1
y = y + BS
if next ( blocks [ bx ] ) == nil then blocks [ bx ] = nil end
y = y1
x = x + BS
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
if lvm > 0 then
2021-05-01 22:26:41 +00:00
for _ , v in pairs ( lvm_chunk_queue ) do
vm_context = v.f ( vm_context )
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
if vm_context.write then
vm : set_data ( data )
if vm_context.write_param2 then
vm : set_param2_data ( data2 )
vm : calc_lighting ( minp , maxp , vm_context.shadow ) -- TODO: check boundaries
vm : write_to_map ( )
vm : update_liquids ( )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
for i , b in pairs ( current_chunks ) do
local cx , cy , cz , seed = b.x , b.y , b.z , b.s
local bx , by , bz = cx * CS + offset , cy * CS + offset , cz * CS + offset
local x , y , z = bx * BS , by * BS , bz * BS
local minp = { x = x , y = y , z = z }
local maxp = { x = x + CS_NODES - 1 , y = y + CS_NODES - 1 , z = z + CS_NODES - 1 }
for _ , v in pairs ( node_chunk_queue ) do
v.f ( minp , maxp , seed )
current_chunks [ i ] = nil
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
for i , b in pairs ( current_blocks ) do
for _ , v in pairs ( node_block_queue ) do
v.f ( b.minp , b.maxp , b.seed )
2021-05-01 23:56:55 +00:00
current_blocks [ i ] = nil
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
end )
minetest.register_on_generated = mcl_mapgen.register_chunk_generator
function mcl_mapgen . get_far_node ( p )
local p = p
local node = minetest_get_node ( p )
if node.name ~= " ignore " then return node end
minetest_get_voxel_manip ( ) : read_from_map ( p , p )
return minetest_get_node ( p )
local function coordinate_to_block ( x )
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
return math_floor ( x / BS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local function coordinate_to_chunk ( x )
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
return math_floor ( ( coordinate_to_block ( x ) - offset ) / CS )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
function mcl_mapgen . pos_to_block ( pos )
return {
x = coordinate_to_block ( pos.x ) ,
y = coordinate_to_block ( pos.y ) ,
z = coordinate_to_block ( pos.z )
function mcl_mapgen . pos_to_chunk ( pos )
return {
x = coordinate_to_chunk ( pos.x ) ,
y = coordinate_to_chunk ( pos.y ) ,
z = coordinate_to_chunk ( pos.z )
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
local k_positive = math.ceil ( mcl_mapgen.MAX_LIMIT / mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
local k_positive_z = k_positive * 2
local k_positive_y = k_positive_z * k_positive_z
function mcl_mapgen . get_chunk_number ( pos ) -- unsigned int
local c = mcl_mapgen.pos_to_chunk ( pos )
( c.y + k_positive ) * k_positive_y +
( c.z + k_positive ) * k_positive_z +
c.x + k_positive
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.minecraft_height_limit = 256
mcl_mapgen.bedrock_is_rough = normal
--[[ Realm stacking (h is for height)
- Overworld ( h >= 256 )
- Void ( h >= 1000 )
- Realm Barrier ( h = 11 ) , to allow escaping the End
- End ( h >= 256 )
- Void ( h >= 1000 )
- Nether ( h = 128 )
- Void ( h >= 1000 )
] ]
-- Overworld
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
overworld.min = - 62
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
if superflat then
mcl_mapgen.ground = tonumber ( minetest.get_mapgen_setting ( " mgflat_ground_level " ) ) or 8
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
overworld.min = ground - 3
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
-- if singlenode then mcl_mapgen.overworld.min = -66 end -- DONT KNOW WHY
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
overworld.max = mcl_mapgen.EDGE_MAX
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
overworld.bedrock_min = overworld.min
overworld.bedrock_max = overworld.bedrock_min + ( mcl_mapgen.bedrock_is_rough and 4 or 0 )
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.lava = normal
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
overworld.lava_max = overworld.min + ( normal and 10 or 0 )
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
-- The Nether (around Y = -29000)
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
nether.min = - 29067 -- Carefully chosen to be at a mapchunk border
nether.max = nether.min + 128
nether.bedrock_bottom_min = nether.min
nether.bedrock_top_max = nether.max
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
if not superflat then
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
nether.bedrock_bottom_max = nether.bedrock_bottom_min + 4
nether.bedrock_top_min = nether.bedrock_top_max - 4
nether.lava_max = nether.min + 31
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
-- Thin bedrock in classic superflat mapgen
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
nether.bedrock_bottom_max = nether.bedrock_bottom_min
nether.bedrock_top_min = nether.bedrock_top_max
nether.lava_max = nether.min + 2
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-04-27 23:03:47 +00:00
if mcl_mapgen.name == " flat " then
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
if superflat then
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
nether.flat_nether_floor = nether.bedrock_bottom_max + 4
nether.flat_nether_ceiling = nether.bedrock_bottom_max + 52
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
nether.flat_nether_floor = nether.lava_max + 4
nether.flat_nether_ceiling = nether.lava_max + 52
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
-- The End (surface at ca. Y = -27000)
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
end_.min = - 27073 -- Carefully chosen to be at a mapchunk border
end_.max = overworld.min - 2000
end_.platform_pos = { x = 100 , y = end_.min + 74 , z = 0 }
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
-- Realm barrier used to safely separate the End from the void below the Overworld
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.realm_barrier_overworld_end_max = end_.max
mcl_mapgen.realm_barrier_overworld_end_min = end_.max - 11
-- Use MineClone 2-style dungeons for normal mapgen
mcl_mapgen.dungeons = normal
2021-04-26 21:30:07 +00:00
2021-04-28 20:53:48 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.overworld = overworld
mcl_mapgen.end_ = end_
mcl_mapgen.nether = nether
2021-05-03 01:24:53 +00:00
mcl_mapgen.priorities = priority