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[mapgen] Comment complex part of the code

kay27 2021-05-02 13:29:29 +04:00
parent fd56bb746c
commit 238eb6cb68
1 changed files with 27 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ local CS_NODES = mcl_mapgen.CS_NODES -- 80
local CS_3D = CS * CS * CS
function mcl_mapgen.register_chunk_generator(callback_function, priority)
nodes_chunk = nodes_chunk + 1
@ -125,6 +125,12 @@ minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local cx = math_floor(block_pos_offset_removed / CS)
box = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks[bx] then blocks[bx]={} end
-- We don't know how many calls, including this one, will overwrite this block's content!
-- Start calculating it with `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x` variable.
-- It can be `8 or less`, if we (speaking of `x` axis) are on chunk edge now,
-- or it can be `4 or less` - if we are in the middle of the chunk by `x` axis:
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x = (box > 0 and box < LAST_BLOCK) and 4 or 8
while y < y2 do
by = math_floor(y/BS)
@ -132,14 +138,34 @@ minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed)
local cy = math_floor(block_pos_offset_removed / CS)
boy = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
if not blocks[bx][by] then blocks[bx][by]={} end
-- Here we just divide `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x` by 2,
-- if we are (speaking of `y` axis now) in the middle of the chunk now.
-- Or we don't divide it, if not.
-- So, basing on `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x`,
--- we calculate `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y` this way:
local total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y = (boy > 0 and boy < LAST_BLOCK) and math_floor(total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x / 2) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_x
while z < z2 do
bz = math_floor(z/BS)
block_pos_offset_removed = bz - offset
local cz = math_floor(block_pos_offset_removed / CS)
boz = block_pos_offset_removed % CS
-- Now we do absolutely the same for `z` axis, basing on our previous result
-- from `total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y` variable.
-- And our final result is in `total_mapgen_block_writes`.
-- It can be still 8, derived from `x` calculation, but it can be less!
-- It can be even 1, if we are in safe 3x3x3 area of mapchunk:
local total_mapgen_block_writes = (boz > 0 and boz < LAST_BLOCK) and math_floor(total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y / 2) or total_mapgen_block_writes_through_y
-- Get current number of writes from the table, or just set it to 1, if accessed first time:
local current_mapgen_block_writes = blocks[bx][by][bz] and (blocks[bx][by][bz] + 1) or 1
-- And compare:
if current_mapgen_block_writes == total_mapgen_block_writes then
-- this block shouldn't be overwritten anymore, no need to keep it in memory
blocks[bx][by][bz] = nil