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Bangle.js Layout Library

Take a look at README.md for hints on developing with this library.


var Layout = require("Layout");
var layout = new Layout(layoutObject, options)


For example:

var Layout = require("Layout");
var layout = new Layout({
  c: [
    { type: "txt", font: "20%", label: "12:00" },
    { type: "txt", font: "6x8", label: "The Date" }



layoutObject has:

  • A type field of:
    • undefined - blank, can be used for padding
    • "txt" - a text label, with value label. font is required
    • "btn" - a button, with value label and callback cb. Optional src specifies an image (like img) in which case label is ignored. Default font is 6x8, scale 2. This can be overridden with the font or scale fields.
    • "img" - an image where src is an image, or a function which is called to return an image to draw
    • "custom" - a custom block where render(layoutObj) is called to render
    • "h" - Horizontal layout, c is an array of more layoutObject
    • "v" - Vertical layout, c is an array of more layoutObject
  • A id field. If specified the object is added with this name to the returned layout object, so can be referenced as layout.foo
  • A font field, eg 6x8 or 30% to use a percentage of screen height. Set scale with :, e.g. 6x8:2.
  • A scale field, eg 2 to set scale of an image
  • A r field to set rotation of text or images (0: 0°, 1: 90°, 2: 180°, 3: 270°).
  • A wrap field to enable line wrapping. Requires some combination of width/height and fillx/filly to be set. Not compatible with text rotation.
  • A col field, eg #f00 for red
  • A bgCol field for background color (will automatically fill on render). When type:"btn", this sets the background color of the button, and will not change color on press
  • A btnBorder field for button border color (will default to theme if not set)
  • A halign field to set horizontal alignment WITHIN a v container. -1=left, 1=right, 0=center
  • A valign field to set vertical alignment WITHIN a h container. -1=top, 1=bottom, 0=center
  • A pad integer field to set pixels padding
  • A fillx int to choose if the object should fill available space in x. 0=no, 1=yes, 2=2x more space
  • A filly int to choose if the object should fill available space in y. 0=no, 1=yes, 2=2x more space
  • width and height fields to optionally specify minimum size options is an object containing:

options has:

  • lazy - a boolean specifying whether to enable automatic lazy rendering
  • btns - array of objects containing:
    • label - the text on the button
    • cb - a callback function
    • cbl - a callback function for long presses
  • back - a callback function, passed as back into Bangle.setUI (which usually adds an icon in the top left)
  • remove - a cleanup function, passed as remove into Bangle.setUI (allows to cleanly remove the app from memory)

If automatic lazy rendering is enabled, calls to layout.render() will attempt to automatically determine what objects have changed or moved, clear their previous locations, and re-render just those objects.

Once layout.update() is called, the following fields are added to each object:

  • x and y for the top left position
  • w and h for the width and height
  • _w and _h for the minimum width and height

Other functions:

  • layout.update() - update positions of everything if contents have changed
  • layout.debug(obj) - draw outlines for objects on screen
  • layout.clear(obj) - clear the given object (you can also just specify bgCol to clear before each render)
  • layout.forgetLazyState() - if lazy rendering is enabled, makes the next call to render() perform a full re-render