mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
264 lines
9.7 KiB
264 lines
9.7 KiB
* Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({t:"intent", target:"", action:"", flags:["flag1", "flag2",...], categories:["category1","category2",...], package:"", class:"", mimetype:"", data:"", extra:{someKey:"someValueOrString", anotherKey:"anotherValueOrString",...}}));
let R;
let widgetUtils = require("widget_utils");
let backToMenu = false;
let isPaused = true;
let dark = g.theme.dark; // bool
// The main layout of the app
let gfx = function() {
R = Bangle.appRect;
marigin = 8;
// g.drawString(str, x, y, solid)
if (dark) {g.setColor(0x07E0);} else {g.setColor(0x03E0);} // Green on dark theme, DarkGreen on light theme.
g.setFontAlign(1, 0, 0);
g.drawString("->", R.x2 - marigin, R.y + R.h/2);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 0, 0);
g.drawString("<-", R.x + marigin, R.y + R.h/2);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 0, 1);
g.drawString("<-", R.x + R.w/2, R.y + marigin);
g.setFontAlign(1, 0, 1);
g.drawString("->", R.x + R.w/2, R.y2 - marigin);
g.setFontAlign(0, 0, 0);
g.drawString("Play\nPause", R.x + R.w/2, R.y + R.h/2);
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0);
g.drawString("Menu", R.x + 2*marigin, R.y + 2*marigin);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 1, 0);
g.drawString("Wake", R.x + 2*marigin, R.y + R.h - 2*marigin);
g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0);
g.drawString("Srch", R.x + R.w - 2*marigin, R.y + 2*marigin);
g.setFontAlign(1, 1, 0);
g.drawString("Saved", R.x + R.w - 2*marigin, R.y + R.h - 2*marigin);
// Touch handler for main layout
let touchHandler = function(_, xy) {
x = xy.x;
y = xy.y;
len = (R.w<R.h+1)?(R.w/3):(R.h/3);
// doing a<b+1 seemed faster than a<=b, also using a>b-1 instead of a>b.
if ((R.x-1<x && x<R.x+len) && (R.y-1<y && y<R.y+len)) {
Bangle.removeListener("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.removeListener("swipe", swipeHandler);
backToMenu = true;
} else if ((R.x-1<x && x<R.x+len) && (R.y2-len<y && y<R.y2+1)) {
} else if ((R.x2-len<x && x<R.x2+1) && (R.y-1<y && y<R.y+len)) {
Bangle.removeListener("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.removeListener("swipe", swipeHandler);
} else if ((R.x2-len<x && x<R.x2+1) && (R.y2-len<y && y<R.y2+1)) {
Bangle.removeListener("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.removeListener("swipe", swipeHandler);
} else if ((R.x-1<x && x<R.x+len) && (R.y+R.h/2-len/2<y && y<R.y+R.h/2+len/2)) {
} else if ((R.x2-len+1<x && x<R.x2+1) && (R.y+R.h/2-len/2<y && y<R.y+R.h/2+len/2)) {
} else if ((R.x-1<x && x<R.x2+1) && (R.y-1<y && y<R.y2+1)){
playPause = isPaused?"play":"pause";
isPaused = !isPaused;
// Swipe handler for main layout, used for next previous track.
let swipeHandler = function(LR, _) {
if (LR==-1) {
if (LR==1) {
// Navigation input on the main layout
let setUI = function() {
// Bangle.setUI code from rigrig's smessages app for volume control: https://git.tubul.net/rigrig/BangleApps/src/branch/personal/apps/smessages/app.js
{mode : "updown",
remove : ()=>{
Bangle.removeListener("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.removeListener("swipe", swipeHandler);
ud => {
if (ud) Bangle.musicControl(ud>0 ? "volumedown" : "volumeup");
Bangle.on("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.on("swipe", swipeHandler);
let buttonHandler = setWatch(()=>{load();}, BTN, {edge:'falling'});
// Get back to the main layout
let backToGfx = function() {
backToMenu = false;
The functions for interacting with Android and the Spotify app
let createCommand = function(o) {
let boilerplateO = {t:"intent", action:"android.intent.action.VIEW", categories:["android.intent.category.DEFAULT"], package:"com.spotify.music", target:"activity", flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION"]};
let assembledO = Object.assign(boilerplateO, o)
return ()=>{
let assembleSearchString = function() {
return (artist=="" ? "":("artist:\""+artist+"\"")) + ((artist!="" && track!="") ? " ":"") + (track=="" ? "":("track:\""+track+"\"")) + (((artist!="" && album!="") || (track!="" && album!="")) ? " ":"") + (album=="" ? "":(" album:\""+album+"\""));
let simpleSearch = "";
let simpleSearchTerm = function() { // input a simple search term without tags, overrides search with tags (artist and track)
require("textinput").input({text:simpleSearch}).then(result => {simpleSearch = result;}).then(() => {E.showMenu(searchMenu);});
let artist = "";
let artistSearchTerm = function() { // input artist to search for
require("textinput").input({text:artist}).then(result => {artist = result;}).then(() => {E.showMenu(searchMenu);});
let track = "";
let trackSearchTerm = function() { // input track to search for
require("textinput").input({text:track}).then(result => {track = result;}).then(() => {E.showMenu(searchMenu);});
let album = "";
let albumSearchTerm = function() { // input album to search for
require("textinput").input({text:album}).then(result => {album = result;}).then(() => {E.showMenu(searchMenu);});
let searchPlayWOTags = ()=>(createCommand({action:"android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH", extra:{query:simpleSearch}, flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"]})());
let searchPlayWTags = createCommand({action:"android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH", extra:{query:assembleSearchString()}, flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"]});
let playVreden = createCommand({data:"spotify:track:5QEFFJ5tAeRlVquCUNpAJY:play"});
//let searchPlayVreden = createCommand({action:"android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH", extra:{query:'artist:"Sara Parkman" track:"Vreden"'}, flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"]});
let openAlbum = createCommand({data:"spotify:album:3MVb2CWB36x7VwYo5sZmf2", flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"]});
let spotifyWidget = (action)=>{
createCommand({t:"intent", action:("com.spotify.mobile.android.ui.widget."+action), categories:[], target:"broadcastreceiver", flags:[]})();
let searchPlayAlbum = createCommand({action:"android.media.action.MEDIA_PLAY_FROM_SEARCH", extra:{query:'album:"The blue room" artist:"Coldplay"', "android.intent.extra.focus":"vnd.android.cursor.item/album"}, flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK"]});
let gadgetbridgeWake = createCommand({flags:["FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTS", "FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION"], package:"gadgetbridge", class:"nodomain.freeyourgadget.gadgetbridge.activities.WakeActivity"});
let spotifyPlaylistDW = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZEVXcRfaeEbxXIgb:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM1 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E365VyzxE0mxF:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM2 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E38LZHLFnrM61:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM3 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E36RU87qzgBFP:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM4 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E396gGyCXEBFh:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM5 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E37a0Tt6CKJLP:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDM6 = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E36UIQLQK79od:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistDD = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1EfWFiI7QfIAKq:play"});
let spotifyPlaylistRR = createCommand({data:"spotify:user:spotify:playlist:37i9dQZEVXbs0XkE2V8sMO:play"});
// Spotify Remote Menu
let spotifyMenu = {
"" : { title : " Menu ",
back: backToGfx },
"Controls" : ()=>{E.showMenu(controlMenu);},
"Search and play" : ()=>{E.showMenu(searchMenu);},
"Saved music" : ()=>{E.showMenu(savedMenu);},
"Wake the android" : function() {gadgetbridgeWake();gadgetbridgeWake();},
"Exit Spotify Remote" : ()=>{load();}
let menuBackFunc = ()=>{
if (backToMenu) E.showMenu(spotifyMenu);
if (!backToMenu) backToGfx();
let controlMenu = {
"" : { title : " Controls ",
back: menuBackFunc },
"Play" : ()=>{Bangle.musicControl("play");},
"Pause" : ()=>{Bangle.musicControl("pause");},
"Previous" : ()=>{spotifyWidget("PREVIOUS");},
"Next" : ()=>{spotifyWidget("NEXT");},
"Play (widget, next then previous)" : ()=>{spotifyWidget("NEXT"); spotifyWidget("PREVIOUS");},
"Messages Music Controls" : ()=>{load("messagesmusic.app.js");},
let searchMenu = {
"" : { title : " Search ",
back: menuBackFunc },
"Search term w/o tags" : simpleSearchTerm,
"Execute search and play w/o tags" : searchPlayWOTags,
"Search term w tag \"artist\"" : artistSearchTerm,
"Search term w tag \"track\"" : trackSearchTerm,
"Search term w tag \"album\"" : albumSearchTerm,
"Execute search and play with tags" : searchPlayWTags,
let savedMenu = {
"" : { title : " Saved ",
back: menuBackFunc },
"Play Discover Weekly" : spotifyPlaylistDW,
"Play Daily Mix 1" : spotifyPlaylistDM1,
"Play Daily Mix 2" : spotifyPlaylistDM2,
"Play Daily Mix 3" : spotifyPlaylistDM3,
"Play Daily Mix 4" : spotifyPlaylistDM4,
"Play Daily Mix 5" : spotifyPlaylistDM5,
"Play Daily Mix 6" : spotifyPlaylistDM6,
"Play Daily Drive" : spotifyPlaylistDD,
"Play Release Radar" : spotifyPlaylistRR,
"Play \"Vreden\" by Sara Parkman via uri-link" : playVreden,
"Open \"The Blue Room\" EP (no autoplay)" : openAlbum,
"Play \"The Blue Room\" EP via search&play" : searchPlayAlbum,