mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
242 lines
7.1 KiB
242 lines
7.1 KiB
const chords = [
// name: [name, placement, fingers, fret],
// sourced from https://github.com/spilth/chord_diagrams/blob/main/lib/chord_diagrams/fingerings.csv
['A', 'x02220', '', 0],
['B', 'x24442', '', 0],
['Bb', 'x13331', '', 0],
['C', 'x32010', '', 0],
['C#', 'x46664', '', 0],
['D', 'xx0232', '', 0],
['D#', 'x68886', '', 0],
['E', '022100', '', 0],
['Eb', 'x68886', '', 0],
['F', '133211', '', 0],
['F#', '244322', '', 0],
['G', '320003', '', 0],
['G#', '466544', '', 0],
['C5', 'x355xx', '', 0],
['D5', 'x577xx', '', 0],
['D#5', 'x688xx', '', 0],
['C6', 'x32210', '', 0],
['D6', 'xx0202', '', 0],
['E6', '022120', '', 0],
['G6', '320000', '', 0],
['A7', '002020', '', 0],
['B7', 'x21202', '', 0],
['C7', 'x32310', '', 0],
['C#7', 'x46464', '', 0],
['D7', 'x00212', '', 0],
['E7', '020100', '', 0],
['E7sus4', '020200', '', 0],
['F7', '131211', '', 0],
['F#7', '242322', '', 0],
['G7', '320001', '', 0],
['G#7', '464544', '', 0],
['AM7', 'x02120', '', 0],
['CM7', 'x32000', '', 0],
['DM7', 'xx0222', '', 0],
['EM7', 'xx2444', '', 0],
['FM7', '132211', '', 0],
['Cadd9', 'x32033', '', 0],
['Fadd9', 'xx3213', '', 0],
['Dsus2', 'xx0230', '', 0],
['Asus2', 'x02200', '', 0],
['Asus4', 'x02230', '', 0],
['Dsus4', 'xx0233', '', 0],
['Esus4', '022200', '', 0],
['A7sus4', '002030', '', 0],
['G7sus4', '353533', '', 0],
['G+', 'x21003', '', 0],
['Am', '002210', '', 0],
['Bm', 'x24432', '', 0],
['Cm', 'x35543', '', 0],
['C#m', 'x46654', '', 0],
['Dm', 'x00231', '', 0],
['Em', '022000', '', 0],
['Fm', '133111', '', 0],
['F#m', '244222', '', 0],
['Gm', '355333', '', 0],
['G#m', '466444', '', 0],
['Am7', '002010', '', 0],
['A#m7', 'x13121', '', 0],
['Bm7', 'x24232', '', 0],
['Cm7', 'x35343', '', 0],
['C#m7', 'x46454', '', 0],
['Dm7', 'x00211', '', 0],
['Em7', '020030', '', 0],
['Fm7', '131111', '', 0],
['F#m7', '242222', '', 0],
['Gm7', '353333', '', 0],
['Am9', 'x05557', '', 0],
['Bm11', 'x20220', '', 0],
['F#m11', '202200', '', 0],
['A/C#', '042220', '', 0],
['A/E', '00222x', '', 0],
['A/F#', '202220', '', 0],
['Bb/A', 'x00331', '', 0],
['C/B', 'x22010', '', 0],
['C/E', '032010', '', 0],
['D/A', 'x04232', '', 0],
['D/F#', '200232', '', 0],
['F/A', 'x03211', '', 0],
['G/B', 'x20003', '', 0],
['C7/G', '3323xx', '', 0],
['D7/F#', '200212', '', 0],
['G7/F', '123003', '', 0],
['D9/F#', '2x0210', '', 0],
['Am/D', 'xx0210', '', 0],
['Am/G', '302210', '', 0],
['A#m/D#', 'xx1321', '', 0],
['Dm/F', '10323x', '', 0],
['Gm/Bb', 'x10333', '', 0],
['A7/G', '302020', '', 0],
['G#dim', '4564xx', '', 0],
['Adim', 'x01212', '', 0],
['D#dim7', 'xx1212', '', 0],
['G#dim7', '456464', '', 0],
['Daug', 'xx0332', '', 0],
['Aaug', 'x03221', '', 0],
['Dadd11', 'xx0032', '', 0],
const chordHeight = 85;
const chordWidth = 80;
const chordOptions = {
stringWidths: 12,
fretHeight: 14,
circleSize: 4,
drawFinger: false,
drawCircleRim: false,
const chordCache = {};
function drawChordCached(chord, x, y, options) {
let image;
if (chordCache[chord[0]]) {
image = chordCache[chord[0]]
} else {
let arrbuff = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(chordWidth,chordHeight,1,{msb:true});
drawChord(arrbuff, chord, 0, 0, options);
image = {width: arrbuff.getWidth(), height: arrbuff.getHeight(), bpp:arrbuff.getBPP(), buffer: arrbuff.buffer, transparent:0}
chordCache[chord[0]] = image;
g.drawImage(image, x, y);
function drawChord(buffer, chord, x, y, options) {
const stringWidths = options.stringWidths;
const fretHeight = options.fretHeight;
const circleSize = options.circleSize;
const drawFinger = options.drawFinger;
const drawCircleRim = options.drawCircleRim;
const name = chord[0];
chord = chord.slice(1);
x += 3;
buffer.setFont('6x8').setColor(0x1).setFontAlign(-1, -1).drawString(name, x, y);
y += 15;
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
buffer.drawLine(x + i * stringWidths, y, x + i * stringWidths, y + fretHeight*4);
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
buffer.fillRect(x - 1, y + i * fretHeight - 1, x + stringWidths * 5 + 1, y + i * fretHeight + 1);
for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
const placement = chord[0];
const fingers = chord[1];
const xPos = x + i * stringWidths;
let yPos = y + fretHeight * parseInt(placement[i]) - fretHeight/2
if (placement[i] === "0") {
buffer.setColor(0x1).drawCircle(xPos, y - 5, 2);
} else if (placement[i] === "x") {
buffer.setFontAlign(0, 0);
buffer.setColor(0x1).drawString('x', xPos, y - 5);
buffer.setFontAlign(0, 0);
if (drawFinger && chord[i].length>1) {
buffer.setColor(0x0).fillCircle(xPos, yPos, circleSize);
if (drawCircleRim) {
buffer.setColor(0x1).drawCircle(xPos, yPos, circleSize);
if (parseInt(fingers[i])) {
buffer.setColor(0x1).drawString(fingers[i], xPos, yPos);
} else {
buffer.setColor(0x1).fillCircle(xPos, yPos, circleSize);
buffer.setFontAlign(0, -1)
if (parseInt(fingers[i])) {
buffer.setColor(0x1).drawString(fingers[i], xPos, y + fretHeight*4 + 2);
if (chord[2] !== 0) {
buffer.setFontAlign(-1, -1);
buffer.drawString(chord[2] + 'fr', x + 5 * stringWidths + 2, y);
function drawApp(lyricsLines, chordsDraw, scrollY, chordScrollX) {
const R = Bangle.appRect;
if (scrollY < chordHeight) {
for (let i=0; i<chordsDraw.length; i++) {
drawChordCached(chordsDraw[i], 3 + i*chordWidth + chordScrollX, R.y + scrollY, chordOptions);
const lineHeight = g.stringMetrics(' ').height;
for (let i=0; i<lyricsLines.length; i++){
const y = R.y + lineHeight * i + chordHeight + scrollY;
if (y < -lineHeight) continue;
if (y > R.y2) break;
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1).drawString(lyricsLines[i], R.x, y);
let currentScrollY = 0;
let chordScrollX = 0;
//let currentChordScroll = 0;
//let lyricsHeight = 0;
function main(song) {
const lyrics = song.lyrics;
const foundChords = song.chords;
const lyricsLines = lyrics.split('\n');
const chordsDraw = chords.filter(c=>foundChords.includes(c[0]));
const R = Bangle.appRect;
drawApp(lyricsLines, chordsDraw, currentScrollY, chordScrollX);
/*lyricsHeight =*/ g.stringMetrics(lyrics).height;
Bangle.on('drag', (event) => {
currentScrollY = Math.min(0, currentScrollY + event.dy);
chordScrollX = Math.max(Math.min(0, chordScrollX + event.dx), -(song.chords.length*chordWidth - R.x2));
drawApp(lyricsLines, chordsDraw, currentScrollY, chordScrollX);
function mainMenu () {
const songs = (
require("Storage").readJSON("guitar_songs.json", true) ||
[{'name': 'No songs', 'lyrics': 'Em\nPlease upload a song\nAm A7\nusing the Bangle App Loader', 'chords': ['Am', 'Em', 'A7']}]
const menu = {
"": {"title": "Guitar Songs"},
for (let i=0; i<songs.length; i++) {
const song = songs[i];
menu[song.name] = function() { main(song) };