mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
223 lines
7.6 KiB
223 lines
7.6 KiB
const BANGLEJS2 = process.env.HWVERSION == 2; // check for bangle 2
const CONFIGFILE = "sleepphasealarm.json";
const Layout = require("Layout");
const locale = require('locale');
const alarms = require("Storage").readJSON("sched.json",1) || [];
const config = Object.assign({
logs: [], // array of length 31 with one entry for each day of month
settings: {
startBeforeAlarm: 0, // 0 = start immediately, 1..23 = start 1h..23h before alarm time
disableAlarm: false,
}, require("Storage").readJSON(CONFIGFILE,1) || {});
const active = alarms.filter(alarm => require("sched").getTimeToAlarm(alarm));
const schedSettings = require("sched").getSettings();
let buzzCount = schedSettings.buzzCount;
let logs = [];
let drawTimeTimeout;
// Sleep/Wake detection with Estimation of Stationary Sleep-segments (ESS):
// Marko Borazio, Eugen Berlin, Nagihan Kücükyildiz, Philipp M. Scholl and Kristof Van Laerhoven, "Towards a Benchmark for Wearable Sleep Analysis with Inertial Wrist-worn Sensing Units", ICHI 2014, Verona, Italy, IEEE Press, 2014.
// https://ubicomp.eti.uni-siegen.de/home/datasets/ichi14/index.html.en
// Function needs to be called for every measurement but returns a value at maximum once a second (see winwidth)
// start of sleep marker is delayed by sleepthresh due to continous data reading
const winwidth=13; // Actually 12.5 Hz, rounded
const nomothresh=0.023; // Original implementation: 6, resolution 11 bit, scale +-4G = 6/(2^(11-1))*4 = 0.023438 in G
const sleepthresh=600;
var ess_values = [];
var slsnds = 0;
function calc_ess(acc_magn) {"ram"
if (ess_values.length == winwidth) {
// calculate standard deviation over ~1s
const mean = ess_values.reduce((prev,cur) => cur+prev) / ess_values.length;
const stddev = Math.sqrt(ess_values.map(val => Math.pow(val-mean,2)).reduce((prev,cur) => prev+cur)/ess_values.length);
ess_values = [];
// check for non-movement according to the threshold
const nonmot = stddev < nomothresh;
// amount of seconds within non-movement sections
if (nonmot) {
if (slsnds >= sleepthresh) {
return true; // sleep
} else {
return false; // awake
// locate next alarm
var nextAlarmDate;
var nextAlarmConfig;
active.forEach(alarm => {
const now = new Date();
const time = require("time_utils").decodeTime(alarm.t);
var dateAlarm = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), time.h, time.m);
if (dateAlarm < now) { // dateAlarm in the past, add 24h
dateAlarm.setTime(dateAlarm.getTime() + (24*60*60*1000));
if ((alarm.dow >> dateAlarm.getDay()) & 1) { // check valid day of week
if (nextAlarmDate === undefined || dateAlarm < nextAlarmDate) {
nextAlarmDate = dateAlarm;
nextAlarmConfig = alarm;
const LABEL_ETA = /*LANG*/"ETA";
const LABEL_WAKEUP_TIME = /*LANG*/"Alarm at";
var layout = new Layout({
type:"v", c: [
{type:"txt", font:"10%", label:"Sleep Phase Alarm", bgCol:g.theme.bgH, fillx: true, height:Bangle.appRect.h/6},
{type:"txt", font:"16%", label: ' '.repeat(20), id:"date", height:Bangle.appRect.h/6},
{type:"txt", font:"12%", label: "", id:"alarm_date", height:Bangle.appRect.h/6},
{type:"txt", font:"10%", label: ' '.repeat(20), id:"eta", height:Bangle.appRect.h/6},
{type:"txt", font:"12%", label: ' '.repeat(20), id:"state", height:Bangle.appRect.h/6},
}, {lazy:true});
function drawApp() {
var alarmHour = nextAlarmDate.getHours();
var alarmMinute = nextAlarmDate.getMinutes();
if (alarmHour < 10) alarmHour = "0" + alarmHour;
if (alarmMinute < 10) alarmMinute = "0" + alarmMinute;
layout.alarm_date.label = `${LABEL_WAKEUP_TIME}: ${alarmHour}:${alarmMinute}`;
function drawTime() {"ram"
const drawSeconds = !Bangle.isLocked();
if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) {
const now = new Date();
layout.date.label = locale.time(now, !drawSeconds); // hide seconds on bangle 2
const diff = nextAlarmDate - now;
const diffHour = Math.floor((diff % 86400000) / 3600000).toString();
const diffMinutes = Math.floor(((diff % 86400000) % 3600000) / 60000).toString();
layout.eta.label = `${LABEL_ETA}: ${diffHour}:${diffMinutes.padStart(2, '0')}`;
const period = drawSeconds ? 1000 : 60000;
if (this.drawTimeTimeout !== undefined) {
drawTimeTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{
drawTimeTimeout = undefined;
}, period - (Date.now() % period));
Bangle.on('lock', function(on) {
if (on === false) {
function buzz() {
if ((require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}).quiet>1) return; // total silence
require("buzz").pattern(nextAlarmConfig.vibrate || ";");
if (buzzCount--) {
setTimeout(buzz, schedSettings.buzzIntervalMillis);
} else {
// back to main after finish
setTimeout(load, 1000);
function addLog(time, type) {
logs.push({time: time, type: type});
if (logs.length > 1) { // Do not write if there is only one state
require("Storage").writeJSON(CONFIGFILE, config);
// run
var minAlarm = new Date();
var measure = true;
if (nextAlarmDate !== undefined) {
const logday = BANGLEJS2 ? nextAlarmDate.getDate() : 0;
config.logs[logday] = []; // overwrite log on each day of month
logs = config.logs[logday];
let swest_last;
// minimum alert 30 minutes early
minAlarm.setTime(nextAlarmDate.getTime() - (30*60*1000));
run = () => {
layout.state.label = /*LANG*/"Start";
Bangle.setOptions({powerSave: false}); // do not dynamically change accelerometer poll interval
Bangle.setPollInterval(80); // 12.5Hz
Bangle.on('accel', (accelData) => {"ram"
const now = new Date();
const acc = accelData.mag;
const swest = calc_ess(acc);
if (swest !== undefined) {
if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) {
layout.state.label = swest ? /*LANG*/"Sleep" : /*LANG*/"Awake";
// log
if (swest_last != swest) {
if (swest) {
addLog(new Date(now - sleepthresh*13/12.5*1000), "sleep"); // calculate begin of no motion phase, 13 values/second at 12.5Hz
} else {
addLog(now, "awake");
swest_last = swest;
if (now >= nextAlarmDate) {
// The alarm widget should handle this one
addLog(now, "alarm");
setTimeout(load, 1000);
} else if (measure && now >= minAlarm && swest === false) {
addLog(now, "alarm");
measure = false;
if (nextAlarmConfig.js) {
eval(nextAlarmConfig.js); // run nextAlarmConfig.js if set
} else {
if (config.settings.disableAlarm) {
// disable alarm for scheduler
nextAlarmConfig.last = now.getDate();
require('Storage').writeJSON('sched.json', alarms);
if (config.settings.startBeforeAlarm === 0) {
// Start immediately
} else {
// defer start
layout.state.label = "Deferred";
const diff = nextAlarmDate - Date.now();
let timeout = diff-config.settings.startBeforeAlarm*60*60*1000;
if (timeout < 0) timeout = 0;
setTimeout(run, timeout);
} else {
E.showMessage('No Alarm');
setTimeout(load, 1000);
setWatch(() => load(), BANGLEJS2 ? BTN : BTN3, { repeat: false, edge: "falling" });