mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
146 lines
6.1 KiB
146 lines
6.1 KiB
(function() {
function gbSend(message) {
var lastMsg;
var settings = require("Storage").readJSON("android.settings.json",1)||{};
//default alarm settings
if (settings.rp == undefined) settings.rp = true;
if (settings.as == undefined) settings.as = true;
if (settings.vibrate == undefined) settings.vibrate = "..";
require('Storage').writeJSON("android.settings.json", settings);
var _GB = global.GB;
global.GB = (event) => {
// feed a copy to other handlers if there were any
if (_GB) setTimeout(_GB,0,Object.assign({},event));
/* TODO: Call handling, fitness */
var HANDLERS = {
// {t:"notify",id:int, src,title,subject,body,sender,tel:string} add
"notify" : function() {
Object.assign(event,{t:"add",positive:true, negative:true});
// Detect a weird GadgetBridge bug and fix it
// For some reason SMS messages send two GB notifications, with different sets of info
if (lastMsg && event.body == lastMsg.body && lastMsg.src == undefined && event.src == "Messages") {
// Mutate the other message
event.id = lastMsg.id;
lastMsg = event;
// {t:"notify~",id:int, title:string} // modified
"notify~" : function() { event.t="modify";require("messages").pushMessage(event); },
// {t:"notify-",id:int} // remove
"notify-" : function() { event.t="remove";require("messages").pushMessage(event); },
// {t:"find", n:bool} // find my phone
"find" : function() {
if (Bangle.findDeviceInterval) {
delete Bangle.findDeviceInterval;
if (event.n) // Ignore quiet mode: we always want to find our watch
Bangle.findDeviceInterval = setInterval(_=>Bangle.buzz(),1000);
// {t:"musicstate", state:"play/pause",position,shuffle,repeat}
"musicstate" : function() {
// {t:"musicinfo", artist,album,track,dur,c(track count),n(track num}
"musicinfo" : function() {
require("messages").pushMessage(Object.assign(event, {t:"modify",id:"music",title:"Music"}));
// {"t":"call","cmd":"incoming/end","name":"Bob","number":"12421312"})
"call" : function() {
Object.assign(event, {
id:"call", src:"Phone",
positive:true, negative:true,
title:event.name||"Call", body:"Incoming call\n"+event.number});
"alarm" : function() {
//wipe existing GB alarms
var sched;
try { sched = require("sched"); } catch (e) {}
if (!sched) return; // alarms may not be installed
var gbalarms = sched.getAlarms().filter(a=>a.appid=="gbalarms");
for (var i = 0; i < gbalarms.length; i++)
sched.setAlarm(gbalarms[i].id, undefined);
var alarms = sched.getAlarms();
var time = new Date();
var currentTime = time.getHours() * 3600000 +
time.getMinutes() * 60000 +
time.getSeconds() * 1000;
for (var j = 0; j < event.d.length; j++) {
// prevents all alarms from going off at once??
var dow = event.d[j].rep;
if (!dow) dow = 127; //if no DOW selected, set alarm to all DOW
var last = (event.d[j].h * 3600000 + event.d[j].m * 60000 < currentTime) ? (new Date()).getDate() : 0;
var a = require("sched").newDefaultAlarm();
a.id = "gb"+j;
a.appid = "gbalarms";
a.on = true;
a.t = event.d[j].h * 3600000 + event.d[j].m * 60000;
a.dow = ((dow&63)<<1) | (dow>>6); // Gadgetbridge sends DOW in a different format
a.last = last;
//TODO perhaps move those in a library (like messages), used also for viewing events?
//simple package with events all together
"calendarevents" : function() {
require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", event.events);
//add and remove events based on activity on phone (pebble-like)
"calendar" : function() {
var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true);
if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) cal = [];
var i = cal.findIndex(e=>e.id==event.id);
cal[i] = event;
require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", cal);
"calendar-" : function() {
var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true);
//if any of those happen we are out of sync!
if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) return;
cal = cal.filter(e=>e.id!=event.id);
require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", cal);
var h = HANDLERS[event.t];
if (h) h(); else console.log("GB Unknown",event);
// Battery monitor
function sendBattery() { gbSend({ t: "status", bat: E.getBattery(), chg: Bangle.isCharging()?1:0 }); }
NRF.on("connect", () => setTimeout(sendBattery, 2000));
Bangle.on("charging", sendBattery);
if (!settings.keep)
NRF.on("disconnect", () => require("messages").clearAll()); // remove all messages on disconnect
setInterval(sendBattery, 10*60*1000);
// Health tracking
Bangle.on('health', health=>{
gbSend({ t: "act", stp: health.steps, hrm: health.bpm });
// Music control
Bangle.musicControl = cmd => {
// play/pause/next/previous/volumeup/volumedown
gbSend({ t: "music", n:cmd });
// Message response
Bangle.messageResponse = (msg,response) => {
if (msg.id=="call") return gbSend({ t: "call", n:response?"ACCEPT":"REJECT" });
if (isFinite(msg.id)) return gbSend({ t: "notify", n:response?"OPEN":"DISMISS", id: msg.id });
// error/warn here?
// remove settings object so it's not taking up RAM
delete settings;