
195 lines
6.3 KiB

// set storage and define settings
var storage = require("Storage");
var breaktod, maxawake, minconsec;
// read required settings from storage
function readSettings(settings) {
breaktod = settings.breaktod || (settings.breaktod === 0 ? 0 : 10); // time of day when to start/end graphs
maxawake = settings.maxawake || 36E5; // 60min in ms
minconsec = settings.minconsec || 18E5; // 30min in ms
// define draw log function
function drawLog(topY, viewUntil) {
// set default view time
viewUntil = viewUntil || Date();
// define parameters
var statusValue = [0, 0.4, 0.6, 1]; // unknown, not worn, awake, sleeping, consecutive sleep
var statusColor = [0, 63488, 2016, 32799, 31]; // black, red, green, violet, blue
var period = 432E5; // 12h
var graphHeight = 18;
var labelHeight = 12;
var width = g.getWidth();
var timestamp0 = viewUntil.valueOf() - period;
var y = topY + graphHeight;
// read 12h wide log
var log = require("sleeplog").readLog(timestamp0, viewUntil.valueOf());
// format log array if not empty
if (log.length) {
// if the period goes into the future add unknown status at the beginning
if (viewUntil > Date()) log.unshift([Date().valueOf(), 0]);
// check if the period goes earlier than logged data
if (log[log.length - 1][0] < timestamp0) {
// set time of last entry according to period
log[log.length - 1][0] = timestamp0;
} else {
// add entry with unknown status at the end
log.push([timestamp0, 0]);
// remap each element to [status, relative beginning, relative end, duration]
log =, index) => [
element[0] - timestamp0,
(log[index - 1] || [viewUntil.valueOf()])[0] - timestamp0,
(log[index - 1] || [viewUntil.valueOf()])[0] - element[0]
// start with the oldest entry to build graph left to right
// clear area
g.reset().clearRect(0, topY, width, y + labelHeight);
// draw x axis
g.drawLine(0, y + 1, width, y + 1);
// draw x label
var hours = period / 36E5;
var stepwidth = width / hours;
var startHour = 24 + viewUntil.getHours() - hours;
for (var x = 0; x < hours; x++) {
g.fillRect(x * stepwidth, y + 2, x * stepwidth, y + 4);
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1).setFont("6x8")
.drawString((startHour + x) % 24, x * stepwidth, y + 6);
// define variables for sleep calculation
var consecutive = 0;
var output = [0, 0]; // [estimated, true]
var i, nosleepduration;
// draw graph
log.forEach((element, index) => {
// set bar color depending on type
g.setColor(statusColor[consecutive ? 4 : element[0]]);
// check for sleeping status
if (element[0] === 3) {
// count true sleeping hours
output[1] += element[3];
// count duration of subsequent non sleeping periods
i = index + 1;
nosleepduration = 0;
while (log[i] !== undefined && log[i][0] < 3 && nosleepduration < maxawake) {
nosleepduration += log[i++][3];
// check if counted duration lower than threshold to start/stop counting
if (log[i] !== undefined && nosleepduration < maxawake) {
// start counting consecutive sleeping hours
consecutive += element[3];
// correct color to match consecutive sleeping
} else {
// check if counted consecutive sleeping greater then threshold
if (consecutive >= minconsec) {
// write verified consecutive sleeping hours to output
output[0] += consecutive + element[3];
} else {
// correct color to display a canceled consecutive sleeping period
// stop counting consecutive sleeping hours
consecutive = 0;
} else {
// count durations of non sleeping periods for consecutive sleeping
if (consecutive) consecutive += element[3];
// calculate points
var x1 = Math.ceil(element[1] / period * width);
var x2 = Math.floor(element[2] / period * width);
var y2 = y - graphHeight * statusValue[element[0]];
// draw bar
g.clearRect(x1, topY, x2, y);
g.fillRect(x1, y, x2, y2).reset();
if (y !== y2) g.fillRect(x1, y2, x2, y2);
// clear variables
log = undefined;
// return convert output into minutes
return => value /= 6E4);
// define draw night to function
function drawNightTo(prevDays) {
// calculate 10am of this or a previous day
var date = Date();
date = Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate() - prevDays, breaktod);
// get width
var width = g.getWidth();
// clear app area
g.clearRect(0, 24, width, width);
// define variable for sleep calculation
var outputs = [0, 0]; // [estimated, true]
// draw log graphs and read outputs
drawLog(110, date).forEach(
(value, index) => outputs[index] += value);
drawLog(145, Date(date.valueOf() - 432E5)).forEach(
(value, index) => outputs[index] += value);
// reduce date by 1s to ensure correct headline
date = Date(date.valueOf() - 1E3);
// draw headline, on red bg if service or loggging disabled
g.setColor(global.sleeplog && sleeplog.enabled && sleeplog.logfile ? : 63488);
g.fillRect(0, 30, width, 66).reset();
g.setFont("12x20").setFontAlign(0, -1);
g.drawString("Night to " + require('locale').dow(date, 1) + "\n" +
require('locale').date(date, 1), width / 2, 30);
// draw outputs
g.reset(); // area: 0, 70, width, 105
g.setFont("6x8").setFontAlign(-1, -1);
g.drawString("consecutive\nsleeping", 10, 70);
g.drawString("true\nsleeping", 10, 90);
g.setFont("12x20").setFontAlign(1, -1);
g.drawString(Math.floor(outputs[0] / 60) + "h " +
Math.floor(outputs[0] % 60) + "min", width - 10, 70);
g.drawString(Math.floor(outputs[1] / 60) + "h " +
Math.floor(outputs[1] % 60) + "min", width - 10, 90);
// define function to draw and setup UI
function startApp() {
readSettings(storage.readJSON("sleeplog.json", true) || {});
Bangle.setUI("leftright", (cb) => {
if (!cb) {
} else if (prevDays + cb >= -1) {
drawNightTo((prevDays += cb));
// define day to display
var prevDays = 0;
// setup app
// start app