
499 lines
17 KiB

let Layout = require('Layout');
let ScreenWidth = g.getWidth(), halfWidth = ScreenWidth/2;
let ScreenHeight = g.getHeight();
let normalizedColorSet = {
black:g.toColor(0,0,0), white: g.toColor(1,1,1),
red: g.toColor(1,0,0), yellow: g.toColor(1,1,0),
green:g.toColor(0,1,0), magenta:g.toColor(1,0,1),
blue: g.toColor(0,0,1), cyan: g.toColor(0,1,1)
let activeTheme = g.theme; // currently active theme
let pendingTheme = Object.assign({},activeTheme);
let chosenDetail = null; // one of 'fg','bg','fg2','bg2','fgH','bgH'
/**** Label ****/
function Label (Text, Options) {
function renderLabel (Details) {
let halfWidth = Details.w/2, xAlignment = Details.halign || 0;
let halfHeight = Details.h/2, yAlignment = Details.valign || 0;
let Padding = Details.pad || 0;
g.setColor(Details.col || g.theme.fg || '#000000');
if (Details.font != null) { g.setFont(Details.font); }
let x = Details.x + halfWidth + xAlignment*(halfWidth+Padding);
let y = Details.y + halfHeight + yAlignment*(halfHeight+Padding);
g.drawString(Details.label, x,y);
if (Details.bold) {
g.drawString(Details.label, x+1,y);
g.drawString(Details.label, x,y+1);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+1,y+1);
let Result = Object.assign((
Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options)
), {
type:'custom', render:renderLabel, label:Text || ''
let TextMetrics;
if (! Result.width || ! Result.height) {
if (Result.font != null) { g.setFont(Result.font); }
TextMetrics = g.stringMetrics(Result.label);
Result.width = Result.width || TextMetrics.width + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
Result.height = Result.height || TextMetrics.height + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
return Result;
if (g.drawRoundedRect == null) {
g.drawRoundedRect = function drawRoundedRect (x1,y1, x2,y2, r) {
let x,y;
if (x1 > x2) { x = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = x; }
if (y1 > y2) { y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; }
r = Math.min(r || 0, (x2-x1)/2, (y2-y1)/2);
let cx1 = x1+r, cx2 = x2-r;
let cy1 = y1+r, cy2 = y2-r;
this.drawLine(cx1,y1, cx2,y1);
this.drawLine(cx1,y2, cx2,y2);
this.drawLine(x1,cy1, x1,cy2);
this.drawLine(x2,cy1, x2,cy2);
x = r; y = 0;
let dx,dy, Error = 0;
while (y <= x) {
dy = 1 + 2*y; y++; Error -= dy;
if (Error < 0) {
dx = 1 - 2*x; x--; Error -= dx;
this.setPixel(cx1 - x, cy1 - y); this.setPixel(cx1 - y, cy1 - x);
this.setPixel(cx2 + x, cy1 - y); this.setPixel(cx2 + y, cy1 - x);
this.setPixel(cx2 + x, cy2 + y); this.setPixel(cx2 + y, cy2 + x);
this.setPixel(cx1 - x, cy2 + y); this.setPixel(cx1 - y, cy2 + x);
/**** Button ****/
function Button (Text, Options) {
function renderButton (Details) {
let x = Details.x, Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2;
let y = Details.y, Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2;
let Padding = Details.pad || 0;
g.setColor(Details.col || g.theme.fg || '#000000');
if (Details.font != null) { g.setFont(Details.font); }
g.drawRoundedRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1,8);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth,y+halfHeight);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth+1,y+halfHeight);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth,y+halfHeight+1);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth+1,y+halfHeight+1);
let Result = Object.assign((
Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options)
), {
type:'custom', render:renderButton, label:Text || 'Tap'
let TextMetrics;
if (! Result.width || ! Result.height) {
if (Options.font != null) { g.setFont(Options.font); }
TextMetrics = g.stringMetrics(Result.label);
Result.width = Result.width || TextMetrics.width + 2*10 + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
Result.height = Result.height || TextMetrics.height + 2*5 + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
return Result;
/**** ColorDemo ****/
function ColorDemo (Text, Options) {
function renderDemo (Details) {
let x = Details.x, Width = Details.w, halfWidth = Width/2;
let y = Details.y, Height = Details.h, halfHeight = Height/2;
let Padding = Details.pad || 0;
if (Details.font != null) { g.setFont(Details.font); }
g.setColor(; // do not use "bgCol"!
g.fillRect(x+Padding, y+Padding, x+Width-Padding, y+Height-Padding);
g.drawString(Details.label, x+halfWidth,y+halfHeight);
let Result = Object.assign((
Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options)
), {
type:'custom', render:renderDemo, label:Text || 'Test'
let TextMetrics;
if (! Result.width || ! Result.height) {
if (Result.font != null) { g.setFont(Result.font); }
TextMetrics = g.stringMetrics(Result.label);
Result.width = Result.width || TextMetrics.width + 2*2 + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
Result.height = Result.height || TextMetrics.height + 2*2 + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
return Result;
/**** ColorView ****/
function ColorView (Color, Options) {
function renderColorView (Details) {
let x = Details.x, Width = Details.w;
let y = Details.y, Height = Details.h;
let Padding = Details.pad || 0;
g.drawRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1);
g.fillRect(x+Padding+2, y+Padding+2, x+Width-Padding-3, y+Height-Padding-3);
let Result = Object.assign((
Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options)
), {
type:'custom', render:renderColorView, col:Color
Result.width = Math.max(10, Result.width || 10) + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
Result.height = Math.max(10, Result.height || 10) + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
return Result;
/**** ColorSelectionView ****/
function ColorSelectionView (Color, Options) {
function renderColorView (Details) {
let x = Details.x, Width = Details.w;
let y = Details.y, Height = Details.h;
let Padding = Details.pad || 0;
if (Details.selected) {
g.setColor(Details.selected ? '#FF0000' : '#000000');
g.fillRect(x+Padding,y+Padding, x+Width-Padding-1,y+Height-Padding-1);
g.drawRect(x+Padding+4,y+Padding+4, x+Width-Padding-5,y+Height-Padding-5);
} else {
g.drawRect(x+Padding+3,y+Padding+3, x+Width-Padding-4,y+Height-Padding-4);
g.fillRect(x+Padding+5, y+Padding+5, x+Width-Padding-6, y+Height-Padding-6);
let Result = Object.assign((
Options == null ? {} : Object.assign({}, Options.common || {}, Options)
), {
type:'custom', render:renderColorView, col:Color
Result.width = Math.max(10, Result.width || 10) + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
Result.height = Math.max(10, Result.height || 10) + 2*(Result.pad || 0);
return Result;
/**** EventConsumerAtPoint ****/
function EventConsumerAtPoint (HandlerName, x,y) {
let Layout = (activeLayout || {}).l;
if (Layout == null) { return; }
function ConsumerIn (Control) {
if (
(x < Control.x) || (x >= Control.x + Control.w) ||
(y < Control.y) || (y >= Control.y + Control.h)
) { return undefined; }
if (typeof Control[HandlerName] === 'function') { return Control; }
if (Control.c != null) {
let ControlList = Control.c;
for (let i = 0, l = ControlList.length; i < l; i++) {
let Consumer = ConsumerIn(ControlList[i]);
if (Consumer != null) { return Consumer; }
return undefined;
return ConsumerIn(Layout);
/**** dispatchTouchEvent ****/
function dispatchTouchEvent () {
function handleTouchEvent (Button, xy) {
let Control = EventConsumerAtPoint('onTouch', xy.x,xy.y);
if (Control != null) {
Control.onTouch(Control, Button, xy);
/**** dispatchStrokeEvent ****/
function dispatchStrokeEvent () {
function handleStrokeEvent (Coordinates) {
let Control = EventConsumerAtPoint('onStroke', Coordinates.xy[0],Coordinates.xy[1]);
if (Control != null) {
Control.onStroke(Control, Coordinates);
let ScreenSet = {};
g.setFont12x20(); // does not seem to be respected in layout!
let leftColumnWidth = Math.max(
g.stringWidth('Normal '), g.stringWidth('Accented '), g.stringWidth('Hilighted ')
let StdFont = { font:'12x20' };
let legible = Object.assign({ col:'#000000', bgCol:'#FFFFFF' }, StdFont);
let leftAligned = Object.assign({ halign:-1, valign:0 }, legible);
let MainLabel = Object.assign({ pad:4, width:leftColumnWidth }, leftAligned);
let halfWidthButton = Object.assign({ pad:4, width:halfWidth }, legible);
ScreenSet['MainScreen'] = new Layout({
type:'v', c:[
Label('Current Theme', { common:legible, pad:8, bold:true, filly:1 }),
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Normal', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Demo ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'NormalDemo' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Accented', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Demo ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'AccentedDemo' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Hilighted', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Demo ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'HilitedDemo' }),
] },
{ height:4 },
{ type:'h', c:[
Button('Exit', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => load() }),
Button('Config', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => gotoScreen('DetailSelectionScreen') })
], filly:1 }
let LabelWidth = Math.max(
g.stringWidth('Fg '), g.stringWidth('Fg2 '), g.stringWidth('FgH '),
g.stringWidth('Bg '), g.stringWidth('Bg2 '), g.stringWidth('BgH ')
let LabelHeight = g.stringMetrics('FgH').height;
let DetailLabel = Object.assign({ pad:4, width:LabelWidth }, leftAligned);
let DetailView = { width:30, height:LabelHeight, pad:2 };
ScreenSet['DetailSelectionScreen'] = new Layout({
type:'v', c:[
Label('Configure Detail', { font:'12x20', pad:8, col:'#000000', bgCol:'#FFFFFF', bold:true, filly:1 }),
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('fg', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fg') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fg'), id:'fgView' }),
{ width:20 },
Label('bg', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bg') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bg'), id:'bgView' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('fg2', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fg2') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fg2'), id:'fg2View' }),
{ width:20 },
Label('bg2', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bg2') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bg2'), id:'bg2View' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('fgH', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fgH') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('fgH'), id:'fgHView' }),
{ width:20 },
Label('bgH', { common:DetailLabel, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bgH') }),
ColorView(0, { common:DetailView, onTouch:() => configureDetail('bgH'), id:'bgHView' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Button('Save', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => { applyChanges(); gotoScreen('MainScreen'); } }),
Button('Cancel', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => gotoScreen('MainScreen') })
], filly:1 },
let StdSelectionView = { width:40, height:40, pad:2 };
ScreenSet['ColorSelectionScreen'] = new Layout({
type:'v', c:[
Label('Choose Color', { font:'12x20', pad:8, col:'#000000', bgCol:'#FFFFFF', bold:true, filly:1 }),
{ type:'h', c:[
ColorSelectionView('#000000',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'black',
onTouch:() => selectColor(0,0,0) }),
ColorSelectionView('#FF0000',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'red',
onTouch:() => selectColor(1,0,0) }),
ColorSelectionView('#00FF00',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'green',
onTouch:() => selectColor(0,1,0) }),
ColorSelectionView('#0000FF',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'blue',
onTouch:() => selectColor(0,0,1) }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
ColorSelectionView('#FFFFFF',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'white',
onTouch:() => selectColor(1,1,1) }),
ColorSelectionView('#FFFF00',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'yellow',
onTouch:() => selectColor(1,1,0) }),
ColorSelectionView('#FF00FF',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'magenta',
onTouch:() => selectColor(1,0,1) }),
ColorSelectionView('#00FFFF',{ common:StdSelectionView, id:'cyan',
onTouch:() => selectColor(0,1,1) }),
] },
{ height:4 },
{ type:'h', c:[
Button('Back', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => gotoScreen('DetailSelectionScreen') }),
Button('Preview', { common:halfWidthButton, onTouch:() => gotoScreen('ThemePreviewScreen') })
], filly:1 },
ScreenSet['ThemePreviewScreen'] = new Layout({
type:'v', c:[
Label('Theme Preview', { common:legible, bold:true, filly:1 }),
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Normal', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Test ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'NormalTest' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Accented', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Test ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'AccentedTest' }),
] },
{ type:'h', c:[
Label('Hilighted', { common:MainLabel }),
ColorDemo(' Test ',{ common:StdFont, pad:2, id:'HilitedTest' }),
] },
{ height:4 },
{ type:'h', c:[
Button('Back', { common:legible, pad:4, onTouch:() => gotoScreen('ColorSelectionScreen') })
], filly:1 }
/**** applyChanges ****/
function applyChanges () {
let pendingBg =;
let R = ((pendingBg >> 11) & 0b11111) / 0b11111;
let G = ((pendingBg >> 5) & 0b111111) / 0b111111;
let B = (pendingBg & 0b11111) / 0b11111;
pendingTheme.dark = (0.2126*R + 0.7152*G + 0.0722*B < 0.5);
activeTheme = Object.assign(activeTheme,pendingTheme);
let globalSettings = Object.assign(
require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json', true) || {},
{ theme:activeTheme }
require('Storage').writeJSON('setting.json', globalSettings);
/**** configureDetail ****/
function configureDetail (Detail) {
chosenDetail = Detail;
/**** updateColorSelection ****/
function updateColorSelection () {
let selectedColor = pendingTheme[chosenDetail];
for (let Key in normalizedColorSet) {
if (normalizedColorSet.hasOwnProperty(Key)) {
activeLayout[Key].selected = (selectedColor === normalizedColorSet[Key]);
/**** selectColor ****/
function selectColor (R,G,B) {
let selectedColor = g.toColor(R,G,B);
pendingTheme[chosenDetail] = selectedColor;
/**** gotoScreen ****/
let activeLayout;
function gotoScreen (ScreenName) {
activeLayout = ScreenSet[ScreenName];
switch (ScreenName) {
case 'MainScreen':
activeLayout['NormalDemo'].fg = activeTheme.fg;
activeLayout['NormalDemo'].bg =;
activeLayout['AccentedDemo'].fg = activeTheme.fg2;
activeLayout['AccentedDemo'].bg = activeTheme.bg2;
activeLayout['HilitedDemo'].fg = activeTheme.fgH;
activeLayout['HilitedDemo'].bg = activeTheme.bgH;
case 'DetailSelectionScreen':
activeLayout['fgView'].col = pendingTheme.fg;
activeLayout['bgView'].col =;
activeLayout['fg2View'].col = pendingTheme.fg2;
activeLayout['bg2View'].col = pendingTheme.bg2;
activeLayout['fgHView'].col = pendingTheme.fgH;
activeLayout['bgHView'].col = pendingTheme.bgH;
case 'ColorSelectionScreen':
case 'ThemePreviewScreen':
activeLayout['NormalTest'].fg = pendingTheme.fg;
activeLayout['NormalTest'].bg =;
activeLayout['AccentedTest'].fg = pendingTheme.fg2;
activeLayout['AccentedTest'].bg = pendingTheme.bg2;
activeLayout['HilitedTest'].fg = pendingTheme.fgH;
activeLayout['HilitedTest'].bg = pendingTheme.bgH;
g.setColor('#000000'); g.setBgColor('#FFFFFF'); // assert legibility