mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
398 lines
12 KiB
398 lines
12 KiB
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
// Beebclock
// © 2020, Tom Gidden
// https://github.com/tomgidden
const storage = require("Storage");
const filename = 'beebjson';
// Double height text
Graphics.prototype.drawStringDH = function (txt, px, py, align, gw) {
let g2 = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(gw,18,1,{msb:true});
let w = g2.stringWidth(txt);
let c = (w+3)>>2;
let img = {width:w,height:1,transparent:0,buffer:new ArrayBuffer(c)};
let a = new Uint8Array(img.buffer);
let x;
switch (align) {
case 'C': x = px + (gw - w)/2; break;
case 'R': x = gw - w + px; break;
default: x = px;
for (var y=0;y<18;y++) {
a.set(new Uint8Array(g2.buffer,gw*y/8,c));
// Fill rectangle rotated around the centre
Graphics.prototype.fillRotRect = function (sina, cosa, cx, cy, x0, x1, y0, y1) {
let fn = Math.ceil;
return this.fillPoly([
fn(cx - x0*cosa + y0*sina), fn(cy - x0*sina - y0*cosa),
fn(cx - x1*cosa + y0*sina), fn(cy - x1*sina - y0*cosa),
fn(cx - x1*cosa + y1*sina), fn(cy - x1*sina - y1*cosa),
fn(cx - x0*cosa + y1*sina), fn(cy - x0*sina - y1*cosa)
// Draw a line from r1,a to r2,a relative to cx+cy
Graphics.prototype.drawRotLine = function (sina, cosa, cx, cy, r1, r2) {
return this.drawLine(
cx + r1*sina, cy - r1*cosa,
cx + r2*sina, cy - r2*cosa
(function(g) {
// Display modes
// 0: full-screen
// 1: with widgets
// 2: centred on Bangle (v.1), no widgets or time/date
// 3: centred with time above
// 4: centred with date above
// 5: centred with time and date above
let mode;
// R1, R2: Outer and inner radii of hour marks
// RC1, RC2: Outer and inner radii of hub
// CX, CY: Centre location, relative to buffer (not screen, necessarily)
// HW2, MW2: Half-width of hour and minute hand
// HR, MR: Length of hour and minute hand, relative to CX,CY
// M: Half-width of gap in hour marks
// HSCALE: Half-width of hour mark as function(0<h<13)
let R1, R2, RC1, RC2, CX, CY, HW2, MW2, HR, MR, M, HSCALE;
// Screen size
const GW = g.getWidth();
const GH = g.getHeight();
// Top margin: the gap taken from the top of the buffer, except when
// in mode 0 (full screen)
let TM;
// Buffer image. undefined means it needs regenerating
let faceImg;
// with_seconds flag determines whether the face is updated every
// second or every minute, and to draw the hand or not.
let with_seconds = true;
// Display flags, determined from `mode` by setMode()
let with_widgets = false;
let with_digital_time = true;
let with_digital_date = true;
// Create offscreen buffer for the once-per-minute face draw
const G1 = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(g.getWidth(), g.getHeight(), 1, {msb:true});
// Precalculate sin/cos for the hour marks. Might be premature
// optimisation, but might as well.
let ss = [], cs = [];
for (let h=1; h<=12; h++) {
const a = Math.PI * h / 6;
ss[h] = Math.sin(a);
cs[h] = Math.cos(a);
// Draw the face with hour and minute hand. Ideally, we'd separate
// the face from the hands and double-buffer, but memory is limited,
// so we buffer once and minute, and draw the second hand dynamically
// (with a bit of flicker)
const drawFace = (G) => {
const fw = R1 * 2;
const fh = R1 * 2;
const fw2 = R1;
const fh2 = R1;
let hs = [];
// Wipe the image and start with white
// Draw the hour marks.
for (let h=1; h<=12; h++) {
hs[h] = HSCALE(h);
G.fillRotRect(ss[h], cs[h], CX, CY, -hs[h], hs[h], R2, R1);
// Draw the hub
G.fillCircle(CX, CY, RC1);
// Black
// Clear the centre of the hub
G.fillCircle(CX, CY, RC2);
// Draw the gap in the hour marks
for (let h=1; h<=12; h++) {
G.fillRotRect(ss[h], cs[h], CX, CY, -M, M, R2-1, R1+1);
// Back to white for future draw operations
// While the buffer remains full-screen, we may trim out the
// bottom of the image so we can shift the whole thing down for
// widgets.
const img = {width:GW,height:GH-TM,buffer:G.buffer};
return img;
let hours, minutes, seconds, date;
// Schedule event for calling at the start of the next second
const inOneSecond = (cb) => {
let now = new Date();
setTimeout(cb, 1000 - now.getMilliseconds());
// Schedule event for calling at the start of the next minute
const inOneMinute = (cb) => {
let now = new Date();
setTimeout(cb, 60000 - (now.getSeconds() * 1000 + now.getMilliseconds()));
// Draw a fat hour/minute hand
const drawHand = (G, a, w2, r1, r2) =>
G.fillRotRect(Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), CX, CY, -w2, w2, r1, r2);
// Redraw function
const drawAll = (force) => {
let now = new Date();
if (!faceImg) force = true;
let face_changed = force;
let date_changed = false;
tmp = hours;
hours = now.getHours();
if (tmp !== hours)
face_changed = true;
tmp = minutes;
minutes = now.getMinutes();
if (tmp !== minutes)
face_changed = true;
// If the face has been updated and/or needs a redraw,
// face_changed is true.
let time_changed = face_changed;
// If the screen needs an update, regardless of whether the face
// needs a redraw, time_changed is true.
if (with_seconds) {
// If we're going by second, we always need an update.
seconds = now.getSeconds();
time_changed = true;
if (with_digital_date) {
// See if the date has changed. If it has, then we need a
// full-blown redraw of the screen and the face, plus text.
tmp = date;
date = now.getDate();
if (tmp !== date) {
date_changed = true;
face_changed = true; // Should have changed anyway with hour/minute rollover
if (face_changed) {
// Redraw the face and hands onto the buffer G1.
faceImg = drawFace(G1);
drawHand(G1, Math.PI*hours/6, HW2, RC1, HR);
drawHand(G1, Math.PI*minutes/30, MW2, RC1, MR);
// Has the time updated? If so, we'll need to draw something.
if (time_changed) {
// Are we adding text?
if (with_digital_date || with_digital_time) {
// Construct the date/time text to add above the face
let d = now.toString();
let da = d.toString().split(" ");
let txt;
if (with_digital_time) {
txt = da[4].substr(0, 5);
if (with_digital_date)
G1.drawStringDH(txt+',', 24, 0, 'L', GW);
G1.drawStringDH(txt, 0, 0, 'C', GW);
if (with_digital_date) {
let txt = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" ");
if (with_digital_time)
G1.drawStringDH(txt, -24, 0, 'R', GW);
G1.drawStringDH(txt, 0, 0, 'C', GW);
// If the time has updated, we need to _at least_ draw the
// image to the screen.
buffer:G1.buffer}, 0, TM);
// and possibly add the second hand
if (with_seconds) {
let a = 2.0 * Math.PI * seconds / 60.0;
g.drawRotLine(Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a), CX, CY+TM, RC1, R1);
// Clock chime on the hour.
if (hours >= 0 && minutes === 0)
try {
} catch (e) { }
// And draw widgets if we're in that mode
if (with_widgets)
// Schedule to repeat this. A `setTimeout(1000)` isn't good
// enough, as all the above might've taken some milliseconds and
// we don't want to drift.
if (with_seconds)
const setButtons = () => {
const opts = { repeat: true, edge:'rising', debounce:30};
// BTN1: enable/disable second hand
setWatch(changeSeconds, BTN1, opts);
// BTN2: return to launcher
setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN2, { repeat:false, edge:'falling' });
// BTN3: change display mode
setWatch(function () { ++mode; setMode(); drawAll(true); }, BTN3, opts);
// Load display parameters based on `mode`
const setMode = () => {
// Normalize mode to 0 <= mode <= 5
mode = (6+mode) % 6;
// [R1, R2, RC1, RC2, HW2, MW3, HR, MR, M, HSCALE] =
const scales = [
[120, 84, 17, 12.4, 4.6, 2.2, 8, 2, 1, h => (3.0 + Math.ceil(h/1.5)) ],
[102, 70, 14.6, 10.7, 3.88, 1.8, 8, 2, 1, h => (2.4 + Math.ceil(h/1.6)) ],
if (mode < 3) {
// Face without time/date text. Might have widgets though.
with_digital_time = with_digital_date = false;
with_widgets = (mode == 1);
else {
// Face with time/date text, but no widgets
with_digital_time = (mode-2)&1;
with_digital_date = (mode-2)&2;
with_widgets = false;
// Destructure the array to the global display parameters
let arr = scales[mode > 0 ? 1 : 0];
R1 = arr[0];
R2 = arr[1];
RC1 = arr[2];
RC2 = arr[3];
HW2 = arr[4];
MW2 = arr[5];
HR = R2 - arr[6];
MR = R1 - arr[7];
M = arr[8];
HSCALE = arr[9];
TM = with_widgets ? 36 : 0;
CX = GW/2;
CY = R1;
// If we're in the small-face + text regime, we're going to buffer
// the full screen but draw the clock face further down to give
// space for the text.
// Compare with modes 0 (full-screen) and 1 (with_widgets==true)
// where the face is drawn at the top of the buffer, but drawn
// lower down the screen (so CY doesn't move)
if (mode > 1) {
CY += 36;
// We only don't bother redrawing the face from modes 2 to 5, as
// they're the same.
if (!faceImg || mode<3) {
faceImg = undefined;
// Store the settings for next time
try {
storage.writeJSON(filename, [mode,with_seconds]);
} catch (e) {
// Clear the screen: we need to make sure all parts are cleaned off.
const changeSeconds = () => {
with_seconds = !with_seconds;
// Restore mode
try {
conf = storage.readJSON(filename);
mode = conf[0];
with_seconds = conf[1];
} catch (e) {
mode = 1;
Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => {
if (on) {
} else {