
228 lines
6.9 KiB

* Home-Assistant Dashboard - Bangle.js
const APP_NAME = 'hadash';
// Load settings
var settings = Object.assign({
menu: [
{ type: 'state', title: 'Check for updates', id: 'update.home_assistant_core_update' },
{ type: 'service', title: 'Create Notification', domain: 'persistent_notification', service: 'create',
data: { 'message': 'test notification', 'title': 'Test'} },
{ type: 'menu', title: 'Sub-menu', data:
{ type: 'state', title: 'Check for Supervisor updates', id: 'update.home_assistant_supervisor_update' },
{ type: 'service', title: 'Restart HA', domain: 'homeassistant', service: 'restart', data: {} }
{ type: 'service', title: 'Custom Notification', domain: 'persistent_notification', service: 'create',
data: { 'title': 'Not via input'},
input: { 'message': { options: [], value: 'Pre-filled text' },
'notification_id': { options: [ 123, 456, 136 ], value: 999, label: "ID" } } },
HAbaseUrl: '',
HAtoken: '',
}, require('Storage').readJSON(APP_NAME+'.json', true) || {});
// query an entity state
function queryState(title, id, level) {
E.showMessage('Fetching entity state from HA', { title: title });
Bangle.http(settings.HAbaseUrl+'/states/'+id, {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+settings.HAtoken,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(data => {
let HAresp = JSON.parse(data.resp);
let title4prompt = title;
let msg = HAresp.state;
if ('attributes' in HAresp) {
if ('friendly_name' in HAresp.attributes)
title4prompt = HAresp.attributes.friendly_name;
if ('unit_of_measurement' in HAresp.attributes)
msg += HAresp.attributes.unit_of_measurement;
E.showPrompt(msg, { title: title4prompt, buttons: {OK: true} }).then((v) => { E.showMenu(menus[level]); });
}).catch( error => {
E.showPrompt('Error querying state!', { title: title, buttons: {OK: true} }).then((v) => { E.showMenu(menus[level]); });
// call a service
function callService(title, domain, service, data, level) {
E.showMessage('Calling HA service', { title: title });
Bangle.http(settings.HAbaseUrl+'/services/'+domain+'/'+service, {
method: 'POST',
body: data,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer '+settings.HAtoken,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
}).then(data => {
E.showPrompt('Service called successfully', { title: title, buttons: {OK: true} }).then((v) => { E.showMenu(menus[level]); });
}).catch( error => {
E.showPrompt('Error calling service!', { title: title, buttons: {OK: true} }).then((v) => { E.showMenu(menus[level]); });
// callbacks for service input menu entries
function serviceInputChoiceChange(v, key, entry, level) {
entry.input[key].value = entry.input[key].options[v];
getServiceInputData(entry, level);
function serviceInputFreeform(key, entry, level) {
require("textinput").input({text: entry.input[key].value}).then(result => {
entry.input[key].value = result;
getServiceInputData(entry, level);
// get input data before calling a service
function getServiceInputData(entry, level) {
let serviceInputMenu = {
'': {
'title': entry.title,
'back': () => E.showMenu(menus[level])
let CBs = {};
for (let key in entry.input) {
// pre-fill data with default values
if ('value' in entry.input[key])[key] = entry.input[key].value;
let label = ( ('label' in entry.input[key] && entry.input[key].label) ? entry.input[key].label : key );
let key4CB = key;
if ('options' in entry.input[key] && entry.input[key].options.length) {
// give choice from a selection of options
let idx = -1;
for (let i in entry.input[key].options) {
if (entry.input[key].value == entry.input[key].options[i]) {
idx = i;
if (idx == -1) {
idx = entry.input[key].options.push(entry.input[key].value) - 1;
// the setTimeout method can not be used for the "format" CB since it expects a return value:
CBs[`${key}_format`] = ((key) => function(v) { return entry.input[key].options[v]; })(key);
serviceInputMenu[label] = {
value: parseInt(idx),
min: 0,
max: entry.input[key].options.length - 1,
format: CBs[key+'_format'],
onchange: (v) => setTimeout(serviceInputChoiceChange, 10, v, key4CB, entry, level)
} else {
// free-form text input
serviceInputMenu[label] = () => setTimeout(serviceInputFreeform, 10, key4CB, entry, level);
// menu entry to actually call the service:
serviceInputMenu['Call service'] = function() { callService(entry.title, entry.domain, entry.service,, level); };
// menu hierarchy
var menus = [];
// add menu entries
function addMenuEntries(level, entries) {
for (let i in entries) {
let entry = entries[i];
let entryCB;
// is there a menu entry title?
if (! ('title' in entry) || ! entry.title)
entry.title = 'TBD';
switch (entry.type) {
case 'state':
* query entity state
if ('id' in entry && {
entryCB = () => setTimeout(queryState, 10, entry.title,, level);
case 'service':
* call HA service
if ('domain' in entry && entry.domain && 'service' in entry && entry.service) {
if (! ('data' in entry)) = {};
if ('input' in entry) {
// get input for some data fields first
entryCB = () => setTimeout(getServiceInputData, 10, entry, level);
} else {
// call service straight away
entryCB = () => setTimeout(callService, 10, entry.title, entry.domain, entry.service,, level);
case 'menu':
* sub-menu
entryCB = () => setTimeout(showSubMenu, 10, level + 1, entry.title,;
// only attach a call-back to menu entry if it's properly configured
if (! entryCB) {
menus[level][entry.title + ' - not correctly configured!'] = {};
} else {
menus[level][entry.title] = entryCB;
// create and show a sub menu
function showSubMenu(level, title, entries) {
menus[level] = {
'': {
'title': title,
'back': () => E.showMenu(menus[level - 1])
addMenuEntries(level, entries);
* create the main menu
menus[0] = {
'': {
'title': 'HA-Dash',
'back': () => load()
// check required configuration
if (! settings.HAbaseUrl || ! settings.HAtoken) {
E.showAlert('The app is not yet configured!', 'HA-Dash').then(() => E.showMenu(menus[0]));
} else {