mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
Larger format for single secondary timezone
@ -1,31 +1,37 @@
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
const timeFontSize = 6;
const dateFontSize = 3;
const gmtFontSize = 2;
// Font for primary time and date
const primaryTimeFontSize = 6;
const primaryDateFontSize = 3;
// Font for single secondary time
const secondaryTimeFontSize = 4;
const secondaryTimeZoneFontSize = 4;
// Font / columns for multiple secondary times
const secondaryRowColFontSize = 2;
const xcol1 = 10;
const xcol2 = g.getWidth() - xcol1;
const font = "6x8";
const xyCenter = g.getWidth() / 2;
const xcol1=10;
const xcol2=g.getWidth()-xcol1;
const yposTime = 75;
const yposDate = 130;
//const yposYear = 175;
//const yposGMT = 220;
const yposWorld = 170;
var offsets = require("Storage").readJSON("worldclock.settings.json");
var offsets = require("Storage").readJSON("worldclock.settings.json") || 0;
// Check settings for what type our clock should be
//var is12Hour = (require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json",1)||{})["12hour"];
var secondInterval = undefined;
var secondInterval;
function doublenum(x) {
return x < 10 ? "0" + x : "" + x;
function offset(dt, offset) {
return new Date(dt.getTime() + (offset*60*60*1000));
return new Date(dt.getTime() + offset * 60 * 60 * 1000);
function drawSimpleClock() {
@ -33,42 +39,66 @@ function drawSimpleClock() {
var d = new Date();
var da = d.toString().split(" ");
g.reset(); // default draw styles
// default draw styles
// drawSting centered
g.setFontAlign(0, 0);
// draw time
var time = da[4].substr(0, 5).split(":");
var hours = time[0], minutes = time[1];
var hours = time[0],
minutes = time[1];
g.setFont(font, timeFontSize);
g.setFont(font, primaryTimeFontSize);
g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter, yposTime, true);
// draw Day, name of month, Date
var date = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" ");
g.setFont(font, dateFontSize);
g.setFont(font, primaryDateFontSize);
g.drawString(date, xyCenter, yposDate, true);
// draw year
//g.setFont(font, dateFontSize);
//g.drawString(d.getFullYear(), xyCenter, yposYear, true);
// set gmt to UTC+0
var gmt = new Date(d.getTime() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
// draw gmt
//console.log(d.getTimezoneOffset());//offset to GMT in minutes
var gmt = new Date(d.getTime()+(d.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000));
//gmt is now UTC+0
// Testing Code to set values during development.
// Uncomment to override secondary offsets value
// offsets = [
// ["Tokyo", 9],
// ["UTC", 0],
// ];
// offsets = [
// ["UTC", 0],
// ];
// Loop through offset(s) and render
for (var i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
g.setFont(font, gmtFontSize);
dx = offset(gmt, offsets[i][1]);
hours = doublenum(dx.getHours());
minutes = doublenum(dx.getMinutes());
if (offsets.length === 1) {
// For a single secondary timezone, draw it bigger and drop time zone to second line
const xOffset = 30;
g.setFont(font, secondaryTimeFontSize);
g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter, yposTime + 100, true);
g.setFont(font, secondaryTimeFontSize - 2);
g.drawString(offsets[i][0], xyCenter, yposTime + 130, true);
// draw Day, name of month, Date
g.setFont(font, secondaryTimeZoneFontSize);
g.drawString(date, xyCenter, yposDate, true);
} else {
// For > 1 extra timezones, list as columns / rows
g.setFont(font, secondaryRowColFontSize);
g.setFontAlign(-1, 0);
g.drawString(offsets[i][0], xcol1, yposWorld + i * 15, true);
g.setFontAlign(1, 0);
g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xcol2, yposWorld + i * 15, true);
//g.drawString(gmt, xyCenter, yposWorld, true);
@ -78,11 +108,11 @@ Bangle.loadWidgets();
// refesh every 15 sec when screen is on
Bangle.on("lcdPower", (on) => {
if (secondInterval) clearInterval(secondInterval);
secondInterval = undefined;
if (on) {
secondInterval = setInterval(drawSimpleClock, 15E3);
secondInterval = setInterval(drawSimpleClock, 15e3);
drawSimpleClock(); // draw immediately
@ -90,9 +120,8 @@ Bangle.on('lcdPower',on=>{
// draw now and every 15 sec until display goes off
if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) {
secondInterval = setInterval(drawSimpleClock, 15E3);
secondInterval = setInterval(drawSimpleClock, 15e3);
// Show launcher when middle button pressed
setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN2, { repeat: false, edge: "falling" });
Reference in New Issue