Support for sort by installs/sort by favourites

Gordon Williams 2022-11-04 15:14:05 +00:00
parent 45eb06fbd1
commit d3c284ac8e
4 changed files with 22 additions and 6 deletions


@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 80de03d8e665c210dc3443d6869176c848ab103f
Subproject commit 87cf5420322cd78a13e3d2b76cd12c9fdbddc7d2

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
display: flex;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
@ -102,12 +102,23 @@ a.btn.btn-link.dropdown-toggle {
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg fill='rgb(87, 85, 217)' xmlns='' viewBox='4 4 40 40' width='1em' height='1em'%3E%3Cpath d='M 8.5 5 C 6.0324991 5 4 7.0324991 4 9.5 L 4 30.5 C 4 32.967501 6.0324991 35 8.5 35 L 17 35 L 17 40 L 13.5 40 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 1 0 13.5 43 L 18.253906 43 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 0 0 18.740234 43 L 29.253906 43 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 0 0 29.740234 43 L 34.5 43 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 1 0 34.5 40 L 31 40 L 31 35 L 39.5 35 C 41.967501 35 44 32.967501 44 30.5 L 44 9.5 C 44 7.0324991 41.967501 5 39.5 5 L 8.5 5 z M 8.5 8 L 39.5 8 C 40.346499 8 41 8.6535009 41 9.5 L 41 30.5 C 41 31.346499 40.346499 32 39.5 32 L 29.746094 32 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 0 0 29.259766 32 L 18.746094 32 A 1.50015 1.50015 0 0 0 18.259766 32 L 8.5 32 C 7.6535009 32 7 31.346499 7 30.5 L 7 9.5 C 7 8.6535009 7.6535009 8 8.5 8 z M 17.5 12 C 16.136406 12 15 13.136406 15 14.5 L 15 25.5 C 15 26.863594 16.136406 28 17.5 28 L 30.5 28 C 31.863594 28 33 26.863594 33 25.5 L 33 14.5 C 33 13.136406 31.863594 12 30.5 12 L 17.5 12 z M 18 18 L 30 18 L 30 25 L 18 25 L 18 18 z M 20 35 L 28 35 L 28 40 L 20 40 L 20 35 z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.icon.icon-favourite { text-indent: 0px; } /*override spectre*/
.icon.icon-favourite-active { text-indent: 0px; } /*override spectre*/
.icon.icon-favourite::before {
content: "\02661"; /* 0x2661 = empty heart; 0x2606 = empty star */
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg fill='rgb(255, 0, 0)' xmlns='' viewBox='0 -3 50 47' width='1.5em' height='1.5em'%3E%3Cpath d='M 16.375 9 C 10.117188 9 5 14.054688 5 20.28125 C 5 33.050781 19.488281 39.738281 24.375 43.78125 L 25 44.3125 L 25.625 43.78125 C 30.511719 39.738281 45 33.050781 45 20.28125 C 45 14.054688 39.882813 9 33.625 9 C 30.148438 9 27.085938 10.613281 25 13.0625 C 22.914063 10.613281 19.851563 9 16.375 9 Z M 16.375 11 C 19.640625 11 22.480469 12.652344 24.15625 15.15625 L 25 16.40625 L 25.84375 15.15625 C 27.519531 12.652344 30.359375 11 33.625 11 C 38.808594 11 43 15.144531 43 20.28125 C 43 31.179688 30.738281 37.289063 25 41.78125 C 19.261719 37.289063 7 31.179688 7 20.28125 C 7 15.144531 11.1875 11 16.375 11 Z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.icon.icon-favourite-active::before {
content: "\02665"; /* 0x2665 = solid heart; 0x2605 = solid star */
content: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg fill='rgb(255, 0, 0)' xmlns='' viewBox='0 -3 50 47' width='1.5em' height='1.5em'%3E%3Cpath d='M 25 44.296875 L 24.363281 43.769531 C 23.363281 42.941406 22.019531 42.027344 20.46875 40.96875 C 14.308594 36.765625 5 30.414063 5 20.285156 C 5 14.0625 10.097656 9 16.363281 9 C 19.714844 9 22.851563 10.457031 25 12.957031 C 27.148438 10.457031 30.289063 9 33.636719 9 C 39.902344 9 45 14.0625 45 20.285156 C 45 30.414063 35.691406 36.765625 29.53125 40.96875 C 27.976563 42.027344 26.636719 42.941406 25.636719 43.769531 Z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.icon.icon-favourite span {
font-size: 50%;
color : #F66;
.icon.icon-favourite-active span {
color : white;
.icon.icon-interface {text-indent: 0px;} /*override spectre*/
.icon.icon-interface::before {
position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 70%;

View File

@ -88,8 +88,10 @@
<div class="sort-nav hidden">
<span>Sort by:</span>
<label class="chip active" sortid="">None</label>
<label class="chip" sortid="created">New</label>
<label class="chip" sortid="modified">Updated</label>
<label class="chip hidden" sortid="created">New</label>
<label class="chip hidden" sortid="modified">Updated</label>
<label class="chip hidden" sortid="installs">Installed</label>
<label class="chip hidden" sortid="favourites">Favourited</label>

View File

@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ var RECOMMENDED_VERSION = "2v15";
// We're only interested in Bangles
// Where we get our usage data from
Const.APP_USAGE_JSON = "";
Const.APP_DATES_CSV = "appdates.csv";
// Set up source code URL
(function() {