ctrlpad: move control logic to one place

Rob Pilling 2024-04-25 12:54:28 +01:00
parent fd3de13257
commit d1642565cd
1 changed files with 80 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -68,12 +68,14 @@
type ControlCallback = (tap: boolean) => boolean | number;
type Control = {
x: number,
y: number,
fg: ColorResolvable,
bg: ColorResolvable,
text: string,
cb: ControlCallback,
const colour = {
@ -87,10 +89,13 @@
} as const;
class Controls {
controls: [Control, Control, Control, Control, Control];
type FiveOf<X> = [X, X, X, X, X];
type ControlTemplate = { text: string, cb: ControlCallback };
constructor(g: Graphics) {
class Controls {
controls: FiveOf<Control>;
constructor(g: Graphics, controls: FiveOf<ControlTemplate>) {
// const connected = NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected;
// if (0&&connected) {
// // TODO
@ -109,12 +114,19 @@
const width = g.getWidth();
this.controls = [
{ x: width / 4 - 10, y: centreY - circleGapY, text: "BLE", fg: colour.on.fg, bg: colour.on.bg }, // FIXME: init
{ x: width / 2, y: centreY - circleGapY, text: "DnD", fg: colour.off.fg, bg: colour.off.bg },
{ x: width * 3/4 + 10, y: centreY - circleGapY, text: "HRM", fg: colour.off.fg, bg: colour.off.bg }, // FIXME: init
{ x: width / 3, y: centreY + circleGapY, text: "B-", fg: colour.on.fg, bg: colour.on.bg },
{ x: width * 2/3, y: centreY + circleGapY, text: "B+", fg: colour.on.fg, bg: colour.on.bg },
{ x: width / 4 - 10, y: centreY - circleGapY },
{ x: width / 2, y: centreY - circleGapY },
{ x: width * 3/4 + 10, y: centreY - circleGapY },
{ x: width / 3, y: centreY + circleGapY },
{ x: width * 2/3, y: centreY + circleGapY },
].map((xy, i) => {
const ctrl = xy as Control;
const from = controls[i]!;
ctrl.text = from.text;
ctrl.cb = from.cb;
Object.assign(ctrl, from.cb(false) ? colour.on : colour.off);
return ctrl;
}) as FiveOf<Control>;
draw(g: Graphics, single?: Control): void {
@ -166,6 +178,64 @@
const initUI = () => {
if (ui) return;
function noop(this: Control, tap: boolean) {
return (this.bg === colour.on.bg) !== tap; // on ^ tap
const controls: FiveOf<ControlTemplate> = [
text: "BLE",
cb: tap => {
const on = NRF.getSecurityStatus().advertising;
if(on) NRF.sleep();
else NRF.wake();
return on !== tap; // on ^ tap
text: "DnD",
cb: tap => {
let on;
if(on = !!origBuzz){
Bangle.buzz = origBuzz;
origBuzz = undefined;
origBuzz = Bangle.buzz;
Bangle.buzz = () => (Promise as any).resolve(); // FIXME
setTimeout(() => {
if(!origBuzz) return;
Bangle.buzz = origBuzz;
origBuzz = undefined;
}, 1000 * 60 * 10);
return on !== tap; // on ^ tap
text: "HRM",
cb: tap => {
const id = "widhid";
const hrm = (Bangle as any)._PWR?.HRM as undefined | Array<string> ;
const off = !hrm || hrm.indexOf(id) === -1;
Bangle.setHRMPower(1, id);
}else if(tap){
Bangle.setHRMPower(0, id);
return !off !== tap; // on ^ tap
{ text: "B-", cb: noop },
{ text: "B+", cb: noop },
const overlay = new Overlay();
ui = {
@ -283,52 +353,7 @@
const onCtrlTap = (ctrl: Control, ui: UI) => {
let on = true;
case "BLE":
on = false;
case "DnD":
Bangle.buzz = origBuzz;
origBuzz = undefined;
on = false;
origBuzz = Bangle.buzz;
Bangle.buzz = () => (Promise as any).resolve(); // FIXME
setTimeout(() => {
if(!origBuzz) return;
Bangle.buzz = origBuzz;
origBuzz = undefined;
}, 1000 * 60 * 10);
case "HRM": {
const id = "widhid";
const hrm: undefined | Array<string> = (Bangle as any)._PWR?.HRM;
if(!hrm || hrm.indexOf(id) === -1){
Bangle.setHRMPower(1, id);
Bangle.setHRMPower(0, id);
on = false;
console.log(`widhid: couldn't handle "${ctrl.text}" tap`);
on = ctrl.fg !== colour.on.fg;
const col = on ? colour.on : colour.off;
const col = ctrl.cb(true) ? colour.on : colour.off;
ctrl.fg = col.fg;
ctrl.bg = col.bg;
//console.log("hit on " + ctrl.text + ", col: " + ctrl.fg);