Merge pull request #1646 from KaiRo-at/master

add stardate clock
Gordon Williams 2022-04-04 09:37:22 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit c4f9d77579
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 410 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
1.0: Initial release on the app repository for Bangle.js 1 and 2

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# Stardate Clock
A clock face displaying a stardate along with a "standard" digital/analog clock
in LCARS design.
That design has been made popular by various Star Trek shows. Credits for the
original LCARS designs go to Michael Okuda, copyrights are owned by Paramount Global,
usage of that type of design is permitted freely for non-profit use cases.
The Bangle.js version has been created by Robert Kaiser <>.
The stardate concept used leans on the shows released from the late 80s onward
by using 1000 units per Earth year, but to apply this more cleanly, this split
is applied exactly. Also, to give more relationship to the shows and
incidentally make values look similar to those depicted there, the zero point
is set to the first airing of the original 'Star Trek' series in the US on
Thursday, September 8, 1966, at 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time.
The clock face supports Bangle.js 1 and 2 with some compromises (e.g. the
colors will look best on Bangle.js 1, the font sizes will look best on
Bangle.js 2).
Any tap on the diaply while unlocked switches the "standard" Earth-style clock
between digital and analog display.

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apps/stardateclock/app.js Normal file
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// Stardate clock face, by, 2021-2022
var redrawClock = true;
var clockface = "digital";
// note: Bangle.js 1 has 240x240x16, 2 has 176x176x3 screen
var bpp = g.getBPP ? g.getBPP() : 16;
// Load fonts
Graphics.prototype.setFontAntonio27 = function(scale) {
// Actual height 23 (23 - 1)
Graphics.prototype.setFontAntonio42 = function(scale) {
// Actual height 36 (36 - 1)
const fontName = "Antonio27";
const fontNameLarge = "Antonio42";
const fontSize = 1;
const fontSizeLarge = 1;
const fontHeightLarge = 42 * fontSizeLarge;
// LCARS dimensions
if (g.getWidth() < 200) { // Bangle.js 2
const baseUnit1 = 3;
const baseUnit2 = 2;
const baseUnit3 = 7;
else {
const baseUnit1 = 5;
const baseUnit2 = 3;
const baseUnit3 = 10;
const widgetsHeight = 24;
const sbarWid = baseUnit3 * 5;
const hbarHt = baseUnit1;
const outRad = baseUnit1 * 5;
const inRad = outRad - hbarHt;
const gap = baseUnit2;
const divisionPos = baseUnit3 * 8;
const sbarGapPos = baseUnit3 * 15;
const lowerTop = divisionPos+gap+1;
// Star Trek famously premiered on Thursday, September 8, 1966, at 8:30 p.m.
// See
const gSDBase = new Date("September 8, 1966 20:30:00 EST");
const sdatePosBottom = divisionPos - hbarHt - 1;
const sdatePosRight = g.getWidth() - baseUnit2;
const sdateDecimals = 1;
const secondsPerYear = 86400 * 365.2425;
const sdateDecFactor = Math.pow(10, sdateDecimals);
const clockAreaLeft = sbarWid + inRad / 2;
const clockAreaTop = lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad / 2;
const clockWid = g.getWidth() - clockAreaLeft;
const clockHt = g.getHeight() - clockAreaTop;
const ctimePosTop = clockAreaTop + baseUnit1 * 5;
const ctimePosCenter = clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2;
const cdatePosTop = ctimePosTop + fontHeightLarge;
const cdatePosCenter = clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2;
const clockCtrX = Math.floor(clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2);
const clockCtrY = Math.floor(clockAreaTop + clockHt / 2);
const analogRad = Math.floor(Math.min(clockWid, clockHt) / 2);
const analogMainLineLength = baseUnit1 * 2;
const analogSubLineLength = baseUnit1;
const analogHourHandLength = analogRad / 2;
const analogMinuteHandLength = analogRad - analogMainLineLength / 2;
const colorBg = "#000000";
const colorTime = "#9C9CFF";
const colorDate = "#A09090";
const colorStardate = "#FFCF00";
// On low-bpp devices (Bangle.js 2), use basic colors for analog clock.
const colorHours = bpp > 3 ? "#9C9CFF" : "#00FF00";
const colorSeconds = bpp > 3 ? "#E7ADE7" : "#FFFF00";
const colorHands = bpp > 3 ? "#A09090" : "#00FFFF";
const colorLCARSGray = "#A09090";
const colorLCARSOrange = "#FF9F00";
const colorLCARSPink = "#E7ADE7";
const colorLCARSPurple = "#A06060";
const colorLCARSBrown = "#C09070";
// More colors: teal #008484, yellow FFCF00, purple #6050B0
var lastSDateString;
var lastTimeStringToMin;
var lastTimeStringSec;
var lastDateString;
var lastAnalogDate;
function updateStardate() {
var curDate = new Date();
// Note that the millisecond division and the 1000-unit multiplier cancel each other out.
var sdateval = (curDate - gSDBase) / secondsPerYear;
var sdatestring = (Math.floor(sdateval * sdateDecFactor) / sdateDecFactor).toFixed(sdateDecimals);
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontName, fontSize);
if (lastSDateString) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
g.clearRect(sdatePosRight - g.stringWidth(lastSDateString) - 1,
sdatePosBottom - g.getFontHeight(),
// Draw the current stardate.
g.setFontAlign(1, 1, 0); // Align following string to bottom right.
g.drawString(sdatestring, sdatePosRight, sdatePosBottom);
lastSDateString = sdatestring;
// Schedule next when an update to the last decimal is due.
var mstonextUpdate = (Math.ceil(sdateval * sdateDecFactor) / sdateDecFactor - sdateval) * secondsPerYear;
if (redrawClock) {
setTimeout(updateStardate, mstonextUpdate);
function updateConventionalTime() {
var curDate = new Date();
if (clockface == "digital") {
else {
// Schedule next when an update to the last second is due.
var mstonextUpdate = Math.ceil(curDate / 1000) * 1000 - curDate;
if (redrawClock) {
setTimeout(updateConventionalTime, mstonextUpdate);
function drawDigitalClock(curDate) {
var timestringToMin = ("0" + curDate.getHours()).substr(-2) + ":"
+ ("0" + curDate.getMinutes()).substr(-2) + ":";
var timestringSec = ("0" + curDate.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
var datestring = "" + curDate.getFullYear() + "-"
+ ("0" + (curDate.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) + "-"
+ ("0" + curDate.getDate()).substr(-2);
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontNameLarge, fontSizeLarge);
var ctimePosLeft = ctimePosCenter - g.stringWidth("12:34:56") / 2;
if (ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth("00:00:00") > g.getWidth()) {
ctimePosLeft = g.getWidth() - g.stringWidth("00:00:00");
if (timestringToMin != lastTimeStringToMin) {
if (lastTimeStringToMin) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth(lastTimeStringToMin) + 1,
ctimePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current time.
g.drawString(timestringToMin, ctimePosLeft, ctimePosTop);
lastTimeStringToMin = timestringToMin;
var ctimePosLeftSec = ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth(timestringToMin);
if (lastTimeStringSec) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the seconds.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
ctimePosLeftSec + g.stringWidth(lastTimeStringSec) + 1,
ctimePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current seconds.
g.drawString(timestringSec, ctimePosLeftSec, ctimePosTop);
lastTimeStringSec = timestringSec;
if (datestring != lastDateString) {
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontName, fontSize);
var cdatePosLeft = cdatePosCenter - g.stringWidth("1234-56-78") / 2;
if (lastDateString) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
cdatePosLeft + g.stringWidth(lastDateString) + 1,
cdatePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current date.
//g.setFontAlign(0, -1, 0); // Align following string to bottom right.
g.drawString(datestring, cdatePosLeft, cdatePosTop);
lastDateString = datestring;
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
// On high-bpp devices, use anti-aliasing. Low-bpp (Bangle.js 2) doesn't clear nicely with AA.
if (bpp > 3 && g.drawLineAA) {
g.drawLineAA(x1, y1, x2, y2);
else {
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
function clearLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorBg);
function drawAnalogClock(curDate) {
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Init variables for drawing any seconds we have not drawn.
// If minute changed, we'll set for the full wheel below.
var firstDrawSecond = lastAnalogDate ? lastAnalogDate.getSeconds() + 1 : curDate.getSeconds();
var lastDrawSecond = curDate.getSeconds();
if (!lastAnalogDate || curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Draw the main hour lines.
//g.drawCircle(clockCtrX, clockCtrY, analogRad);
for (let i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 15) {
let edgeX = clockCtrX + analogRad * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
let edgeY = clockCtrY - analogRad * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
let innerX = clockCtrX + (analogRad - analogMainLineLength) * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
let innerY = clockCtrY - (analogRad - analogMainLineLength) * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorHours);
// Set for drawing the full second wheel.
firstDrawSecond = 0;
lastDrawSecond = 59;
// Draw the second wheel, or the parts of it that we haven't done yet.
for (let i = firstDrawSecond; i <= lastDrawSecond; i++) {
let edgeX = clockCtrX + analogRad * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
let edgeY = clockCtrY - analogRad * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
let innerX = clockCtrX + (analogRad - analogSubLineLength) * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
let innerY = clockCtrY - (analogRad - analogSubLineLength) * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
if (i <= curDate.getSeconds()) {
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorSeconds);
else if (i % 5 == 0) {
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorHours);
else {
clearLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY);
if (lastAnalogDate) {
// Clear previous hands.
if (curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Clear hour hand.
let HhAngle = (lastAnalogDate.getHours() + lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() / 60) * Math.PI / 6;
let HhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogHourHandLength * Math.sin(HhAngle);
let HhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogHourHandLength * Math.cos(HhAngle);
clearLine(HhEdgeX, HhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY);
// Clear minute hand.
let MhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogMinuteHandLength * Math.sin(lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
let MhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogMinuteHandLength * Math.cos(lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
clearLine(MhEdgeX, MhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY);
if (!lastAnalogDate || curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Draw hour hand.
let HhAngle = (curDate.getHours() + curDate.getMinutes() / 60) * Math.PI / 6;
let HhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogHourHandLength * Math.sin(HhAngle);
let HhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogHourHandLength * Math.cos(HhAngle);
drawLine(HhEdgeX, HhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY, colorHands);
// Draw minute hand.
let MhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogMinuteHandLength * Math.sin(curDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
let MhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogMinuteHandLength * Math.cos(curDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
drawLine(MhEdgeX, MhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY, colorHands);
lastAnalogDate = curDate;
function switchClockface() {
if (clockface == "digital") {
clockface = "analog";
else {
clockface = "digital";
// Clear whole lower area.
lastTimeStringToMin = undefined;
lastTimeStringSec = undefined;
lastDateString = undefined;
lastAnalogDate = undefined;
// Clear the screen once, at startup.
// Draw LCARS borders.
// Upper section: rounded corner.
g.fillCircle(outRad, divisionPos - outRad, outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, divisionPos - outRad, sbarWid + inRad, divisionPos);
g.fillRect(outRad, divisionPos - hbarHt, sbarWid + outRad, divisionPos); // div bar stub
g.fillRect(0, 0, sbarWid, divisionPos - outRad); // side bar
g.setColor(colorBg); // blocked out areas of corner
g.fillCircle(sbarWid + inRad + 1, divisionPos - hbarHt - inRad - 1, inRad);
g.fillRect(sbarWid + 1, divisionPos - outRad * 2, sbarWid + outRad, divisionPos - hbarHt - inRad);
// upper division bar
g.fillRect(sbarWid + outRad + gap + 1, divisionPos - hbarHt, g.getWidth(), divisionPos);
// Lower section: rounded corner.
g.fillCircle(outRad, lowerTop + outRad, outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, lowerTop, sbarWid + inRad, lowerTop + outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, lowerTop, sbarWid + outRad, lowerTop + hbarHt); // div bar stub
g.fillRect(0, lowerTop + outRad, sbarWid, sbarGapPos); // side bar
g.setColor(colorBg); // blocked out areas of corner
g.fillCircle(sbarWid + inRad + 1, lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad + 1, inRad);
g.fillRect(sbarWid + 1, lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad, sbarWid + outRad, lowerTop + outRad * 2);
// lower division bar
g.fillRect(sbarWid + outRad + gap + 1, lowerTop, g.getWidth(), lowerTop + hbarHt);
// second color of side bar
g.fillRect(0, sbarGapPos + gap + 1, sbarWid, g.getHeight());
// Draw immediately at first.
// Make sure widgets can be shown.
//g.setColor("#FF0000"); g.fillRect(0, 0, g.getWidth(), widgetsHeight); // debug
// Show launcher on button press as usual for a clock face
Bangle.setUI("clock", Bangle.showLauncher);
// Stop updates when LCD is off, restart when on
Bangle.on('lcdPower', on => {
if (on) {
redrawClock = true;
// Draw immediately to kick things off.
else {
redrawClock = false;
Bangle.on('touch', button => {
// button == 1 is left, 2 is right

apps/stardateclock/app.png Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"id": "stardateclock",
"name":"Stardate Clock",
"shortName":"Stardate Clock",
"description": "A clock displaying a stardate along with a 'standard' digital/analog clock in LCARS design",
"icon": "app.png",
"tags": "clock",
"supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"],
"allow_emulator": true,
"readme": "",
"storage": [
{"name": "","url": "app.js"},
{"name": "stardateclock.img","url": "app-icon.js","evaluate": true}
"screenshots": [
{"url": "screenshot1.png"},
{"url": "screenshot2.png"},
{"url": "screenshot3.png"},
{"url": "screenshot4.png"}

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