Slider: fix cbObj undefined

thyttan 2023-10-09 20:16:21 +02:00
parent 01cf0fb202
commit 93112f40df
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ try { // For making it possiblie to run the test app in the following catch stat
if (o.v.timeoutID) {clearTimeout(o.v.timeoutID); o.v.timeoutID = undefined;}
if (e.b==0 && !o.v.timeoutID && (o.c.timeout || o.c.timeout===0)) o.v.timeoutID = setTimeout(o.f.remove, 1000*o.c.timeout);
let cbObj;
if (o.c.useMap && o.f.wasOnIndicator(exFirst)) { // If draging starts on the indicator, adjust one-to-one.
let input = !o.c.horizontal?
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ try { // For making it possiblie to run the test app in the following catch stat
o.v.level = Math.min(Math.max(input,0),o.c.steps);
cbObj = {mode:"map", value:o.v.level};
o.v.cbObj = {mode:"map", value:o.v.level};
} else if (o.c.useIncr) { // Heavily inspired by "updown" mode of setUI.
@ -126,12 +126,12 @@ try { // For making it possiblie to run the test app in the following catch stat
o.v.level = Math.min(Math.max(o.v.level-incr,0),o.c.steps);
cbObj = {mode:"incr", value:incr};
o.v.cbObj = {mode:"incr", value:incr};
if (o.v.level!==o.v.prevLevel || o.v.level===0 || o.v.level===o.c.steps) {
cb(cbObj.mode, cbObj.value);
cb(o.v.cbObj.mode, o.v.cbObj.value);
o.v.prevLevel = o.v.level;
o.v.ebLast = e.b;