mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
Regenerate types
@ -465,6 +465,46 @@ declare class ESP32 {
static deepSleep(us: number): void;
* Put device in deepsleep state until interrupted by pin "pin".
* Eligible pin numbers are restricted to those [GPIOs designated
* as RTC GPIOs](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/gpio.html#gpio-summary).
* @param {Pin} pin - Pin to trigger wakeup
* @param {number} level - Logic level to trigger
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_deepSleepExt0
static deepSleepExt0(pin: Pin, level: number): void;
* Put device in deepsleep state until interrupted by pins in the "pinVar" array.
* The trigger "mode" determines the pin state which will wake up the device.
* Valid modes are:
* * `0: ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW` - all nominated pins must be set LOW to trigger wakeup
* * `1: ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH` - any of nominated pins set HIGH will trigger wakeup
* Eligible pin numbers are restricted to those [GPIOs designated
* as RTC GPIOs](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/peripherals/gpio.html#gpio-summary).
* @param {any} pinVar - Array of Pins to trigger wakeup
* @param {number} mode - Trigger mode
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_deepSleepExt1
static deepSleepExt1(pinVar: any, mode: number): void;
* Returns a variable identifying the cause of wakeup from deep sleep.
* Possible causes include:
* * `0: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_UNDEFINED` - reset was not caused by exit from deep sleep
* * `2: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT0` - Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_IO
* * `3: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1` - Wakeup caused by external signal using RTC_CNTL
* * `4: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER` - Wakeup caused by timer
* * `5: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TOUCHPAD` - Wakeup caused by touchpad
* * `6: ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ULP` - Wakeup caused by ULP program
* @returns {number} The cause of the ESP32's wakeup from sleep
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_ESP32_getWakeupCause
static getWakeupCause(): number;
* Returns an object that contains details about the state of the ESP32 with the
* following fields:
@ -5597,7 +5637,9 @@ declare class Graphics<IsBuffer extends boolean = boolean> {
* `width,height,bpp,[transparent,]image_bytes...`. If a transparent colour is
* specified the top bit of `bpp` should be set.
* * An ArrayBuffer Graphics object (if `bpp<8`, `msb:true` must be set) - this is
* disabled on devices without much flash memory available
* disabled on devices without much flash memory available. If a Graphics object
* is supplied, it can also contain transparent/palette fields as if it were
* an image.
* Draw an image at the specified position.
* * If the image is 1 bit, the graphics foreground/background colours will be
* used.
@ -5678,6 +5720,9 @@ declare class Graphics<IsBuffer extends boolean = boolean> {
* * Is 8 bpp *OR* the `{msb:true}` option was given
* * No other format options (zigzag/etc) were given
* Otherwise data will be copied, which takes up more space and may be quite slow.
* If the `Graphics` object contains `transparent` or `pelette` fields,
* [as you might find in an image](http://www.espruino.com/Graphics#images-bitmaps),
* those will be included in the generated image too.
* @param {any} type - The type of image to return. Either `object`/undefined to return an image object, or `string` to return an image string
* @returns {any} An Image that can be used with `Graphics.drawImage`
@ -5800,6 +5845,19 @@ declare class Graphics<IsBuffer extends boolean = boolean> {
transformVertices(arr: number[], transformation: { x?: number, y?: number, scale?: number, rotate?: number } | [number, number, number, number, number, number]): number[];
* Flood fills the given Graphics instance out from a particular point.
* **Note:** This only works on Graphics instances that support readback with `getPixel`. It
* is also not capable of filling over dithered patterns (eg non-solid colours on Bangle.js 2)
* @param {number} x - X coordinate to start from
* @param {number} y - Y coordinate to start from
* @param {any} col - The color to fill with (if undefined, foreground is used)
* @returns {any} The instance of Graphics this was called on, to allow call chaining
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Graphics_floodFill
floodFill(x: number, y: number, col: any): Graphics;
* Returns an object of the form:
* ```
@ -8223,6 +8281,10 @@ declare class E {
* Dump any locked variables that aren't referenced from `global` - for debugging
* memory leaks only.
* **Note:** This does a linear scan over memory, finding variables
* that are currently locked. In some cases it may show variables
* like `Unknown 66` which happen when *part* of a string has ended
* up placed in memory ahead of the String that it's part of. See https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/issues/2345
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_dumpLockedVars
static dumpLockedVars(): void;
@ -8655,6 +8717,24 @@ declare class E {
static decodeUTF8(str: string, lookup: string[], replaceFn: string | ((charCode: number) => string)): string;
* When using events with `X.on('foo', function() { ... })`
* and then `X.emit('foo')` you might want to stop subsequent
* event handlers from being executed.
* Calling this function doing the execution of events will
* ensure that no subsequent event handlers are executed.
* ```
* var X = {}; // in Espruino all objects are EventEmitters
* X.on('foo', function() { print("A"); })
* X.on('foo', function() { print("B"); E.stopEventPropagation(); })
* X.on('foo', function() { print("C"); })
* X.emit('foo');
* // prints A,B but not C
* ```
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_E_stopEventPropagation
static stopEventPropagation(): void;
@ -8959,6 +9039,9 @@ interface Object {
* o.emit('answer', 44);
* // nothing printed
* ```
* If you have more than one handler for an event, and you'd
* like that handler to stop the event being passed to other handlers
* then you can call `E.stopEventPropagation()` in that handler.
* @param {any} event - The name of the event, for instance 'data'
* @param {any} listener - The listener to call when this event is received
@ -10074,6 +10157,12 @@ declare class Serial {
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_pipe
pipe(destination: any, options?: PipeOptions): void
* Flush this serial stream (pause execution until all data has been sent)
* @url http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Serial_flush
flush(): void;
interface StringConstructor {
Reference in New Issue