mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
create Settings library
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
// open settings for an app
var appSettings = require('Settings').app(appname);
// read a single setting
value = appSettings.get(path, default);
// omit path to read all app settings
value = appSettings.get();
// write a single app setting
appSettings.set(path, value)
// omit path and pass an object as values to overwrite all settings for an app
// open Bangle settings
var globalSettings = require('Settings').Bangle();
value = globalSettings.get(path, default);
// read all global settings
values = globalSettings.get();
// write a global setting
globalSettings.set(path, value)
// overwrite all global settings
For example:
var settings = require('Settings').app('test');
settings.set('foo.bar.baz', 123); // writes to 'test.settings.json'
settings.set('foo.bar.bam', 456); // updates 'test.settings.json'
// 'test.settings.json' now contains {foo:{bar:{baz:123,bam:456}}}
baz = settings.get('foo.bar.baz'); // baz = 123
bar = settings.get('foo.bar'); // bar = {baz: 123, bam:456}
def = settings.get('asdf.jkl', 123); // def = 123
all = settings.get(); // all = {foo: { bar: {baz: 123, bam:456} } }
settings.set({fuz: 789}); // overwrites 'test.settings.json'
// 'test.settings.json' now contains {fuz:789}
fuz = settings.get('fuz'); // fuz = 789
baz = settings.get('foo.bar.baz'); // baz = undefined
wakeOnTouch = require('Settings').Bangle().get('options.wakeOnTouch', false);
* @param{string} file Settings file
* @param path Path to setting, omit to get complete settings object
* @param def Default value
* @return {*} Setting
function get(file, path, def) {
let setting = require("Storage").readJSON(file);
if (def===undefined && ["object", "undefined"].includes(typeof path)) {
// get(app) or get(app, def): get all settings
def = path;
path = [];
} else {
path = path.split(".");
if (path.includes("")) {
throw "Settings: path cannot contain empty elements";
while(path.length) {
const key = path.shift();
if (typeof setting!=="object" || !(key in setting)) {
return def;
setting = setting[key];
return setting;
* @param {string} file Settings file
* @param path Path to setting, omit to replace all settings
* @param value Value to store
function set(file, path, value) {
if (value===undefined && typeof path==="object") {
// set(file, value): overwrite settings completely
require("Storage").writeJSON(file, path);
path = path.split("."); // empty string is not OK (becomes [""])
if (path.includes("")) {
throw "Settings: path cannot contain empty elements";
let setting;
try {setting = get(file);} catch(e) {} // if reading old settings failed we write a fresh object
if (typeof setting!=="object") {
setting = {};
let root = setting; // keep a reference to root object
const leaf = path.pop();
while(path.length) {
const key = path.shift();
if (!(key in setting) || typeof (setting[key])!=="object") {
setting[key] = {};
setting = setting[key];
setting[leaf] = value;
require("Storage").write(file, root);
* Open settings file
* @param {string} file Settings file
* @return {object} Settings setter and getter
function open(file) {
return {
set: (path, val) => set(file, path, val),
get: (path, def) => get(file, path, def),
* Open settings file directly
* Please use require('Settings').app() or require('Settings').Bangle() instead
* @param {string} file Settings file to open
* @return Settings object
exports.open = open;
* Open app settings file
* @param {string} app App name for which to open settings
* @return Settings object
exports.app = (app) => open(app+".settings.json");
* Open global settings file
* @return Settings object
exports.Bangle = () => open("setting.json");
Reference in New Issue