mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
fix global vars inside IDE (only cli to go)
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
(function () {
var icon = require('heatshrink').decompress(atob('ikggMAiEAgYIBmEAg4EB+EAh0AgPggEeCAIEBnwQBAgP+gEP//x///j//8f//k///H//4BYOP/4lBv4bDvwEB4EAvAEBwEAuA7DCAI7BgAQBhEAA'));
var iconWidth = 18;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import { loadGlobals } from '../../typescript/types/globals'; // TODO find a nicer way to load ambient type definitions than this
(() => {
const icon = require('heatshrink').decompress(
@ -8,16 +8,9 @@
"name": "Bangle.ts",
"version": "0.0.1",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "16.11.12",
"typescript": "4.5.2"
"node_modules/@types/node": {
"version": "16.11.12",
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"dev": true
"node_modules/typescript": {
"version": "4.5.2",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/typescript/-/typescript-4.5.2.tgz",
@ -33,12 +26,6 @@
"dependencies": {
"@types/node": {
"version": "16.11.12",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@types/node/-/node-16.11.12.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-+2Iggwg7PxoO5Kyhvsq9VarmPbIelXP070HMImEpbtGCoyWNINQj4wzjbQCXzdHTRXnqufutJb5KAURZANNBAw==",
"dev": true
"typescript": {
"version": "4.5.2",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/typescript/-/typescript-4.5.2.tgz",
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
"author": "Sebastian Di Luzio <sebastian@diluz.io> (https://diluz.io)",
"version": "0.0.1",
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "16.11.12",
"typescript": "4.5.2"
"scripts": {
@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
"module": "es2015",
"noImplicitAny": true,
"target": "es2015"
"include": ["../apps/**/*", "./**/*"]
@ -1,160 +1,183 @@
// TODO all of these globals (copied from eslintrc need to be typed at some point)
/* "globals": {
// Methods and Fields at https://banglejs.com/reference
"BluetoothDevice": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTServer": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTService": "readonly",
"DataView": "readonly",
"E": "readonly",
"Error": "readonly",
"Flash": "readonly",
"fs": "readonly",
"Function": "readonly",
"heatshrink": "readonly",
"I2C": "readonly",
"InternalError": "readonly",
"Math": "readonly",
"Modules": "readonly",
"NRF": "readonly",
"Number": "readonly",
"Object": "readonly",
"OneWire": "readonly",
"Pin": "readonly",
"process": "readonly",
"Promise": "readonly",
"ReferenceError": "readonly",
"RegExp": "readonly",
"Serial": "readonly",
"SPI": "readonly",
"Storage": "readonly",
"StorageFile": "readonly",
"String": "readonly",
"SyntaxError": "readonly",
"tensorflow": "readonly",
"TFMicroInterpreter": "readonly",
"TypeError": "readonly",
"Uint16Array": "readonly",
"Uint24Array": "readonly",
"Uint32Array": "readonly",
"Uint8Array": "readonly",
"Uint8ClampedArray": "readonly",
"Waveform": "readonly",
// Methods and Fields at https://banglejs.com/reference
"analogRead": "readonly",
"analogWrite": "readonly",
"arguments": "readonly",
"atob": "readonly",
"Bluetooth": "readonly",
"BTN": "readonly",
"BTN1": "readonly",
"BTN2": "readonly",
"BTN3": "readonly",
"BTN4": "readonly",
"BTN5": "readonly",
"btoa": "readonly",
"changeInterval": "readonly",
"clearInterval": "readonly",
"clearTimeout": "readonly",
"clearWatch": "readonly",
"decodeURIComponent": "readonly",
"digitalPulse": "readonly",
"digitalRead": "readonly",
"digitalWrite": "readonly",
"dump": "readonly",
"echo": "readonly",
"edit": "readonly",
"encodeURIComponent": "readonly",
"eval": "readonly",
"getPinMode": "readonly",
"getSerial": "readonly",
"getTime": "readonly",
"global": "readonly",
"HIGH": "readonly",
"I2C1": "readonly",
"Infinity": "readonly",
"isFinite": "readonly",
"isNaN": "readonly",
"LED": "readonly",
"LED1": "readonly",
"LED2": "readonly",
"load": "readonly",
"LoopbackA": "readonly",
"LoopbackB": "readonly",
"LOW": "readonly",
"NaN": "readonly",
"parseFloat": "readonly",
"parseInt": "readonly",
"peek16": "readonly",
"peek32": "readonly",
"peek8": "readonly",
"pinMode": "readonly",
"poke16": "readonly",
"poke32": "readonly",
"poke8": "readonly",
"print": "readonly",
"require": "readonly",
"reset": "readonly",
"save": "readonly",
"Serial1": "readonly",
"setBusyIndicator": "readonly",
"setInterval": "readonly",
"setSleepIndicator": "readonly",
"setTime": "readonly",
"setTimeout": "readonly",
"setWatch": "readonly",
"shiftOut": "readonly",
"SPI1": "readonly",
"Terminal": "readonly",
"trace": "readonly",
"VIBRATE": "readonly",
/* {
// Methods and Fields at https://banglejs.com/reference
"Array": "readonly",
"ArrayBuffer": "readonly",
"ArrayBufferView": "readonly",
"Bangle": "readonly",
"BluetoothDevice": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTServer": "readonly",
"BluetoothRemoteGATTService": "readonly",
"Boolean": "readonly",
"console": "readonly",
"DataView": "readonly",
"Date": "readonly",
"E": "readonly",
"Error": "readonly",
"Flash": "readonly",
"Float32Array": "readonly",
"Float64Array": "readonly",
"fs": "readonly",
"Function": "readonly",
"Graphics": "readonly", // partly done
"heatshrink": "readonly",
"I2C": "readonly",
"Int16Array": "readonly",
"Int32Array": "readonly",
"Int8Array": "readonly",
"InternalError": "readonly",
"JSON": "readonly",
"Math": "readonly",
"Modules": "readonly",
"NRF": "readonly",
"Number": "readonly",
"Object": "readonly",
"OneWire": "readonly",
"Pin": "readonly",
"process": "readonly",
"Promise": "readonly",
"ReferenceError": "readonly",
"RegExp": "readonly",
"Serial": "readonly",
"SPI": "readonly",
"Storage": "readonly",
"StorageFile": "readonly",
"String": "readonly",
"SyntaxError": "readonly",
"tensorflow": "readonly",
"TFMicroInterpreter": "readonly",
"TypeError": "readonly",
"Uint16Array": "readonly",
"Uint24Array": "readonly",
"Uint32Array": "readonly",
"Uint8Array": "readonly",
"Uint8ClampedArray": "readonly",
"Waveform": "readonly",
// Methods and Fields at https://banglejs.com/reference
"analogRead": "readonly",
"analogWrite": "readonly",
"arguments": "readonly",
"atob": "readonly",
"Bluetooth": "readonly",
"BTN": "readonly",
"BTN1": "readonly",
"BTN2": "readonly",
"BTN3": "readonly",
"BTN4": "readonly",
"BTN5": "readonly",
"btoa": "readonly",
"changeInterval": "readonly",
"clearInterval": "readonly",
"clearTimeout": "readonly",
"clearWatch": "readonly",
"decodeURIComponent": "readonly",
"digitalPulse": "readonly",
"digitalRead": "readonly",
"digitalWrite": "readonly",
"dump": "readonly",
"echo": "readonly",
"edit": "readonly",
"encodeURIComponent": "readonly",
"eval": "readonly",
"getPinMode": "readonly",
"getSerial": "readonly",
"getTime": "readonly",
"global": "readonly",
"HIGH": "readonly",
"I2C1": "readonly",
"Infinity": "readonly",
"isFinite": "readonly",
"isNaN": "readonly",
"LED": "readonly",
"LED1": "readonly",
"LED2": "readonly",
"load": "readonly",
"LoopbackA": "readonly",
"LoopbackB": "readonly",
"LOW": "readonly",
"NaN": "readonly",
"parseFloat": "readonly",
"parseInt": "readonly",
"peek16": "readonly",
"peek32": "readonly",
"peek8": "readonly",
"pinMode": "readonly",
"poke16": "readonly",
"poke32": "readonly",
"poke8": "readonly",
"print": "readonly",
"require": "readonly",
"reset": "readonly",
"save": "readonly",
"Serial1": "readonly",
"setBusyIndicator": "readonly",
"setInterval": "readonly",
"setSleepIndicator": "readonly",
"setTime": "readonly",
"setTimeout": "readonly",
"setWatch": "readonly",
"shiftOut": "readonly",
"SPI1": "readonly",
"Terminal": "readonly",
"trace": "readonly",
"VIBRATE": "readonly",
// Aliases and not defined at https://banglejs.com/reference
"g": "readonly", // done
"WIDGETS": "readonly" // done
export type loadGlobals = {};
// ambient JS definitions
declare global {
const Bangle: {
// functions
buzz: () => void;
drawWidgets: () => void;
isCharging: () => boolean;
// events
on(event: 'charging', listener: (charging: boolean) => void): void;
// TODO add more
declare const require: ((module: 'heatshrink') => {
decompress: (compressedString: string) => string;
}) & // TODO add more
((module: 'otherString') => {});
type Image = {
width: number;
height: number;
bpp?: number;
buffer: ArrayBuffer | string;
transparent?: number;
palette?: Uint16Array;
// ambient bangle.js definitions
type GraphicsApi = {
reset: () => void;
flip: () => void;
setColor: (color: string) => void; // TODO we can most likely type color more usefully than this
drawImage: (
image: string | Image | ArrayBuffer,
xOffset: number,
yOffset: number,
options?: {
rotate?: number;
scale?: number;
) => void;
// TODO add more
declare const Bangle: {
// functions
buzz: () => void;
drawWidgets: () => void;
isCharging: () => boolean;
// events
on(event: 'charging', listener: (charging: boolean) => void): void;
// TODO add more
const Graphics: GraphicsApi;
const g: GraphicsApi;
declare type Image = {
width: number;
height: number;
bpp?: number;
buffer: ArrayBuffer | string;
transparent?: number;
palette?: Uint16Array;
type Widget = {
area: 'tr' | 'tl';
width: number;
draw: () => void;
const WIDGETS: { [key: string]: Widget };
declare type GraphicsApi = {
reset: () => void;
flip: () => void;
setColor: (color: string) => void; // TODO we can most likely type color more usefully than this
drawImage: (
image: string | Image | ArrayBuffer,
xOffset: number,
yOffset: number,
options?: {
rotate?: number;
scale?: number;
) => void;
// TODO add more
declare const Graphics: GraphicsApi;
declare const g: GraphicsApi;
declare type Widget = {
area: 'tr' | 'tl';
width: number;
draw: () => void;
declare const WIDGETS: { [key: string]: Widget };
Reference in New Issue