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stweedo 2023-05-15 05:11:15 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent df22765dc1
commit 32c27fb918
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 550 additions and 0 deletions

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// Capital Omega symbol and Resistor icon from icons8
let colorData = {
black: {
value: 0,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 0),
hex: '#000'
brown: {
value: 1,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 1),
tolerance: 1,
hex: '#8B4513'
red: {
value: 2,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 2),
tolerance: 2,
hex: '#f00'
orange: {
value: 3,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 3),
hex: '#FF9900'
yellow: {
value: 4,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 4),
hex: '#ff0'
green: {
value: 5,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 5),
tolerance: 0.5,
hex: '#0f0'
blue: {
value: 6,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 6),
tolerance: 0.25,
hex: '#00f'
violet: {
value: 7,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 7),
tolerance: 0.1,
hex: '#f0f'
grey: {
value: 8,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 8),
tolerance: 0.05,
hex: '#808080'
white: {
value: 9,
multiplier: Math.pow(10, 9),
hex: '#fff'
gold: {
multiplier: Math.pow(10, -1),
tolerance: 5,
hex: '#FFD700'
silver: {
multiplier: Math.pow(10, -2),
tolerance: 10,
hex: '#C0C0C0'
none: {
tolerance: 20
function clearScreen() { // Except Back Button
g.clearRect(24, 0, 176, 24);
g.clearRect(0, 24, 176, 176);
function colorBandsToResistance(colorBands) {
let firstBand = colorBands[0];
let secondBand = colorBands[1];
let multiplierBand = colorBands[2];
let toleranceBand = colorBands[3];
let significantDigits = colorData[firstBand].value * 10 + colorData[secondBand].value;
let multiplier = colorData[multiplierBand].multiplier;
let resistance = significantDigits * multiplier;
let tolerance = colorData[toleranceBand].tolerance;
return [resistance, tolerance];
function log10(val) {
return Math.log(val) / Math.log(10);
function resistanceToColorBands(resistance, tolerance) {
let multiplier = Math.floor(log10(resistance));
let firstDigit = Math.floor(resistance / Math.pow(10, multiplier));
resistance -= firstDigit * Math.pow(10, multiplier);
multiplier--; // for the next digit
let secondDigit = Math.floor(resistance / Math.pow(10, multiplier));
resistance -= secondDigit * Math.pow(10, multiplier);
console.log("First Digit: " + firstDigit);
console.log("Second Digit: " + secondDigit);
console.log("Multiplier: " + multiplier);
let firstBandEntry = Object.entries(colorData).find(function(entry) {
return entry[1].value === firstDigit;
let firstBand = firstBandEntry ? firstBandEntry[1].hex : undefined;
let secondBandEntry = Object.entries(colorData).find(function(entry) {
return entry[1].value === secondDigit;
let secondBand = secondBandEntry ? secondBandEntry[1].hex : undefined;
let multiplierBandEntry = Object.entries(colorData).find(function(entry) {
return entry[1].multiplier === Math.pow(10, multiplier);
let multiplierBand = multiplierBandEntry ? multiplierBandEntry[1].hex : undefined;
let toleranceBandEntry = Object.entries(colorData).find(function(entry) {
return entry[1].tolerance === tolerance;
let toleranceBand = toleranceBandEntry ? toleranceBandEntry[1].hex : undefined;
console.log("Color bands: " + [firstBand, secondBand, multiplierBand, toleranceBand]);
return [firstBand, secondBand, multiplierBand, toleranceBand];
function drawResistor(colorBands, tolerance) {
let img = require("Storage").read("");
let resistorBodyWidth = 51;
let resistorBodyHeight = 43;
let resistorStartX = 57;
var bandColors = colorBands;
var numcolorBands = bandColors.length;
var resistorStartY = ((g.getHeight() - resistorBodyHeight) / 2) + 48;
g.drawImage(img, 0, 48);
var bandWidth = (resistorBodyWidth - (numcolorBands * 2 - 1)) / numcolorBands; // width of each band, accounting for the spacing
var bandHeight = resistorBodyHeight; // height of each band
var currentX = resistorStartX; // starting point for the first band
// Define the tolerance values that will trigger the fourth band
var validTolerances = [1, 2, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 5, 10];
for (var i = 0; i < numcolorBands; i++) {
// Skip the fourth band and its outlines if the tolerance is not in the valid list
if (i === 3 && !validTolerances.includes(tolerance)) continue;
var bandX = currentX; // calculate the x-coordinate of the band
var bandY = resistorStartY; // y-coordinate of the band
g.setColor(bandColors[i]); // set the color for the band
g.fillRect(bandX, bandY, bandX + bandWidth, bandY + bandHeight);
// Draw band outlines
g.setColor('#000'); // set the color for the outline
g.drawLine(bandX, bandY, bandX, bandY + bandHeight); // left outline
g.drawLine(bandX + bandWidth, bandY, bandX + bandWidth, bandY + bandHeight); // right outline
// if it's the fourth band, shift it over by an additional 6 pixels
if (i === 2) {
currentX = bandX + bandWidth + 5 + 8; // update the current X position for the next band, accounting for the spacing
} else {
currentX = bandX + bandWidth + 5; // update the current X position for the next band, accounting for the spacing
function omega() {
function formatResistance(resistance) {
var units = ["", "k", "M", "G"];
var unitIndex = 0;
while (resistance >= 1000 && unitIndex < units.length - 1) {
resistance /= 1000;
// Convert to string and truncate unnecessary zeroes
var resistanceStr = String(resistance);
if (resistanceStr.length > 5) { // if length is more than 5 including decimal point
resistanceStr = resistance.toFixed(2);
return {
value: resistanceStr,
unit: units[unitIndex]
function drawResistance(resistance, tolerance) {
var x = g.getWidth() / 2;
var y = 40;
var formattedResistance = formatResistance(resistance);
var resistanceStr = formattedResistance.value;
var unit = formattedResistance.unit;
// draw resistance value
g.setFontAlign(0, 0).setFont("Vector", 54);
g.clearRect(0, y - 15, g.getWidth(), y + 25); // clear the background
g.drawString(resistanceStr, x + 4, y);
// draw unit, symbol and tolerance
y += 46;
g.setFontAlign(-1, 0).setFont("Vector", 27);
var toleranceShift = tolerance.toString().replace('.', '').length > 2 ? 8 : 0;
var unitX = ((unit === "M" || unit === "G") ? 0 : 8) - toleranceShift;
var omegaX = (unit ? 46 : 36) - toleranceShift; // Shift the Omega symbol to the left if there is no unit
g.drawString(unit.padStart(3), unitX, y);
// Draw the Ohm symbol to the right of the unit
g.drawImage(omega(), omegaX, y - 13, {
scale: 0.45
g.setFontAlign(1, 0).setFont("Vector", 27);
// Define the tolerance values that will trigger the fourth band
var validTolerances = [1, 2, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1, 0.05, 5, 10];
// Check if the tolerance is not in the valid list, and if it's not, set it to 20
if (!validTolerances.includes(tolerance)) {
tolerance = 20;
var toleranceStr = "±" + tolerance + "%";
var toleranceX = tolerance.toString().replace('.', '').length > 2 ? 10 : 14;
g.drawString(toleranceStr.padEnd(4), 176 - toleranceX, y);
(function() {
let settings = {
resistance: 0,
tolerance: 0,
colorBands: ["", "", "", ""]
function resetSettings() {
let emptySettings = {
resistance: 0,
tolerance: 0,
colorBands: ["", "", "", ""]
settings = emptySettings;
function showColorBandMenu(bandNumber) {
let colorBandMenu = {
'': {
'title': `Band ${bandNumber}`
'< Back': function() {
// Populate colorBandMenu with colors from colorData
for (let color in colorData) {
if (bandNumber === 1 || bandNumber === 2) {
if (color !== 'none' && color !== 'gold' && color !== 'silver') {
(function(color) {
colorBandMenu[color.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + color.slice(1)] = function() {
setBandColor(bandNumber, color);
} else if (bandNumber === 3) {
if (color !== 'none') {
(function(color) {
colorBandMenu[color.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + color.slice(1)] = function() {
setBandColor(bandNumber, color);
} else if (bandNumber === 4) {
if (colorData[color].hasOwnProperty('tolerance')) {
(function(color) {
colorBandMenu[color.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + color.slice(1)] = function() {
setBandColor(bandNumber, color);
return E.showMenu(colorBandMenu);
function setBandColor(bandNumber, color) {
settings.colorBands[bandNumber - 1] = color; // arrays are 0-indexed
console.log(`Band ${bandNumber} color set to ${color}`);
// Update the color band in the colorEntryMenu
colorEntryMenu[`${bandNumber}:`].value = color;
function showColorEntryMenu() {
colorEntryMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Band Color'
'< Back': function() {
'1:': {
value: settings.colorBands[0] || "",
format: (v) => `${v}`,
onchange: () => {
setTimeout(() => showColorBandMenu(1), 5);
'2:': {
value: settings.colorBands[1] || "",
format: (v) => `${v}`,
onchange: () => {
setTimeout(() => showColorBandMenu(2), 5);
'3:': {
value: settings.colorBands[2] || "",
format: (v) => `${v}`,
onchange: () => {
setTimeout(() => showColorBandMenu(3), 5);
'4:': {
value: settings.colorBands[3] || "",
format: (v) => `${v}`,
onchange: () => {
setTimeout(() => showColorBandMenu(4), 5);
'Draw Resistor': function() {
let colorBands = settings.colorBands;
let values = colorBandsToResistance(colorBands);
settings.resistance = values[0];
settings.tolerance = values[1];
function showMultiplierMenu() {
let multiplierMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Multiplier'
'< Back': function() {
// Generate menu items for each Multiplier value in colorData
for (let color in colorData) {
if (colorData[color].hasOwnProperty('multiplier')) {
let multiplierValue = parseFloat(colorData[color].multiplier); // Parse the multiplier as a float
let formattedMultiplier = formatMultiplier(multiplierValue);
multiplierMenu[`${formattedMultiplier}`] = () => {
settings.multiplier = multiplierValue;
console.log(`Multiplier changed to: ${settings.multiplier}`);
// Update the value of 'Multiplier' in resistanceEntryMenu
resistanceEntryMenu["Multiplier"] = function() {
// Helper function to format multiplier as exponential notation for values >= 1000
function formatMultiplier(multiplier) {
if (multiplier >= 1000) {
let exponent = Math.log(multiplier) / Math.log(10);
return `10^${exponent}`;
} else {
return multiplier.toString();
function showToleranceMenu() {
let toleranceMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Tolerance'
'< Back': function() {
// Generate menu items for each tolerance value in colorData
for (let color in colorData) {
if (colorData[color].hasOwnProperty('tolerance')) {
let tolerance = parseFloat(colorData[color].tolerance); // Parse the tolerance as a float
toleranceMenu[`${tolerance}%`] = () => {
settings.tolerance = tolerance;
// Update the value of 'Tolerance (%)' in resistanceEntryMenu
resistanceEntryMenu["Tolerance (%)"] = function() {
function drawResistorAndResistance(resistance, tolerance) {
console.log('Draw Resistor clicked');
let colorBands = resistanceToColorBands((settings.resistance * settings.multiplier), settings.tolerance);
drawResistor(colorBands, tolerance);
drawResistance(resistance, tolerance);
let resistanceEntryMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Resistance'
'< Back': function() {
'Ohms': {
value: 0,
min: 0,
max: 99,
wrap: true,
format: v => '',
onchange: v => {}
'Multiplier': function() {
'Tolerance (%)': function() {
'Draw Resistor': function() {
function showResistanceEntryMenu() {
// Update the 'Ohms' field
resistanceEntryMenu['Ohms'].value = settings.resistance;
resistanceEntryMenu['Ohms'].format = v => {
let multipliedValue = v * (settings.multiplier || 1);
let formattedResistance = formatResistance(multipliedValue);
let resistanceString = `${formattedResistance.value}${formattedResistance.unit}`;
if (settings.tolerance) {
return `${resistanceString}, ± ${settings.tolerance}%`;
} else {
return v ? `${resistanceString}` : '';
resistanceEntryMenu['Ohms'].onchange = v => {
settings.resistance = v || 0;
console.log('Resistance changed to: ', settings.resistance);
function showDrawingMenu() {
let drawingMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Resistor Drawing'
'< Back': function() {
let resistance = settings.resistance * (settings.multiplier || 1);
let tolerance = settings.tolerance;
drawResistorAndResistance(resistance, tolerance);
let mainMenu = {
'': {
'title': 'Resistor Calc'
'< Back': () => Bangle.showClock(), // return to the clock app
'Resistance': function() {
'Colors': function() {

apps/rescalc/icon.png Normal file

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{ "id": "rescalc",
"name": "Resitstor Calculator",
"shortName" : "Resistor Calc",
"icon": "rescalc.png",
"description": "An intuitive, easy-to-use app that aids in the interpretation of resistor color codes and calculation of resistance values.",
"tags": "app,tool,electric,ohm,converter",
"storage": [

apps/rescalc/ Normal file
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# Resistor Calculator
Resistor Calculator is a Bangle.js application designed to assist with resistor color code interpretation and vice versa. It provides a convenient way to calculate the resistance value based on color bands and to find the color bands based on the resistance value.
## Usage
There are two main functions of the Resistor Calculator:
1. **Calculate resistance from color bands:** You can select the colors of the 4 bands on the resistor, and the app will calculate the resistance and tolerance accordingly.
2. **Find color bands from resistance:** You can specify a resistance value, multiplier, and tolerance percentage, and the app will display the corresponding color bands.
The Resistor Calculator presents these functions in an intuitive menu system. Navigate through the menus using the touchscreen on your Bangle.js 2 watch.
## Configuration
The Resistor Calculator does not require any specific configurations. All settings are managed within the app itself. After installing the app, you can start it from your Bangle.js watch's app launcher.
## Compatibility
The Resistor Calculator is only compatible with Bangle.js 2 watches.
## Creator
The Resistor Calculator was created by [stweedo]( Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions, or if you encounter any issues with the app.

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