mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
create xstats module and make run app configurable to display different stats
@ -28,6 +28,15 @@ so if you have no GPS lock you just need to wait.
However you can just install the `Recorder` app, turn recording on in
that, and then start the `Run` app.
## Settings
Under `Settings` -> `App` -> `Run` you can change settings for this app.
* `Pace` is the distance that pace should be shown over - 1km, 1 mile, 1/2 Marathon or 1 Maraton
* `Box 1/2/3/4/5/6` are what should be shown in each of the 6 boxes on the display. From the top left, down.
If you set it to `-` nothing will be displayed, so you can display only 4 boxes of information
if you wish by setting the last 2 boxes to `-`.
* Allow this app to trigger the `Recorder` app on and off directly.
@ -1,68 +1,37 @@
var ExStats = require("exstats");
var B2 = process.env.HWVERSION==2;
var Layout = require("Layout");
var locale = require("locale");
var fontHeading = "6x8:2";
var fontValue = B2 ? "6x15:2" : "6x8:3";
var headingCol = "#888";
var running = false;
var fixCount = 0;
var startTime;
var startSteps;
// This & previous GPS readings
var lastGPS, thisGPS;
var distance = 0; ///< distance in meters
var startSteps = Bangle.getStepCount(); ///< number of steps when we started
var lastStepCount = startSteps; // last time 'step' was called
var stepHistory = new Uint8Array(60); // steps each second for the last minute (0 = current minute)
// ---------------------------
function formatTime(ms) {
let hrs = Math.floor(ms/3600000).toString();
let mins = (Math.floor(ms/60000)%60).toString();
let secs = (Math.floor(ms/1000)%60).toString();
if (hrs === '0')
return mins.padStart(2,0)+":"+secs.padStart(2,0);
return hrs+":"+mins.padStart(2,0)+":"+secs.padStart(2,0); // dont pad hours
// Format speed in meters/second
function formatPace(speed) {
if (speed < 0.1667) {
return `__:__`;
const pace = Math.round(1000 / speed); // seconds for 1km
const min = Math.floor(pace / 60); // minutes for 1km
const sec = pace % 60;
return ('0' + min).substr(-2) + `:` + ('0' + sec).substr(-2);
let settings = Object.assign({
B1 : "dist",
B2 : "time",
B3 : "pacea",
B4 : "bpm",
B5 : "step",
B6 : "caden",
paceLength : 1000
}, require("Storage").readJSON("run.json", 1) || {});
var statIDs = [settings.B1,settings.B2,settings.B3,settings.B4,settings.B5,settings.B6].filter(s=>s!="");
var exs = ExStats.getStats(statIDs, settings);
// ---------------------------
function clearState() {
distance = 0;
startSteps = Bangle.getStepCount();
layout.cadence.label= "0";
layout.status.bgCol = "#f00";
// Called to start/stop running
function onStartStop() {
running = !running;
var running = !exs.state.active;
if (running) {
startTime = Date.now();
} else {
layout.button.label = running ? "STOP" : "START";
layout.status.label = running ? "RUN" : "STOP";
@ -72,107 +41,44 @@ function onStartStop() {
var layout = new Layout( {
type:"v", c: [
{ type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"DIST", fillx:1, col:headingCol },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"TIME", fillx:1, col:headingCol }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:"0.00", id:"dist", fillx:1 },
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:"00:00", id:"time", fillx:1 }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"PACE", fillx:1, col:headingCol },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"HEART", fillx:1, col:headingCol }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:`__'__"`, id:"pace", fillx:1 },
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:"--", id:"hrm", fillx:1 }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"STEPS", fillx:1, col:headingCol },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"CADENCE", fillx:1, col:headingCol }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:"0", id:"steps", fillx:1 },
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:"0", id:"cadence", fillx:1 }
var lc = [];
// Load stats in pair by pair
for (var i=0;i<statIDs.length;i+=2) {
var sa = exs.stats[statIDs[i+0]];
var sb = exs.stats[statIDs[i+1]];
lc.push({ type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:sa.title.toUpperCase(), fillx:1, col:headingCol },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:sb.title.toUpperCase(), fillx:1, col:headingCol }
]}, { type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:sa.getString(), id:sa.id, fillx:1 },
{type:"txt", font:fontValue, label:sb.getString(), id:sb.id, fillx:1 }
sa.on('changed', e=>layout[e.id].label = e.getString());
sb.on('changed', e=>layout[e.id].label = e.getString());
// At the bottom put time/GPS state/etc
lc.push({ type:"h", filly:1, c:[
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"GPS", id:"gps", fillx:1, bgCol:"#f00" },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"00:00", id:"clock", fillx:1, bgCol:g.theme.fg, col:g.theme.bg },
{type:"txt", font:fontHeading, label:"STOP", id:"status", fillx:1 }
// Now calculate the layout
var layout = new Layout( {
type:"v", c: lc
},{lazy:true, btns:[{ label:"START", cb: onStartStop, id:"button"}]});
delete lc;
function onTimer() {
layout.clock.label = locale.time(new Date(),1);
if (!running) {
// called once a second
var duration = Date.now() - startTime; // in ms
// set cadence based on steps over last minute
var stepsInMinute = E.sum(stepHistory);
var cadence = 60000 * stepsInMinute / Math.min(duration,60000);
// update layout
layout.time.label = formatTime(duration);
layout.steps.label = Bangle.getStepCount()-startSteps;
layout.cadence.label = Math.round(cadence);
// move step history onwards
function radians(a) {
return a*Math.PI/180;
// distance between 2 lat and lons, in meters, Mean Earth Radius = 6371km
// https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
function calcDistance(a,b) {
var x = radians(a.lon-b.lon) * Math.cos(radians((a.lat+b.lat)/2));
var y = radians(b.lat-a.lat);
return Math.round(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000);
// Handle GPS state change for icon
Bangle.on("GPS", function(fix) {
layout.gps.bgCol = fix.fix ? "#0f0" : "#f00";
if (!fix.fix) { return; } // only process actual fixes
if (!fix.fix) return; // only process actual fixes
if (fixCount++ == 0) {
Bangle.buzz(); // first fix, does not need to respect quiet mode
lastGPS = fix; // initialise on first fix
thisGPS = fix;
if (running) {
var d = calcDistance(lastGPS, thisGPS);
distance += d;
var duration = Date.now() - startTime; // in ms
var speed = distance * 1000 / duration; // meters/sec
layout.pace.label = formatPace(speed);
lastGPS = fix;
Bangle.on("HRM", function(h) {
layout.hrm.label = h.bpm;
Bangle.on("step", function(steps) {
if (running) {
layout.steps.label = steps-Bangle.getStepCount();
stepHistory[0] += steps-lastStepCount;
lastStepCount = steps;
let settings = require("Storage").readJSON('run.json',1)||{"use_gps":true,"use_hrm":true};
// We always call ourselves once a second, if only to update the time
setInterval(onTimer, 1000);
/* Turn GPS and HRM on right at the start to ensure
we get the highest chance of a lock. */
if (settings.use_hrm) Bangle.setHRMPower(true,"app");
if (settings.use_gps) Bangle.setGPSPower(true,"app");
// We always call ourselves once a second to update
setInterval(function() {
layout.clock.label = locale.time(new Date(),1);
}, 1000);
@ -1,44 +1,58 @@
(function(back) {
const SETTINGS_FILE = "run.json";
// initialize with default settings...
let s = {
'use_gps': true,
'use_hrm': true
var ExStats = require("exstats");
var statsList = ExStats.getList();
statsList.unshift({name:"-",id:""}); // add blank menu item
var statsIDs = statsList.map(s=>s.id);
// ...and overwrite them with any saved values
// This way saved values are preserved if a new version adds more settings
const storage = require('Storage')
let settings = storage.readJSON(SETTINGS_FILE, 1) || {}
const saved = settings || {}
for (const key in saved) {
s[key] = saved[key]
let settings = Object.assign({
B1 : "dist",
B2 : "time",
B3 : "pacea",
B4 : "bpm",
B5 : "step",
B6 : "caden",
paceLength : 1000
}, storage.readJSON(SETTINGS_FILE, 1) || {});
function save() {
settings = s
storage.write(SETTINGS_FILE, settings)
'': { 'title': 'Run' },
'< Back': back,
'Use GPS': {
value: s.use_gps,
format: () => (s.use_gps ? 'Yes' : 'No'),
onchange: () => {
s.use_gps = !s.use_gps;
'Use HRM': {
value: s.use_hrm,
format: () => (s.use_hrm ? 'Yes' : 'No'),
onchange: () => {
s.use_hrm = !s.use_hrm;
function getBoxChooser(boxID) {
return {
min :0, max: statsIDs.length-1,
value: Math.max(statsIDs.indexOf(settings[boxID]),0),
format: v => statsList[v].name,
onchange: v => {
settings[boxID] = statsIDs[v];
var paceNames = ["1000m","1 mile","1/2 Mthn", "Marathon",];
var paceAmts = [1000,1609,21098,42195];
'': { 'title': 'Run' },
'< Back': back,
'Pace': {
min :0, max: paceNames.length-1,
value: Math.max(paceAmts.indexOf(settings.paceLength),0),
format: v => paceNames[v],
onchange: v => {
settings.paceLength = paceAmts[v];
'Box 1': getBoxChooser("B1"),
'Box 2': getBoxChooser("B2"),
'Box 3': getBoxChooser("B3"),
'Box 4': getBoxChooser("B4"),
'Box 5': getBoxChooser("B5"),
'Box 6': getBoxChooser("B6"),
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
/* Exercise Stats module
var ExStats = require("exstats");
// Get a list of available types of run statistic
// returns list of available stat IDs like
{name: "Time", id:"time"},
{name: "Distance", id:"dist"},
{name: "Steps", id:"step"},
{name: "Heart (BPM)", id:"bpm"},
{name: "Pace (avr)", id:"pacea"},
{name: "Pace (current)", id:"pacec"},
{name: "Cadence", id:"caden"},
// Setup and load all statistic types
var exs = ExStats.getStats(["dist", "time", "pacea","bpm","step","caden"], options);
// exs contains
stats : { time : {
id : "time"
title : "Time" // title to use when rendering
getValue : function // get a floating point value for this stat
getString : function // get a formatted string for this stat
// also fires a 'changed' event
dist : { ... },
pacea : { ... },
state : { active : bool,
.. other internal-ish state info
start : function, // call to start exercise and reset state
stop : function, // call to stop exercise
var state = {
active : false, // are we working or not?
// startTime, // time exercise started
lastGPS:{}, thisGPS:{}, // This & previous GPS readings
// distance : 0, ///< distance in meters
// avrSpeed : 0, ///< in m/sec
startSteps : Bangle.getStepCount(), ///< number of steps when we started
lastSteps : Bangle.getStepCount(), // last time 'step' was called
stepHistory : new Uint8Array(60), // steps each second for the last minute (0 = current minute)
// stepsInMinute // steps over the last minute
// cadence // steps per minute adjusted if <1 minute
// BPM // beats per minute
// BPMage // how many seconds was BPM set?
// list of active stats (indexed by ID)
var stats = {};
// distance between 2 lat and lons, in meters, Mean Earth Radius = 6371km
// https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
function calcDistance(a,b) {
function radians(a) { return a*Math.PI/180; }
var x = radians(a.lon-b.lon) * Math.cos(radians((a.lat+b.lat)/2));
var y = radians(b.lat-a.lat);
return Math.round(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y) * 6371000);
// Given milliseconds, return a time
function formatTime(ms) {
let hrs = Math.floor(ms/3600000).toString();
let mins = (Math.floor(ms/60000)%60).toString();
let secs = (Math.floor(ms/1000)%60).toString();
if (hrs === '0')
return mins.padStart(2,0)+":"+secs.padStart(2,0);
return hrs+":"+mins.padStart(2,0)+":"+secs.padStart(2,0); // dont pad hours
// Format speed in meters/second, paceLength=length in m for pace over
function formatPace(speed, paceLength) {
if (speed < 0.1667) {
return `__:__`;
const pace = Math.round(paceLength / speed); // seconds for paceLength (1000=1km)
const min = Math.floor(pace / 60); // minutes for paceLength
const sec = pace % 60;
return ('0' + min).substr(-2) + `:` + ('0' + sec).substr(-2);
Bangle.on("GPS", function(fix) {
if (!fix.fix) return; // only process actual fixes
if (!state.active) return;
if( state.lastGPS.fix)
state.distance += calcDistance(state.lastGPS, fix);
var duration = Date.now() - state.startTime; // in ms
state.avrSpeed = state.distance * 1000 / duration; // meters/sec
if (stats["pacea"]) stats["pacea"].emit("changed",stats["pacea"]);
state.lastGPS = state.thisGPS;
state.thisGPS = fix;
if (stats["pacec"]) stats["pacec"].emit("changed",stats["pacec"]);
Bangle.on("step", function(steps) {
if (!state.active) return;
if (stats["step"]) stats["step"].emit("changed",stats["step"]);
state.lastStepCount = steps;
Bangle.on("HRM", function(h) {
if (h.confidence>=60) {
state.BPM = h.bpm;
state.BPMage = 0;
/** Get list of available statistic types */
exports.getList = function() {
return [
{name: "Time", id:"time"},
{name: "Distance", id:"dist"},
{name: "Steps", id:"step"},
{name: "Heart (BPM)", id:"bpm"},
{name: "Pace (avr)", id:"pacea"},
{name: "Pace (current)", id:"pacec"},
{name: "Cadence", id:"caden"},
/** Instatiate the given list of statistic IDs (see comments at top)
options = {
paceLength : meters to measure pace over
exports.getStats = function(statIDs, options) {
options = options||{};
options.paceLength = options.paceLength||1000;
var needGPS,needHRM;
// ======================
if (statIDs.includes("time")) {
title : "Time",
getValue : function() { return Date.now()-state.startTime; },
getString : function() { return formatTime(this.getValue()) },
if (statIDs.includes("dist")) {
needGPS = true;
title : "Dist",
getValue : function() { return state.distance; },
getString : function() { return require("locale").distance(state.distance); },
if (statIDs.includes("step")) {
title : "Steps",
getValue : function() { return Bangle.getStepCount() - state.startSteps; },
getString : function() { return this.getValue().toString() },
if (statIDs.includes("bpm")) {
needHRM = true;
title : "BPM",
getValue : function() { return state.BPM; },
getString : function() { return state.BPM||"--" },
if (statIDs.includes("pacea")) {
needGPS = true;
title : "Pace(avr)",
getValue : function() { return state.avrSpeed; }, // in m/sec
getString : function() { return formatPace(state.avrSpeed, options.paceLength); },
if (statIDs.includes("pacec")) {
needGPS = true;
title : "Pace(now)",
getValue : function() { return (state.thisGPS.speed||0)/3.6; }, // in m/sec
getString : function() { return formatPace(this.getValue(), options.paceLength); },
if (statIDs.includes("caden")) {
needGPS = true;
title : "Cadence",
getValue : function() { return state.stepsPerMin; },
getString : function() { return state.stepsPerMin; },
// ======================
for (var i in stats) stats[i].id=i; // set up ID field
if (needGPS) Bangle.setGPSPower(true,"exs");
if (needHRM) Bangle.setHRMPower(true,"exs");
setInterval(function() { // run once a second....
if (!state.active) return;
// called once a second
var duration = Date.now() - state.startTime; // in ms
// set cadence -> steps over last minute
state.stepsPerMin = Math.round(60000 * E.sum(state.stepHistory) / Math.min(duration,60000));
if (stats["caden"]) stats["caden"].emit("changed",stats["caden"]);
// move step history onwards
if (stats["time"]) stats["time"].emit("changed",stats["time"]);
// update BPM - if nothing valid in 60s remove the reading
if (state.BPM && state.BPMage>60) {
state.BPM = 0;
if (stats["bpm"]) stats["bpm"].emit("changed",stats["bpm"]);
}, 1000);
function reset() {
state.startTime = Date.now();
state.startSteps = state.lastSteps = Bangle.getStepCount();
state.lastSteps = 0;
state.stepsPerMin = 0;
state.distance = 0;
state.avrSpeed = 0;
state.BPM = 0;
state.BPMage = 0;
return {
stats : stats, state : state,
start : function() {
state.active = true;
stop : function() {
state.active = false;
Reference in New Issue