mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
Update types from new script
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Bangle.ts
A generic project setup for compiling apps from Typescript to Bangle.js ready, readable JavaScript.
The types are now automatically generated by the `generate.js` script, although they are not completely correct yet.
The types are now automatically generated by a script (see below), although they are still a work-in-progress.
## Compilation
@ -22,8 +22,12 @@ npm run build
To build all Typescript apps and widgets. The last command will generate the `app.js` files containing the transpiled code for the Bangle.js.
## Generating types
To generate the types, ensure this repository and [Espruino](https://github.com/espruino/Espruino) are in the same folder. From the Espruino folder run:
npm run gen
node scripts/build_types.js
Finally, run the command above to automatically generate the types for Bangle.ts.
This will update the file in `types/main.d.ts`.
@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
const fetch = (...args) =>
import("node-fetch").then(({ default: fetch }) => fetch(...args));
const fs = require("fs");
const TAKEN_IDENTIFIERS = ["ArrayBufferView", "File"];
function getType(type) {
if (type.startsWith("+")) type = type.substring(1);
if (TAKEN_IDENTIFIERS.includes(type)) type = "Espruino" + type;
switch (type) {
case undefined:
case "?":
return "any";
case "bool":
return "boolean";
case "String":
return "string";
case "Array":
return "any[]";
case "Promise":
return "Promise<any>";
return type;
let indent = 0;
let topLevel = true;
let file = { lines: [], indent: 0 };
let libraries = { lines: [], indent: 2 };
function add(text, f) {
if (!f) f = file;
if (text)
...text.split("\n").map((line) => " ".repeat(f.indent) + line.trimEnd())
else f.lines.push("");
function get(key, obj, isGlobal, f) {
if (!f) f = file;
if (key.startsWith("!")) return;
if (key === "prototype") return;
if (key in global && isGlobal) return;
if (TAKEN_IDENTIFIERS.includes(key)) key = "Espruino" + key;
"/**\n" +
(obj["!doc"] || "")
.filter((line) => line)
.map((line) =>
.replace("^<p>(.*)</p>$", "$1")
.replace("<p>", "")
.replace("</p>", "\n")
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/°/g, "°")
.replace(/<\/?strong>/g, "**")
.replace(/<\/?em>/g, "*")
.replace(/<\/?code>/g, "`")
.replace(/<\/?ul>/g, "\n")
.replace(/<li>/g, "- ")
.replace(/<\/li>/g, "")
.replace(/<pre>`/g, "\n```\n")
.replace(/<h3 id="[^"\n]+">([^\n]+)<\/h3>/g, "\n\n# $1\n\n")
.replace(/`<\/pre>/g, "```\n")
.replace(/<span class="[^"]+">/g, "")
.replace(/<\/span>/g, "")
/<a href="([^\n"]*)">([^\n<>]*)<\/a>/g,
(_, address, name) => {
if (address.startsWith("/"))
address = "https://espruino.com/" + address;
return `[${name}](${address})`;
.concat([`@url ${obj["!url"]}`])
.replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n")
.map((line) => " * " + line)
.join("\n") +
"\n */",
const type = obj["!type"] || "?";
const hasProperties = Object.keys(obj).filter(
(key) => !key.startsWith("!") && key !== "prototype"
if (type.startsWith("fn(")) {
const returnType = getType(
type.includes("->") ? type.replace(/^.*-> (.*)$/, "$1") : "void"
let args = type.replace(/^fn\((.*)\).*/, "$1");
if (args)
args = args
.split(", ")
.map((argument) => {
const pair = argument.split(": ");
if (pair[0] === "function") pair[0] = "fn";
if (pair[0] === "var") pair[0] = "variable";
pair[1] = getType(pair[1]);
return pair.join(": ");
.join(", ");
if (obj["!library"]) {
add(`${key}: {`, libraries);
libraries.indent += 2;
topLevel = false;
for (const key in obj) {
get(key, obj[key], true, libraries);
topLevel = true;
libraries.indent -= 2;
add("};", libraries);
} else if (hasProperties) {
add(`${indent ? "" : "declare "}const ${key}: {`, f);
file.indent += 2;
topLevel = false;
for (const key in obj) {
get(key, obj[key], true);
topLevel = true;
file.indent -= 2;
add("};", f);
} else if (topLevel) {
if (key === "require") {
`declare function require<T extends keyof Modules>(moduleName: T): Modules[T];`,
`declare function require<T extends Exclude<string, keyof Modules>>(moduleName: T): any;`,
} else {
`${indent ? "" : "declare "}function ${key}(${args}): ${returnType};`,
} else {
add(`${key}: (${args}) => ${returnType};`, f);
} else if (hasProperties) {
add(`${indent ? "" : "declare "}const ${key}: ${getType(type)} & {`, f);
file.indent += 2;
topLevel = false;
for (const key in obj) {
get(key, obj[key], true);
topLevel = true;
file.indent -= 2;
add("};", f);
} else if (topLevel) {
add(`${indent ? "" : "declare "}const ${key}: ${getType(type)};`, f);
} else {
add(`${key}: ${getType(type)}`, f);
if (obj.prototype) {
add("", f);
add(`type ${key} = {`, f);
file.indent += 2;
topLevel = false;
for (const key in obj.prototype) {
get(key, obj.prototype[key], true);
topLevel = true;
file.indent -= 2;
add("}", f);
add("", f);
// fetch("https://espruino.com/json/espruino.json")
// .then((response) => response.json())
// .then((json) => {
const json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./espruino.json"));
add("/* Note: This file was automatically generated. */\n");
for (const key in json) {
get(key, json[key], true);
add("type Modules = {");
fs.writeFileSync("types/main.d.ts", file.lines.join("\n"));
// });
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue