Some code fix to make it britty

pinq- 2023-04-08 03:11:29 +03:00
parent 5bd479adba
commit 0b0c89737f
1 changed files with 36 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const watch = {
dateRing : { size:109, weight:20, color:"#00FF00", numbers: true, range: 30 , bubble:true},
hourRing : { size:82, weight:20, color:"#00FFFF", numbers: true, range: 12, bubble:true},
minuteRing : { size:55, weight:18, color:"#FFFF00", numbers: false, range: 60, bubble:false},
minuteRing : { size:55, weight:18, color:"#FFFF00", numbers: true, range: 60, bubble:false},
batteryRing: { size :30, weight:10, color:"#ff3300", numbers: false, range: 100, bubble:false},
screen : { width:g.getWidth(), height:g.getHeight(), centerX: g.getWidth() *0.5, centerY: g.getHeight() * 0.5, cursor: 14, font:"6x8:2" },
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ if(settings.minute){
watch.dateRing.numbers =;
watch.dateRing.bubble =;
delete settings;
@ -58,6 +57,33 @@ function queueDraw() {
}, wait - ( % wait));
// Draws a time circle (date, hours, minutes)
function drawTimeCircle(color, size, weight, range, value ) {
// variables for vertex transformations and positioning time
var tver, tobj, tran;
var ttime = (value / range) * (Math.PI * 2);
// draw circle and line
g.setColor(color).fillCircle(watch.screen.centerX, watch.screen.centerY, size);
g.setColor("#000000").fillCircle(watch.screen.centerX, watch.screen.centerY, size - weight);
tver = [-watch.screen.cursor, 0, watch.screen.cursor, 0, watch.screen.cursor, -size*1.01, -watch.screen.cursor, -size*1.05];
tobj = { x:watch.screen.centerX, y:watch.screen.centerY, scale:1, rotate:ttime };
tran = g.transformVertices(tver, tobj);
// Draw numbers
g.setFontAlign(0,0).setFont(watch.screen.font, 2).setColor(1,1,1);
// size - 21 is the right offset to get the numbers aligned in the circle.
tver = [-1, 0, 1, 0, 1, -size, -1, -(size -21)];
tran = g.transformVertices(tver, tobj);
g.drawString(value, (tran[4]+tran[6]) / 2 , (tran[5]+tran[7]) / 2 );
function drawCircle(ringValues, offset, value ) {
// variables for vertex transformations and positioning time
@ -178,7 +204,6 @@ function drawMonthCircleText( text, circleSize, range, value){
function shrinkCircles(toggle){
// If there's a queued draw operation,removeit so animation isn't interrupted.
if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout);
var date = new Date();
var delta = 1;
@ -230,21 +255,23 @@ function draw() {
g.fillRect(0, 0, watch.screen.width, watch.screen.height);
// If unlocked, draw date ring and text and make hour and minute rings smaller
var days_month = getDays(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1);
unLockedOffset = 24;
var days_month = getDays(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1);
// if the day has changed
if(watch.dateRing.range != days_month) watch.dateRing.range = days_month;
drawCircle(watch.dateRing, -unLockedOffset, days_month);
drawCircle(watch.dateRing, -unLockedOffset, date.getDate());
drawMonthCircleText( month[date.getMonth()]+" "+date.getFullYear(), watch.dateRing.size - unLockedOffset, getDays(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1), date.getDate()) ;
drawCircle(watch.hourRing, -unLockedOffset, date.getHours());
drawCircle(watch.minuteRing, -unLockedOffset, date.getMinutes());
drawArc(E.getBattery() / 100, watch.batteryRing.color, watch.batteryRing.size);
// Trigger shrink / expand animation on unlock / lock events
//drawArc(E.getBattery() / 100, watch.batteryRing.color, watch.batteryRing.size); Trigger shrink / expand animation on unlock / lock events
Bangle.on('lock', on=>{
if (on) { // locked, expand circles
counter = 1;
@ -266,7 +293,7 @@ g.clear();
// console.log("Whatevs");
// .log("Whatevs");
// Show launcher when middle button pressed