Add Catalan locale

Jordi Mas 2024-02-14 10:20:00 +01:00
parent 72604fcb1b
commit 02356a6087
1 changed files with 19 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -789,6 +789,25 @@ var locales = {
day: "Søndag,Mandag,Tirsdag,Onsdag,Torsdag,Fredag,Lørdag",
trans: { yes: "ja", Yes: "Ja", no: "nei", No: "Nei", ok: "ok", on: "på", off: "av", "< Back": "< Tilbake", "Delete": "Slett", "Mark Unread": "Merk som ulest" }
"ca_ES": {
lang: "es_ES",
decimal_point: ",",
thousands_sep: ".",
currency_symbol: "€",
int_curr_symbol: "EUR",
speed: "kmh",
distance: { 0: "m", 1: "km" },
temperature: "°C",
ampm: { 0: "", 1: "" },
timePattern: { 0: "%HH:%MM:%SS", 1: "%HH:%MM" },
datePattern: { 0: "%A, %d de %B %Y", "1": "%d/%m/%y" },
abmonth: "gen.,febr.,març,abr.,maig,juny,jul.,ag.,set.,oct.,nov.,des.",
month: "gener,febrer,març,abril,maig,juny,juliol,agost,setembre,octobre,novembre,desembre",
abday: "dg.,dl.,dt.,dc.,dj.,dv.,ds.",
day: "diumenge,dilluns,dimarts,dimecres,dijous,divendres,dissabte",
trans: { yes: "sí", Yes: "Sí", no: "no", No: "No", ok: "d'acord", on: "on", off: "off",
"< Back": "< Enrere", "Delete": "Esborra", "Mark Unread": "Marca com a no llegit" }
"he_IL": { // This won't work until we get a font - see
codePage : "ISO8859-8",