# Pastel Clock
*a configurable clock with custom fonts and background. Has a cyclic information line that includes, day, date, battery, sunrise and sunset times*
* Designed specifically for Bangle 1 and Bangle 2
* A choice of 7 different custom fonts
* Supports the Light and Dark themes
* Has a settings menu, change font, enable/disable the grid
* On Bangle 1 use BTN1,BTN3 to cycle through the info display (Date, ID, Batt %, Ram % etc)
* On Bangle 2 touch the top right/top left to cycle through the info display (Date, ID, Batt %, Ram % etc)
* Uses mylocation.json from MyLocation app to calculate sunrise and sunset times for your location
* Uses pedometer widget to get latest step count
* Dependant apps are installed when Pastel installs
I came up with the name Pastel due to the shade of the grid background.
Written by: [Hugh Barney](https://github.com/hughbarney) For support and discussion please post in the [Bangle JS Forum](http://forum.espruino.com/microcosms/1424/)
## Lato

## Architect

## Gochihand

## Monoton

## Elite

## Cabin Sketch

## Orbitron