
356 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// Stardate clock face, by, 2021-2022
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
let redrawClock = true;
let clockface = "digital";
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// note: Bangle.js 1 has 240x240x16, 2 has 176x176x3 screen
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const bpp = g.getBPP ? g.getBPP() : 16;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// Load fonts
Graphics.prototype.setFontAntonio27 = function(scale) {
// Actual height 23 (23 - 1)
Graphics.prototype.setFontAntonio42 = function(scale) {
// Actual height 36 (36 - 1)
const fontName = "Antonio27";
const fontNameLarge = "Antonio42";
const fontSize = 1;
const fontSizeLarge = 1;
const fontHeightLarge = 42 * fontSizeLarge;
// LCARS dimensions
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
let baseUnit1 = 5;
let baseUnit2 = 3;
let baseUnit3 = 10;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (g.getWidth() < 200) { // Bangle.js 2
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
baseUnit1 = 3;
baseUnit2 = 2;
baseUnit3 = 7;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
const widgetsHeight = 24;
const sbarWid = baseUnit3 * 5;
const hbarHt = baseUnit1;
const outRad = baseUnit1 * 5;
const inRad = outRad - hbarHt;
const gap = baseUnit2;
const divisionPos = baseUnit3 * 8;
const sbarGapPos = baseUnit3 * 15;
const lowerTop = divisionPos+gap+1;
// Star Trek famously premiered on Thursday, September 8, 1966, at 8:30 p.m.
// See
const gSDBase = new Date("September 8, 1966 20:30:00 EST");
const sdatePosBottom = divisionPos - hbarHt - 1;
const sdatePosRight = g.getWidth() - baseUnit2;
const sdateDecimals = 1;
const secondsPerYear = 86400 * 365.2425;
const sdateDecFactor = Math.pow(10, sdateDecimals);
const clockAreaLeft = sbarWid + inRad / 2;
const clockAreaTop = lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad / 2;
const clockWid = g.getWidth() - clockAreaLeft;
const clockHt = g.getHeight() - clockAreaTop;
const ctimePosTop = clockAreaTop + baseUnit1 * 5;
const ctimePosCenter = clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2;
const cdatePosTop = ctimePosTop + fontHeightLarge;
const cdatePosCenter = clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2;
const clockCtrX = Math.floor(clockAreaLeft + clockWid / 2);
const clockCtrY = Math.floor(clockAreaTop + clockHt / 2);
const analogRad = Math.floor(Math.min(clockWid, clockHt) / 2);
const analogMainLineLength = baseUnit1 * 2;
const analogSubLineLength = baseUnit1;
const analogHourHandLength = analogRad / 2;
const analogMinuteHandLength = analogRad - analogMainLineLength / 2;
const colorBg = "#000000";
const colorTime = "#9C9CFF";
const colorDate = "#A09090";
const colorStardate = "#FFCF00";
// On low-bpp devices (Bangle.js 2), use basic colors for analog clock.
const colorHours = bpp > 3 ? "#9C9CFF" : "#00FF00";
const colorSeconds = bpp > 3 ? "#E7ADE7" : "#FFFF00";
const colorHands = bpp > 3 ? "#A09090" : "#00FFFF";
const colorLCARSGray = "#A09090";
const colorLCARSOrange = "#FF9F00";
const colorLCARSPink = "#E7ADE7";
const colorLCARSPurple = "#A06060";
const colorLCARSBrown = "#C09070";
// More colors: teal #008484, yellow FFCF00, purple #6050B0
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
let lastSDateString;
let lastTimeStringToMin;
let lastTimeStringSec;
let lastDateString;
let lastAnalogDate;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
function updateStardate() {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const curDate = new Date();
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// Note that the millisecond division and the 1000-unit multiplier cancel each other out.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const sdateval = (curDate - gSDBase) / secondsPerYear;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const sdatestring = (Math.floor(sdateval * sdateDecFactor) / sdateDecFactor).toFixed(sdateDecimals);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontName, fontSize);
if (lastSDateString) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
g.clearRect(sdatePosRight - g.stringWidth(lastSDateString) - 1,
sdatePosBottom - g.getFontHeight(),
// Draw the current stardate.
g.setFontAlign(1, 1, 0); // Align following string to bottom right.
g.drawString(sdatestring, sdatePosRight, sdatePosBottom);
lastSDateString = sdatestring;
// Schedule next when an update to the last decimal is due.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const mstonextUpdate = (Math.ceil(sdateval * sdateDecFactor) / sdateDecFactor - sdateval) * secondsPerYear;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (redrawClock) {
setTimeout(updateStardate, mstonextUpdate);
function updateConventionalTime() {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const curDate = new Date();
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (clockface == "digital") {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
// Schedule next when an update to the last second is due.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const mstonextUpdate = Math.ceil(curDate / 1000) * 1000 - curDate;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (redrawClock) {
setTimeout(updateConventionalTime, mstonextUpdate);
function drawDigitalClock(curDate) {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const timestringToMin = ("0" + curDate.getHours()).substr(-2) + ":"
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
+ ("0" + curDate.getMinutes()).substr(-2) + ":";
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const timestringSec = ("0" + curDate.getSeconds()).substr(-2);
const datestring = "" + curDate.getFullYear() + "-"
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
+ ("0" + (curDate.getMonth() + 1)).substr(-2) + "-"
+ ("0" + curDate.getDate()).substr(-2);
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontNameLarge, fontSizeLarge);
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
let ctimePosLeft = ctimePosCenter - g.stringWidth("12:34:56") / 2;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth("00:00:00") > g.getWidth()) {
ctimePosLeft = g.getWidth() - g.stringWidth("00:00:00");
if (timestringToMin != lastTimeStringToMin) {
if (lastTimeStringToMin) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth(lastTimeStringToMin) + 1,
ctimePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current time.
g.drawString(timestringToMin, ctimePosLeft, ctimePosTop);
lastTimeStringToMin = timestringToMin;
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const ctimePosLeftSec = ctimePosLeft + g.stringWidth(timestringToMin);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (lastTimeStringSec) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the seconds.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
ctimePosLeftSec + g.stringWidth(lastTimeStringSec) + 1,
ctimePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current seconds.
g.drawString(timestringSec, ctimePosLeftSec, ctimePosTop);
lastTimeStringSec = timestringSec;
if (datestring != lastDateString) {
// Set Font
g.setFont(fontName, fontSize);
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const cdatePosLeft = cdatePosCenter - g.stringWidth("1234-56-78") / 2;
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (lastDateString) {
// Clear the area where we want to draw the time.
//g.setBgColor("#FF6600"); // for debugging
cdatePosLeft + g.stringWidth(lastDateString) + 1,
cdatePosTop + g.getFontHeight());
// Draw the current date.
//g.setFontAlign(0, -1, 0); // Align following string to bottom right.
g.drawString(datestring, cdatePosLeft, cdatePosTop);
lastDateString = datestring;
function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color) {
// On high-bpp devices, use anti-aliasing. Low-bpp (Bangle.js 2) doesn't clear nicely with AA.
if (bpp > 3 && g.drawLineAA) {
g.drawLineAA(x1, y1, x2, y2);
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
function clearLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorBg);
function drawAnalogClock(curDate) {
// Reset the state of the graphics library.
// Init variables for drawing any seconds we have not drawn.
// If minute changed, we'll set for the full wheel below.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
let firstDrawSecond = lastAnalogDate ? lastAnalogDate.getSeconds() + 1 : curDate.getSeconds();
let lastDrawSecond = curDate.getSeconds();
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (!lastAnalogDate || curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Draw the main hour lines.
//g.drawCircle(clockCtrX, clockCtrY, analogRad);
for (let i = 0; i < 60; i = i + 15) {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const edgeX = clockCtrX + analogRad * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
const edgeY = clockCtrY - analogRad * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
const innerX = clockCtrX + (analogRad - analogMainLineLength) * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
const innerY = clockCtrY - (analogRad - analogMainLineLength) * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorHours);
// Set for drawing the full second wheel.
firstDrawSecond = 0;
lastDrawSecond = 59;
// Draw the second wheel, or the parts of it that we haven't done yet.
for (let i = firstDrawSecond; i <= lastDrawSecond; i++) {
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const edgeX = clockCtrX + analogRad * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
const edgeY = clockCtrY - analogRad * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
const innerX = clockCtrX + (analogRad - analogSubLineLength) * Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 30);
const innerY = clockCtrY - (analogRad - analogSubLineLength) * Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 30);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
if (i <= curDate.getSeconds()) {
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorSeconds);
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else if (i % 5 == 0) {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
drawLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY, colorHours);
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
clearLine(edgeX, edgeY, innerX, innerY);
if (lastAnalogDate) {
// Clear previous hands.
if (curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Clear hour hand.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const HhAngle = (lastAnalogDate.getHours() + lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() / 60) * Math.PI / 6;
const HhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogHourHandLength * Math.sin(HhAngle);
const HhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogHourHandLength * Math.cos(HhAngle);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
clearLine(HhEdgeX, HhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY);
// Clear minute hand.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const MhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogMinuteHandLength * Math.sin(lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
const MhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogMinuteHandLength * Math.cos(lastAnalogDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
clearLine(MhEdgeX, MhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY);
if (!lastAnalogDate || curDate.getMinutes() != lastAnalogDate.getMinutes()) {
// Draw hour hand.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const HhAngle = (curDate.getHours() + curDate.getMinutes() / 60) * Math.PI / 6;
const HhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogHourHandLength * Math.sin(HhAngle);
const HhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogHourHandLength * Math.cos(HhAngle);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
drawLine(HhEdgeX, HhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY, colorHands);
// Draw minute hand.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
const MhEdgeX = clockCtrX + analogMinuteHandLength * Math.sin(curDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
const MhEdgeY = clockCtrY - analogMinuteHandLength * Math.cos(curDate.getMinutes() * Math.PI / 30);
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
drawLine(MhEdgeX, MhEdgeY, clockCtrX, clockCtrY, colorHands);
lastAnalogDate = curDate;
function switchClockface() {
if (clockface == "digital") {
clockface = "analog";
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
clockface = "digital";
// Clear whole lower area.
lastTimeStringToMin = undefined;
lastTimeStringSec = undefined;
lastDateString = undefined;
lastAnalogDate = undefined;
// Clear the screen once, at startup.
// Draw LCARS borders.
// Upper section: rounded corner.
g.fillCircle(outRad, divisionPos - outRad, outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, divisionPos - outRad, sbarWid + inRad, divisionPos);
g.fillRect(outRad, divisionPos - hbarHt, sbarWid + outRad, divisionPos); // div bar stub
g.fillRect(0, 0, sbarWid, divisionPos - outRad); // side bar
g.setColor(colorBg); // blocked out areas of corner
g.fillCircle(sbarWid + inRad + 1, divisionPos - hbarHt - inRad - 1, inRad);
g.fillRect(sbarWid + 1, divisionPos - outRad * 2, sbarWid + outRad, divisionPos - hbarHt - inRad);
// upper division bar
g.fillRect(sbarWid + outRad + gap + 1, divisionPos - hbarHt, g.getWidth(), divisionPos);
// Lower section: rounded corner.
g.fillCircle(outRad, lowerTop + outRad, outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, lowerTop, sbarWid + inRad, lowerTop + outRad);
g.fillRect(outRad, lowerTop, sbarWid + outRad, lowerTop + hbarHt); // div bar stub
g.fillRect(0, lowerTop + outRad, sbarWid, sbarGapPos); // side bar
g.setColor(colorBg); // blocked out areas of corner
g.fillCircle(sbarWid + inRad + 1, lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad + 1, inRad);
g.fillRect(sbarWid + 1, lowerTop + hbarHt + inRad, sbarWid + outRad, lowerTop + outRad * 2);
// lower division bar
g.fillRect(sbarWid + outRad + gap + 1, lowerTop, g.getWidth(), lowerTop + hbarHt);
// second color of side bar
g.fillRect(0, sbarGapPos + gap + 1, sbarWid, g.getHeight());
// Draw immediately at first.
// Make sure widgets can be shown.
//g.setColor("#FF0000"); g.fillRect(0, 0, g.getWidth(), widgetsHeight); // debug
// Show launcher on button press as usual for a clock face
Bangle.setUI("clock", Bangle.showLauncher);
// Stop updates when LCD is off, restart when on
Bangle.on('lcdPower', on => {
if (on) {
redrawClock = true;
// Draw immediately to kick things off.
2022-06-21 06:29:36 +00:00
} else {
2022-04-02 00:57:24 +00:00
redrawClock = false;
Bangle.on('touch', button => {
// button == 1 is left, 2 is right