mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
284 lines
8.2 KiB
284 lines
8.2 KiB
* Aviator Clock - Bangle.js
const COLOUR_DARK_GREY = 0x4208; // same as: g.setColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
const COLOUR_GREY = 0x8410; // same as: g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
const COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY = 0xc618; // same as: g.setColor(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)
const COLOUR_RED = 0xf800; // same as: g.setColor(1, 0, 0)
const COLOUR_BLUE = 0x001f; // same as: g.setColor(0, 0, 1)
const COLOUR_YELLOW = 0xffe0; // same as: g.setColor(1, 1, 0)
const COLOUR_LIGHT_CYAN = 0x87ff; // same as: g.setColor(0.5, 1, 1)
const COLOUR_DARK_YELLOW = 0x8400; // same as: g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0)
const COLOUR_DARK_CYAN = 0x0410; // same as: g.setColor(0, 0.5, 0.5)
const COLOUR_ORANGE = 0xfc00; // same as: g.setColor(1, 0.5, 0)
const APP_NAME = 'aviatorclk';
const horizontalCenter = g.getWidth()/2;
const mainTimeHeight = 38;
const secondaryFontHeight = 22;
const dateColour = ( g.theme.dark ? COLOUR_YELLOW : COLOUR_BLUE );
const UTCColour = ( g.theme.dark ? COLOUR_LIGHT_CYAN : COLOUR_DARK_CYAN );
const separatorColour = ( g.theme.dark ? COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY : COLOUR_DARK_GREY );
const avwx = require('avwx');
// read in the settings
var settings = Object.assign({
showSeconds: true,
invertScrolling: false,
}, require('Storage').readJSON(APP_NAME+'.json', true) || {});
// globals
var drawTimeout;
var secondsInterval;
var avwxTimeout;
var AVWXrequest;
var METAR = '';
var METARlinesCount = 0;
var METARscollLines = 0;
var METARts;
// date object to time string in format HH:MM[:SS]
// (with a leading 0 for hours if required, unlike the "locale" time() function)
function timeStr(date, seconds) {
let timeStr = date.getHours().toString();
if (timeStr.length == 1) timeStr = '0' + timeStr;
let minutes = date.getMinutes().toString();
if (minutes.length == 1) minutes = '0' + minutes;
timeStr += ':' + minutes;
if (seconds) {
let seconds = date.getSeconds().toString();
if (seconds.length == 1) seconds = '0' + seconds;
timeStr += ':' + seconds;
return timeStr;
// draw the METAR info
function drawAVWX() {
let now = new Date();
let METARage = 0; // in minutes
if (METARts) {
METARage = Math.floor((now - METARts) / 60000);
let y = Bangle.appRect.y + mainTimeHeight + secondaryFontHeight + 4;
g.clearRect(0, y, g.getWidth(), y + (secondaryFontHeight * 4));
g.setFontAlign(0, -1).setFont("Vector", secondaryFontHeight);
if (METARage > 90) { // older than 1.5h
} else if (METARage > 60) { // older than 1h
g.setColor( g.theme.dark ? COLOUR_ORANGE : COLOUR_DARK_YELLOW );
} else {
let METARlines = g.wrapString(METAR, g.getWidth());
METARlinesCount = METARlines.length;
METARlines.splice(0, METARscollLines);
g.drawString(METARlines.join("\n"), horizontalCenter, y, true);
if (! avwxTimeout) { avwxTimeout = setTimeout(updateAVWX, 5 * 60000); }
// update the METAR info
function updateAVWX() {
if (avwxTimeout) clearTimeout(avwxTimeout);
avwxTimeout = undefined;
METAR = '\nGetting GPS fix';
METARlinesCount = 0; METARscollLines = 0;
METARts = undefined;
Bangle.setGPSPower(true, APP_NAME);
Bangle.on('GPS', fix => {
// prevent multiple, simultaneous requests
if (AVWXrequest) { return; }
if ('fix' in fix && fix.fix != 0 && fix.satellites >= 4) {
Bangle.setGPSPower(false, APP_NAME);
let lat = fix.lat;
let lon = fix.lon;
METAR = '\nRequesting METAR';
METARlinesCount = 0; METARscollLines = 0;
METARts = undefined;
// get latest METAR from nearest airport (via AVWX API)
AVWXrequest = avwx.request('metar/'+lat+','+lon, 'onfail=nearest', data => {
if (avwxTimeout) clearTimeout(avwxTimeout);
avwxTimeout = undefined;
let METARjson = JSON.parse(data.resp);
if ('sanitized' in METARjson) {
METAR = METARjson.sanitized;
} else {
METAR = 'No "sanitized" METAR data found!';
METARlinesCount = 0; METARscollLines = 0;
if ('time' in METARjson) {
METARts = new Date(METARjson.time.dt);
let now = new Date();
let METARage = Math.floor((now - METARts) / 60000); // in minutes
if (METARage <= 30) {
// some METARs update every 30 min -> attempt to update after METAR is 35min old
avwxTimeout = setTimeout(updateAVWX, (35 - METARage) * 60000);
} else if (METARage <= 60) {
// otherwise, attempt METAR update after it's 65min old
avwxTimeout = setTimeout(updateAVWX, (65 - METARage) * 60000);
} else {
METARts = undefined;
AVWXrequest = undefined;
}, error => {
// AVWX API request failed
METAR = 'ERR: ' + error;
METARlinesCount = 0; METARscollLines = 0;
METARts = undefined;
AVWXrequest = undefined;
// draw only the seconds part of the main clock
function drawSeconds() {
let now = new Date();
let seconds = now.getSeconds().toString();
if (seconds.length == 1) seconds = '0' + seconds;
let y = Bangle.appRect.y + mainTimeHeight - 3;
g.setFontAlign(-1, 1).setFont("Vector", secondaryFontHeight).setColor(COLOUR_GREY);
g.drawString(seconds, horizontalCenter + 54, y, true);
// sync seconds update
function syncSecondsUpdate() {
setTimeout(function() {
secondsInterval = setInterval(drawSeconds, 1000);
}, 1000 - (Date.now() % 1000));
// set timeout for per-minute updates
function queueDraw() {
if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout);
drawTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
drawTimeout = undefined;
if (METARts) {
let now = new Date();
let METARage = Math.floor((now - METARts) / 60000);
if (METARage > 60) {
// the METAR colour might have to be updated:
}, 60000 - (Date.now() % 60000));
// draw top part of clock (main time, date and UTC)
function draw() {
let now = new Date();
let nowUTC = new Date(now + (now.getTimezoneOffset() * 1000 * 60));
// prepare main clock area
let y = Bangle.appRect.y;
// main time display
g.setFontAlign(0, -1).setFont("Vector", mainTimeHeight).setColor(g.theme.fg);
g.drawString(timeStr(now, false), horizontalCenter, y, true);
// prepare second line (UTC and date)
y += mainTimeHeight;
g.clearRect(0, y, g.getWidth(), y + secondaryFontHeight - 1);
// weekday and day of the month
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1).setFont("Vector", secondaryFontHeight).setColor(dateColour);
g.drawString(require("locale").dow(now, 1).toUpperCase() + ' ' + now.getDate(), 0, y, false);
// UTC
g.setFontAlign(1, -1).setFont("Vector", secondaryFontHeight).setColor(UTCColour);
g.drawString(timeStr(nowUTC, false) + "Z", g.getWidth(), y, false);
// initialise
// scroll METAR lines on taps
Bangle.setUI("clockupdown", action => {
switch (action) {
case -1: // top tap
if (settings.invertScrolling) {
if (METARscollLines > 0)
} else {
if (METARscollLines < METARlinesCount - 4)
case 1: // bottom tap
if (settings.invertScrolling) {
if (METARscollLines < METARlinesCount - 4)
} else {
if (METARscollLines > 0)
// ignore
// load widgets
// draw static separator line
y = Bangle.appRect.y + mainTimeHeight + secondaryFontHeight;
g.drawLine(0, y, g.getWidth(), y);
// draw times and request METAR
if (settings.showSeconds)
// TMP for debugging:
//METAR = 'YAAA 011100Z 21014KT CAVOK 23/08 Q1018 RMK RF000/0000';
//METAR = 'YAAA 150900Z 14012KT 9999 SCT045 BKN064 26/14 Q1012 RMK RF000/0000 DL-W/DL-NW';
//METARts = new Date(Date.now() - 61 * 60000); // 61 to trigger warning, 91 to trigger alert