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const divInstall = document.getElementById('installContainer');
const butInstall = document.getElementById('butInstall');
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', (event) => {
console.log('👍', 'beforeinstallprompt', event);
// Stash the event so it can be triggered later.
window.deferredPrompt = event;
// Remove the 'hidden' class from the install button container
divInstall.classList.toggle('hidden', false);
butInstall.addEventListener('click', () => {
console.log('👍', 'butInstall-clicked');
const promptEvent = window.deferredPrompt;
if (!promptEvent) {
// The deferred prompt isn't available.
// Show the install prompt.
// Log the result
promptEvent.userChoice.then((result) => {
console.log('👍', 'userChoice', result);
// Reset the deferred prompt variable, since
// prompt() can only be called once.
window.deferredPrompt = null;
// Hide the install button.
divInstall.classList.toggle('hidden', true);
window.addEventListener('appinstalled', (event) => {
console.log('👍', 'appinstalled', event);
/* Only register a service worker if it's supported */
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
* Warn the page must be served over HTTPS
* The `beforeinstallprompt` event won't fire if the page is served over HTTP.
* Installability requires a service worker with a fetch event handler, and
* if the page isn't served over HTTPS, the service worker won't load.
if (window.location.protocol === 'http:' && window.location.hostname!="localhost") {
const requireHTTPS = document.getElementById('requireHTTPS');
const link = requireHTTPS.querySelector('a');
link.href = window.location.href.replace('http://', 'https://');