mirror of https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps
114 lines
3.5 KiB
114 lines
3.5 KiB
const W = g.getWidth();
const H = g.getHeight();
const dispH = H/5;
const butH = H-dispH;
const buttons = [[['7', '8', '9'],
['4', '5', '6'],
['1', '2', '3'],
['E', '0', '.']],
[['<', 'M', 'C'],
['+', '-', '*'],
['/', '(', ')'],
['^', ',', '=']],
[['Sin', 'Cos', 'Tan'],
['Asi', 'Aco', 'Ata'],
['Pi', '1/x', '+/-'],
['Log', 'Exp', 'Pow']
var curPage = 0;
var inputStr = '';
var memory = '';
var qResult = false;
function drawPage (p) {
g.clearRect(0, dispH, W-1, H-1);
g.setFont('Vector', butH/5).setFontAlign(0, 0, 0).setColor(g.theme.fg);
for (x=0; x<3; ++x)
for (y=0; y<4; ++y)
g.drawString(buttons[p][y][x], (x+0.5)*W/3, dispH+(y+0.7)*butH/4);
g.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
for (x=1; x<3; ++x) g.drawLine(x*W/3, dispH+0.2*butH/4-2, x*W/3, H-1);
for (y=1; y<4; ++y) g.drawLine(0, dispH+(y+0.2)*butH/4, W-1, dispH+(y+0.2)*butH/4);
g.setColor(g.theme.fg).drawLine(0, dispH+0.2*butH/4-2, W-1, dispH+0.2*butH/4-2);
function updateDisp(s, len) {
var fh = butH/5;
if (s.toString().length>len) s = s.toString().substr(0,len);
g.setFont("Vector", butH/5).setColor(g.theme.fg).setFontAlign(1, 0, 0);
while (g.stringWidth(s) > W-1) {
fh /= 1.05;
g.setFont("Vector", fh);
g.clearRect(0, 0, W-1, dispH-1).drawString(s, W-2, dispH/2);
g.setColor(g.theme.fg).drawLine(0, dispH+0.2*butH/4-2, W-1, dispH+0.2*butH/4-2);
function processInp (s) {
var idx = s.indexOf("^");
if (idx > 0) s = "Math.pow(" + s.slice(0,idx) + "," + s.slice(idx+1, s.length) + ")";
['Sin', 'Cos', 'Tan', 'Asin', 'Acos', 'Atan', 'Log', 'Exp', 'Pow'].forEach((x) => {
var i = s.indexOf(x);
while (i>-1) {
s = s.slice(0,i)+"Math."+s.slice(i,i+1).toLowerCase()+s.slice(i+1, s.length);
i = s.indexOf(x, i+6);
idx = s.indexOf('Pi');
if (idx>-1) s = s.slice(0,idx) + "Math.PI" + s.slice(idx+2, s.length);
idx = 0;
s.split('').forEach((x)=>{ if (x=='(') idx++; if (x==')') idx-- });
s += ')'.repeat(idx);
return s;
function compute() {
var res;
try { res = eval(processInp(inputStr)); }
catch(e) { res = "error"; }
inputStr = res;
qResult = true;
updateDisp(inputStr, 19);
function touchHandler(e, d) {
var x = Math.floor(d.x/(W/3));
var y = Math.floor((d.y-dispH-0.2*butH/4)/(butH/4));
var c = buttons[curPage][y][x];
if (c=="=") { // do the computation
else if (c=="<" && inputStr.length>0) inputStr = inputStr.slice(0, -1); // delete last character
else if (c=='M' && qResult) memory = inputStr;
else if (c=='M') inputStr += memory;
else if (c=="C") inputStr = ''; // clear
else {
if ("Sin Cos Tan Log Exp Pow".indexOf(c)>-1 && c!='E') c += "(";
if ("Asi Aco Ata".indexOf(c)>-1) c += "n(";
if (c=='1/x') { inputStr = "1/("+inputStr+")"; compute(); return; }
if (c=='+/-') { inputStr = "-("+inputStr+")"; compute(); return; }
if (qResult && "+-*/^".indexOf(c)==-1) inputStr = c + inputStr + ")";
else inputStr += c;
qResult = false;
updateDisp(inputStr, 32);
function swipeHandler(e,d) {
curPage -= e;
if (curPage>buttons.length-1) curPage = 0;
if (curPage<0) curPage = buttons.length-1;
if (d==1) compute();
Bangle.on("touch", touchHandler);
Bangle.on("swipe", swipeHandler);