2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define accessable functions
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
exports = {
2022-02-12 00:43:58 +00:00
// define en-/disable function, restarts the service to make changes take effect
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
setEnabled: function(enable) {
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
// stop if enabled
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
if (global.sleeplog && sleeplog.enabled) sleeplog.stop();
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define settings filename
var settings = "sleeplog.json";
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
// change enabled value in settings
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
require("Storage").writeJSON(settings, Object.assign(
require("Storage").readJSON(settings, true) || {}, {
enabled: enable
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
// force changes to take effect by executing the boot script
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
return true;
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define read log function, returns log array
// sorting: ascending (latest first), format:
// [[number, int, int], [...], ... ]
// - number // timestamp in 10min
// - int // status: 0 = unknown, 1 = not worn, 2 = awake, 3 = light sleep, 4 = deep sleep
// - int // consecutive: 0 = unknown, 1 = no consecutive sleep, 2 = consecutive sleep
readLog: function(since, until) {
// set now and check if now is before since
var now = Date.now();
if (now < since) return [];
// set defaults and convert since, until and now to 10min steps
since = Math.floor((since || 0) / 6E5);
until = Math.ceil((until || now) / 6E5);
now = Math.ceil(now / 6E5);
// define output log
var log = [];
// open StorageFile
var file = require("Storage").open("sleeplog.log", "r");
// cache StorageFile size
var storageFileSize = file.getLength();
// check if a Storage File needs to be read
if (storageFileSize) {
// define previous line cache
var prevLine;
// loop through StorageFile entries
while (true) {
// cache new line
var line = file.readLine();
// exit loop if all lines are read
if (!line) break;
// skip lines starting with ","
if (line.startsWith(",")) continue;
// parse line
line = line.trim().split(",").map(e => parseInt(e));
// exit loop if new line timestamp is not before until
if (line[0] >= until) break;
// check if new line timestamp is 24h before since or not after since
if (line[0] + 144 < since) {
// skip roughly the next 10 lines
} else if (line[0] <= since) {
// cache line for next cycle
prevLine = line;
} else {
// add previous line if it was cached
if (prevLine) log.push(prevLine);
// add new line at the end of log
// clear previous line cache
prevLine = undefined;
// add previous line if it was cached
if (prevLine) log.push(prevLine);
// set unknown consecutive statuses
log = log.reverse().map((entry, index) => {
if (entry[2] === 0) entry[2] = (log[index - 1] || [])[2] || 0;
return entry;
// remove duplicates
log = log.filter((entry, index) =>
!(index > 0 && entry[1] === log[index - 1][1] && entry[2] === log[index - 1][2])
2022-02-16 11:52:00 +00:00
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// check if log empty or first entry is after since
if (!log[0] || log[0][0] > since) {
// look for all needed storage files
var files = require("Storage").list(/^sleeplog_\d\d\d\d\.log$/, {
sf: false
// check if any file available
if (files.length) {
// generate start and end times in 10min steps
files = files.map(file => {
var start = this.fnToMs(parseInt(file.substr(9, 4))) / 6E5;
return {
name: file,
start: start,
end: start + 2016
}).sort((a, b) => b.start - a.start);
// read all neccessary files
var filesLog = [];
files.some(file => {
// exit loop if since after end
if (since >= file.end) return true;
// read file if until after start and since before end
if (until > file.start || since < file.end) {
var thisLog = require("Storage").readJSON(file.name, 1) || [];
if (thisLog.length) filesLog = thisLog.concat(filesLog);
// free ram
files = undefined;
// check if log from files is available
if (filesLog.length) {
// remove unwanted entries
filesLog = filesLog.filter((entry, index, filesLog) => (
(filesLog[index + 1] || [now])[0] >= since && entry[0] <= until
// add to log as previous entries
log = filesLog.concat(log);
// free ram
filesLog = undefined;
2022-02-13 19:54:26 +00:00
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// define last index
var lastIndex = log.length - 1;
// set timestamp of first entry to since if first entry before since
if (log[0] && log[0][0] < since) log[0][0] = since;
// add timestamp at now with unknown status if until after now
if (until > now) log.push([now, 0, 0]);
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
return log;
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define move log function, move StorageFile content into files seperated by fortnights
moveLog: function(force) {
/** convert old logfile (< v0.10) if present **/
if (require("Storage").list("sleeplog.log", {
sf: false
}).length) {
2022-02-16 11:52:00 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
/** may be removed in later versions **/
// first day of this fortnight period
var thisFirstDay = this.fnToMs(this.msToFn(Date.now()));
// read timestamp of the first StorageFile entry
var firstDay = (require("Storage").open("sleeplog.log", "r").read(47) || "").match(/\n\d*/);
// calculate the first day of the fortnight period
if (firstDay) firstDay = this.fnToMs(this.msToFn(parseInt(firstDay[0].trim()) * 6E5));
// check if moving is neccessary or forced
if (force || firstDay && firstDay < thisFirstDay) {
// read log for each fortnight period
while (firstDay) {
// calculate last day
var lastDay = firstDay + 12096E5;
// read log of the fortnight period
var log = require("sleeplog").readLog(firstDay, lastDay);
// check if before this fortnight period
if (firstDay < thisFirstDay) {
// write log in seperate file
require("Storage").writeJSON("sleeplog_" + this.msToFn(firstDay) + ".log", log);
// set last day as first
firstDay = lastDay;
} else {
// rewrite StorageFile
require("Storage").open("sleeplog.log", "w").write(log.map(e => e.join(",")).join("\n"));
// clear first day to exit loop
firstDay = undefined;
// free ram
log = undefined;
2022-02-13 19:54:26 +00:00
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// define function to return stats from the last date [ms] for a specific duration [ms] or for the complete log
getStats: function(until, duration, log) {
// define stats variable
var stats = {
calculatedAt: // [date] timestamp of the calculation
deepSleep: 0, // [min] deep sleep duration
lightSleep: 0, // [min] light sleep duration
awakeSleep: 0, // [min] awake duration inside consecutive sleep
consecSleep: 0, // [min] consecutive sleep duration
awakeTime: 0, // [min] awake duration outside consecutive sleep
notWornTime: 0, // [min] duration of not worn status
unknownTime: 0, // [min] duration of unknown status
logDuration: 0, // [min] duration of all entries taken into account
firstDate: undefined, // [date] first entry taken into account
lastDate: undefined // [date] last entry taken into account
// set default inputs
until = until || stats.calculatedAt;
if (!duration) duration = 864E5;
// read log for the specified duration or complete log if not handed over
if (!log) log = this.readLog(duration ? until - duration : 0, until);
// check if log not empty or corrupted
if (log && log.length && log[0] && log[0].length === 3) {
// calculate and set first log date from 10min steps
stats.firstDate = log[0][0] * 6E5;
stats.lastDate = log[log.length - 1][0] * 6E5;
// cycle through log to calculate sums til end or duration is exceeded
log.forEach((entry, index, log) => {
// calculate duration of this entry from 10min steps to minutes
var duration = ((log[index + 1] || [until / 6E5 | 0])[0] - entry[0]) * 10;
// check if duration greater 0
if (duration) {
// calculate sums
if (entry[1] === 4) stats.deepSleep += duration;
else if (entry[1] === 3) stats.lightSleep += duration;
else if (entry[1] === 2) {
if (entry[2] === 2) stats.awakeSleep += duration;
else if (entry[2] === 1) stats.awakeTime += duration;
if (entry[2] === 2) stats.consecSleep += duration;
if (entry[1] === 1) stats.notWornTime += duration;
if (entry[1] === 0) stats.unknownTime += duration;
stats.logDuration += duration;
2022-02-13 19:54:26 +00:00
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// free ram
log = undefined;
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2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// return stats of the last day
return stats;
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// define function to return last break time of day from date or now (default: 12 o'clock)
getLastBreak: function(date, ToD) {
// set default date or correct date type if needed
if (!date || !date.getDay) date = date ? new Date(date) : new Date();
// set default ToD as set in sleeplog.conf or settings if available
if (ToD === undefined) ToD = (global.sleeplog && sleeplog.conf ? sleeplog.conf.breakToD :
(require("Storage").readJSON("sleeplog.json", true) || {}).breakToD) || 12;
// calculate last break time and return
return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), ToD);
2022-05-17 07:18:39 +00:00
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// define functions to convert ms to the number of fortnights since the first Sunday at noon: 1970-01-04T12:00
fnToMs: function(no) {
return (no + 0.25) * 12096E5;
msToFn: function(ms) {
return (ms / 12096E5 - 0.25) | 0;
2022-02-13 19:54:26 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define set debug function, options:
// enable as boolean, start/stop debugging
// duration in hours, generate csv log if set, max: 96h
setDebug: function(enable, duration) {
// check if global variable accessable
if (!global.sleeplog) return new Error("sleeplog: Can't set debugging, global object missing!");
// check if nothing has to be changed
if (!duration &&
(enable && sleeplog.debug === true) ||
(!enable && !sleeplog.debug)) return;
// check if en- or disable debugging
if (enable) {
// define debug object
sleeplog.debug = {};
// check if a file should be generated
if (typeof duration === "number") {
// check duration boundaries, 0 => 8
duration = duration > 96 ? 96 : duration || 12;
// calculate and set writeUntil in 10min steps
sleeplog.debug.writeUntil = ((Date.now() / 6E5 | 0) + duration * 6) * 6E5;
// set fileid to "{hours since 1970}"
sleeplog.debug.fileid = Date.now() / 36E5 | 0;
// write csv header on empty file
var file = require("Storage").open("sleeplog_" + sleeplog.debug.fileid + ".csv", "a");
if (!file.getLength()) file.write(
// free ram
file = undefined;
} else {
// set debug as active
sleeplog.debug = true;
} else {
// disable debugging
delete sleeplog.debug;
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// save status forced
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2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// define debugging function, called after logging if debug is set
debug: function(data) {
// check if global variable accessable and debug active
if (!global.sleeplog || !sleeplog.debug) return;
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
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// set functions to convert timestamps
function localTime(timestamp) {
return timestamp ? Date(timestamp).toString().split(" ")[4].substr(0, 5) : "- - -";
function officeTime(timestamp) {
// days since 30.12.1899
return timestamp / 864E5 + 25569;
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2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// generate console output
var console = "sleeplog: " +
localTime(data.timestamp) + " > " +
"movement: " + ("" + data.movement).padStart(4) + ", " +
"unknown ,non consec.,consecutive".split(",")[sleeplog.consecutive] + " " +
"unknown,not worn,awake,light sleep,deep sleep".split(",")[data.status].padEnd(12) + ", " +
"asleep since: " + localTime(sleeplog.info.asleepSince) + ", " +
"awake since: " + localTime(sleeplog.info.awakeSince);
// add bpm if set
if (data.bpm) console += ", " +
"bpm: " + ("" + data.bpm).padStart(3) + ", " +
"confidence: " + data.bpmConfidence;
// output to console
// check if debug is set as object with a file id and it is not past writeUntil
if (typeof sleeplog.debug === "object" && sleeplog.debug.fileid &&
Date.now() < sleeplog.debug.writeUntil) {
// generate next csv line
var csv = [
sleeplog.info.asleepSince ? officeTime(sleeplog.info.asleepSince) : "",
sleeplog.info.awakeSince ? officeTime(sleeplog.info.awakeSince) : "",
data.bpm || "",
data.bpmConfidence || ""
// write next line to log if set
require("Storage").open("sleeplog_" + sleeplog.debug.fileid + ".csv", "a").write(csv + "\n");
} else {
// clear file setting in debug
sleeplog.debug = true;
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// print log as humanreadable output similar to debug output
printLog: function(since, until) {
// set default until
until = until || Date.now();
// print each entry inside log
this.readLog(since, until).forEach((entry, index, log) => {
// calculate duration of this entry from 10min steps to minutes
var duration = ((log[index + 1] || [until / 6E5 | 0])[0] - entry[0]) * 10;
// print this entry
print((index + ")").padStart(4) + " " +
Date(entry[0] * 6E5).toString().substr(0, 21) + " > " +
"unknown ,non consec.,consecutive".split(",")[entry[2]] + " " +
"unknown,not worn,awake,light sleep,deep sleep".split(",")[entry[1]].padEnd(12) +
"for" + (duration + "min").padStart(8));
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
/** convert old (< v0.10) to new logfile data **/
convertOldLog: function() {
// read old logfile
var oldLog = require("Storage").read("sleeplog.log") || "";
// decode data if needed
if (!oldLog.startsWith("[")) oldLog = atob(oldLog);
// delete old logfile and return if it is empty or corrupted
if (!oldLog.startsWith("[[") || !oldLog.endsWith("]]")) {
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// transform into StorageFile and clear oldLog to have more free ram accessable
require("Storage").open("sleeplog_old.log", "w").write(JSON.parse(oldLog).reverse().join("\n"));
oldLog = undefined;
// calculate fortnight from now
var fnOfNow = this.msToFn(Date.now());
// open StorageFile with old log data
var file = require("Storage").open("sleeplog_old.log", "r");
// define active fortnight and file cache
var activeFn = true;
var fileCache = [];
// loop through StorageFile entries
while (activeFn) {
// define fortnight for this entry
var thisFn = false;
// cache new line
var line = file.readLine();
// check if line is filled
if (line) {
// parse line
line = line.substr(0, 15).split(",").map(e => parseInt(e));
// calculate fortnight for this entry
thisFn = this.msToFn(line[0]);
// convert timestamp into 10min steps
line[0] = line[0] / 6E5 | 0;
// set consecutive to unknown
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2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// check if active fortnight and file cache is set, fortnight has changed and
// active fortnight is not fortnight from now
if (activeFn && fileCache.length && activeFn !== thisFn && activeFn !== fnOfNow) {
// write file cache into new file according to fortnight
require("Storage").writeJSON("sleeplog_" + activeFn + ".log", fileCache);
// clear file cache
fileCache = [];
// add line to file cache if it is filled
if (line) fileCache.push(line);
// set active fortnight
activeFn = thisFn;
// check if entries are leftover
if (fileCache.length) {
// format fileCache entries into a string
fileCache = fileCache.map(e => e.join(",")).join("\n");
// read complete new log StorageFile as string
file = require("Storage").open("sleeplog.log", "r");
var newLogString = file.read(file.getLength());
// add entries at the beginning of the new log string
newLogString = fileCache + "\n" + newLogString;
// rewrite new log StorageFile
require("Storage").open("sleeplog.log", "w").write(newLogString);
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// free ram
file = undefined;
fileCache = undefined;
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
// clean up old files
require("Storage").open("sleeplog_old.log", "w").erase();
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00
2022-05-20 15:17:30 +00:00
/** may be removed in later versions **/
2022-02-11 08:29:02 +00:00