This intuitive feature allows you to reposition any element (box) on the clock face with ease. Tap on the box(s) you want to move and the border will show, drag into position and tap outside of the boxes to finish placing. **Note:** Roll the tip of your finger slowly on the screen for fine adjustments.
After you've found the perfect position for your boxes, you can save their positions with a quick double tap on the background. This makes it easy to ensure your custom layout is stored for future use. A save icon will appear momentarily to confirm that your configuration has been saved.
Each box can be customized extensively via a simple JSON configuration. You can add a custom text string to your configuration with the "string" parameter and you can match system theme colors by using "fg", "bg", "fg2", "bg2", "fgH", or "bgH" for any of the color parameters.
* **Box Name:** The name of your text box. Box Clock includes functional support for "time", "date", "meridian" (AM/PM), "dow" (Day of Week), "batt" (Battery), and "step" (Step count). You can add additional custom boxes with unique titles.
* **outline:** The thickness of the outline around the text.
* **color:** The color of the text.
* **outlineColor:** The color of the text outline.
* **border:** The color of the box border when moving.
* **xPadding, yPadding:** Additional padding around the text inside the box.
* **xOffset, yOffset:** Offsets the text position within the box.
* **boxPos:** Initial position of the box on the screen. Values are fractions of the screen width (x) and height (y), so { "x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 } would be in the middle of the screen.
* **prefix:** Adds a string to the beginning of the main string. For example, you can set "prefix": "Steps: " to display "Steps: 100" for the step count.
* **suffix:** Adds a string to the end of the main string. For example, you can set "suffix": "%" to display "80%" for the battery percentage.
* **disableSuffix:** Applies only to the "date" box. Set to true to disable the DayOfMonth suffix. This is used to remove the "st","nd","rd", or "th" from the DayOfMonth number.
* **shortMonth:** Applies only to the "date" box. Set to false to get the long format value of the month. Short format is used by default if not specified.
The app includes a settings menu that allows you to switch between different configurations. The selected configuration is stored as a number in the default `boxclk.json` file using the selectedConfig property.
If the selectedConfig property is not present or is set to 0, the app will use the default configuration. To create additional configurations, create separate JSON files with the naming convention `boxclk-N.json`, where `N` is the configuration number. The settings menu will list all available configurations.
## Example Configs:
To easily try out other configs, download and place the JSON configs and/or background images from below onto your Bangle.js storage. Then go to the Box Clock settings menu to select the new config number. You can also modify them to suit your personal preferences.