
462 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-04-04 05:46:04 +00:00
var notes = require("Storage").readJSON("noteify.json", true) || [];
var alarms = require("Storage").readJSON("alarm.json",1)||[];
var note = "";
var textbox = "";
var pad = [];
var layer = 0;
var enableNote = 0;
var iniNote = 0;
var editNote;
var textBound = 0;
var msg = "";
var enableAlarms = (!require('Storage').read("alarm.js")) ? 0 : 1;
function saveNote() {
return {
note : note
class keyPad {
constructor(x1, y1, x2, y2, func) {
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.func = func;
get funcName() {
this.func = func;
set funcName(a) {
this.func = a;
draw() {
g.drawRect(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2).setFont("12x20",1).setFontAlign(0, 0, 0).drawString(this.func, (((this.x2-this.x1)/2)+this.x1), (((this.y2-this.y1)/2)+this.y1));
onTouch() {
//prevent keypad from working on menu
if (enableNote == 1) {
Bangle.on("touch", (button, xy) => {
if ((xy.x >= this.x1) && (xy.x <= this.x2) && (xy.y >= this.y1) && (xy.y <= this.y2) && (this.func) && (enableNote == 1)) {
if (this.func == "space") this.func = " ";
if (this.func == "<-") {
note = note.slice(0, -1);
this.func = "";
else if ((this.func == "SAVE") || this.func == "BACK") {
if (note != "") {
//save edits to existing note
if (editNote != undefined) {
notes[editNote].note = note;
//push new note
else notes.push(saveNote());
//exit to menu, reset to default settings
enableNote = 0;
note = "";
layer = 0;
textBound = 0;
//prevent main menu from detecting save tap??
(editNote != undefined) ? showEditMenu(editNote) : showMainMenu();
editNote = undefined;
}, 0);
else note += this.func;
//scroll textbox if > 170 pixels or < 165 pixels
textbox = note.substring(textBound, note.length);
while ((g.setFont("12x20", 1).stringWidth(textbox)) > 165) {
textbox = note.substring(textBound, note.length);
while (((g.setFont("12x20", 1).stringWidth(textbox)) < 160) && textBound > 0) {
textbox = note.substring(textBound, note.length);
function renderKeys() {
if ((editNote == undefined) && (note.length == 0)) {
g.setFont("Vector", 14).setFontAlign(-1, 0).drawString(textbox, 4, 11);
g.setFont("12x20", 1);
else g.setFont("12x20", 1).setFontAlign(-1, 0).drawString(textbox, 4, 11);
if (layer == 0) {
var a = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "SAVE", "space", "<-"];
if (note == "") a[9] = "BACK";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
pad[i].funcName = a[i];
else if (layer == 1) {
var a = ["J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "SAVE", "space", "<-"];
if (note == "") a[9] = "BACK";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
pad[i].funcName = a[i];
else if (layer == 2) {
var a = ["S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "SAVE", "space", "<-"];
if (note == "") a[9] = "BACK";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
pad[i].funcName = a[i];
else if (layer == 3) {
var a = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "SAVE", "space", "<-"];
if (note == "") a[9] = "BACK";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
pad[i].funcName = a[i];
else if (layer == 4) {
var a = [".", ",", "?", "!", "(", ")", "-", "\'", ":", "SAVE", "space", "<-"];
if (note == "") a[9] = "BACK";
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
pad[i].funcName = a[i];
for (var j = 0; j < pad.length; j++) {
function startNote() {
//edit note
if (editNote != undefined) {
note = notes[editNote].note;
//textbox start at end of note
textbox = note.substring(textBound - 14);
while ((g.setFont("12x20", 1).stringWidth(textbox)) > 165) {
textbox = note.substring(textBound, note.length);
//new note
else textbox = "SWIPE ANY DIRECTION";
//prevent keypad being drawn multiple times
if (iniNote == 0) {
pad[0] = new keyPad(0, 21, 57, 58);
pad[1] = new keyPad(59, 21, 116, 58);
pad[2] = new keyPad(118, 21, 175, 58);
pad[3] = new keyPad(0, 60, 57, 97);
pad[4] = new keyPad(59, 60, 116, 97);
pad[5] = new keyPad(118, 60, 175, 97);
pad[6] = new keyPad(0, 99, 57, 136);
pad[7] = new keyPad(59, 99, 116, 136);
pad[8] = new keyPad(118, 99, 175, 136);
pad[9] = new keyPad(0, 138, 57, 175);
pad[10] = new keyPad(59, 138, 116, 175);
pad[11] = new keyPad(118, 138, 175, 175);
var drag;
var e;
Bangle.on("drag", e => {
if (enableNote == 1) {
if (!drag) { // start dragging
drag = {x: e.x, y: e.y};
else if (!e.b) { // released
const dx = e.x-drag.x, dy = e.y-drag.y;
drag = null;
//horizontal swipes
if (Math.abs(dx)>Math.abs(dy)+10) {
//swipe left
if (dx<0) layer == 4 ? layer = 0 : layer++;
//swipe right
if (dx>0) layer == 0 ? layer = 4 : layer--;
//vertical swipes
else if (Math.abs(dy)>Math.abs(dx)+10) {
//swipe down, hide keypad
if (dy>0) {
enableNote = 2;
g.setFontAlign(-1, -1).drawString(g.wrapString(note, g.getWidth()).join("\n"), 0, 0);
else if (enableNote == 2) {
if (!drag) { // start dragging
drag = {x: e.x, y: e.y};
else if (!e.b) { // released
const dx = e.x-drag.x, dy = e.y-drag.y;
drag = null;
//vertical swipes
if (Math.abs(dy)>Math.abs(dx)+10) {
//swipe up, reveal keypad
if ((dy<0) && (enableNote == 2)) {
enableNote = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < pad.length; i++) {
//prevent tap zones being activated multiple times
if (iniNote == 0) {
iniNote = 1;
function showMainMenu() {
var mainMenu = {
"" : { "title" : "Noteify" },
"< Back" : function() { load(); },
"New note" : function() {
enableNote = 1;
"Edit alarms/timers" : function() { showAlarmMenu(); },
notes.forEach((a, idx) => {
mainMenu[notes[idx].note.length > 15 ? notes[idx].note.substring(0, 15)+"..." : notes[idx].note] = function () { showEditMenu(idx);};
function showEditMenu(idx) {
var moveNote = notes[idx].note;
var newPos = idx+1;
var editMenu = {
"" : { "title" : notes[idx].note.length > 15 ? notes[idx].note.substring(0, 15)+"..." : notes[idx].note },
"View/edit note" : function() {
editNote = idx;
enableNote = 1;
"Delete note" : function() {
"Set as alarm" : function() {
//limit alarm msg to 30 chars
msg = moveNote.substring(0, 30);
"Set as timer" : function () {
msg = moveNote.substring(0, 30);
"Change position" : {
value : newPos,
min : 1,
max : notes.length,
wrap : true,
onchange : function(v) {
newPos = v;
"< Back" : function() {
//save changes from change position
if (newPos-1 != idx) {
var moveNote = notes[idx];
notes.splice(newPos-1, 0, notes.splice(idx, 1)[0]);
function getCurrentHr() {
var time = new Date();
return time.getHours()+(time.getMinutes()/60)+(time.getSeconds()/3600);
function formatTime(t) {
var hrs = 0|t;
var mins = Math.round((t-hrs)*60);
return hrs+":"+("0"+mins).substr(-2);
function formatMins(t) {
mins = (0|t)%60;
hrs = 0|(t/60);
return hrs+":"+("0"+mins).substr(-2);
function showAlarmMenu() {
const menu = {
'': { 'title': 'Alarm/Timer' },
'< Back' : ()=>{showMainMenu();},
'New Alarm': ()=>editAlarm(-1),
'New Timer': ()=>editTimer(-1)
if (alarm.timer) {
txt = "TIMER "+(alarm.on?"on ":"off ")+formatMins(alarm.timer);
} else {
txt = "ALARM "+(alarm.on?"on ":"off ")+formatTime(;
if (alarm.rp) txt += " (repeat)";
menu[txt] = function() {
if (alarm.timer) editTimer(idx);
else editAlarm(idx);
msg = "";
if (enableAlarms == 1) return E.showMenu(menu);
function editAlarm(alarmIndex) {
var newAlarm = alarmIndex<0;
var hrs = 12;
var mins = 0;
var en = true;
var repeat = true;
var as = false;
if (!newAlarm) {
var a = alarms[alarmIndex];
hrs = 0|;
mins = Math.round((*60);
en = a.on;
repeat = a.rp;
as =;
msg = (!a.msg) ? "" : a.msg;
var alarmTitle = (msg == "") ? 'Alarm' : (msg.length > 15) ? msg.substring(0, 15)+"..." : msg;
const menu = {
'': { 'title': alarmTitle },
'< Back' : showAlarmMenu,
'Hours': {
value: hrs, min : 0, max : 23, wrap : true,
onchange: v => hrs=v
'Minutes': {
value: mins, min : 0, max : 59, wrap : true,
onchange: v => mins=v
'Enabled': {
value: en,
format: v=>v?"On":"Off",
onchange: v=>en=v
'Repeat': {
value: en,
format: v=>v?"Yes":"No",
onchange: v=>repeat=v
'Auto snooze': {
value: as,
format: v=>v?"Yes":"No",
onchange: v=>as=v
function getAlarm() {
var hr = hrs+(mins/60);
var day = 0;
// If alarm is for tomorrow not today (eg, in the past), set day
if (hr < getCurrentHr())
day = (new Date()).getDate();
// Save alarm
return {
on : en, hr : hr,
last : day, rp : repeat, as: as, msg: msg
menu["> Save"] = function() {
if (newAlarm) alarms.push(getAlarm());
else alarms[alarmIndex] = getAlarm();
if (!newAlarm) {
menu["> Delete"] = function() {
if (enableAlarms == 1) return E.showMenu(menu);
function editTimer(alarmIndex) {
var newAlarm = alarmIndex<0;
var hrs = 0;
var mins = 5;
var en = true;
if (!newAlarm) {
var a = alarms[alarmIndex];
mins = (0|a.timer)%60;
hrs = 0|(a.timer/60);
en = a.on;
msg = (!a.msg) ? "" : a.msg;
var timerTitle = (msg == "") ? 'Alarm' : (msg.length > 15) ? msg.substring(0, 15)+"..." : msg;
const menu = {
'': { 'title': timerTitle },
'Hours': {
value: hrs, min : 0, max : 23, wrap : true,
onchange: v => hrs=v
'Minutes': {
value: mins, min : 0, max : 59, wrap : true,
onchange: v => mins=v
'Enabled': {
value: en,
format: v=>v?"On":"Off",
onchange: v=>en=v
function getTimer() {
var d = new Date( + ((hrs*60)+mins)*60000);
var hr = d.getHours() + (d.getMinutes()/60) + (d.getSeconds()/3600);
// Save alarm
return {
on : en,
timer : (hrs*60)+mins,
hr : hr,
rp : false, as: false, msg: msg
menu["> Save"] = function() {
if (newAlarm) alarms.push(getTimer());
else alarms[alarmIndex] = getTimer();
if (!newAlarm) {
menu["> Delete"] = function() {
if (enableAlarms == 1) return E.showMenu(menu);