I have made a few watches for golfing. See this [LINK](https://jeonlab.wordpress.com/category/golf-gps-watch/) if you are interested.
Now that I have a Bangle.js 2 watch, I wanted to port my program to it for golfing. For my previous watches I have used TFT LCD or OLED displays and they all draw a lot of current and display information only when I press a button to wake up from the black screen. One of the best feature of the Bangle.js 2, I think, is the memory LCD which consumes very small power and it is always on!
- Swipe left/right to change the hole to next/previous (you can move to any hole to update your shots in case you entered wrong number of shots by mistake)
- Press the button to either finish the game or go back to the play screen (if you pressed the button by accident).
- If you choose to finish the game, it will show the summary of the score with 3x6 matix, shots - par. For example, -1 is for birdie and 0 is for par, and +2 is for double bogey. It also shows the total shots and total par as well.