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var DateFormatter = require("slidingtext.dtfmt.js");
const spanishNumberStr = [ ["ZERO"], // 0
["UNA",""], // 1
["DOS",""], //2
["TRES",''], //3
["CUATRO",''], //4
["CINCO",''], //5
["SEIS",''], //6
["SIETE",''], //7
["OCHO",''], //8
["NUEVE",''], // 9,
["DIEZ",''], // 10
["ONCE",''], // 11,
["DOCE",''], // 12
["TRECE",''], // 13
["CATORCE",''], // 14
["QUINCE",''], // 15
["DIECI",'SEIS'], // 16
["DIECI",'SIETE'], // 17
["DIECI",'OCHO'], // 18
["DIECI",'NEUVE'], // 19
["VEINTE",''], // 20
["VEINTI",'UNO'], // 21
["VEINTI",'DOS'], // 22
["VEINTI",'TRES'], // 23
["VEINTI",'CUATRO'], // 24
["VEINTI",'CINCO'], // 25
["VEINTI",'SEIS'], // 26
["VEINTI",'SIETE'], // 27
["VEINTI",'OCHO'], // 28
["VEINTI",'NUEVE'] // 29
function spanishHoursToText(hours){
hours = hours % 12;
if(hours === 0){
hours = 12;
return spanishNumberStr[hours][0];
function spanishMinsToText(mins){
return spanishNumberStr[mins];
class SpanishDateFormatter extends DateFormatter {
constructor() {
const mins = date.getMinutes();
var hourOfDay = date.getHours();
if(mins > 30){
hourOfDay += 1;
const hours = spanishHoursToText(hourOfDay);
//console.log('hourOfDay->' + hourOfDay + ' hours text->' + hours)
// Deal with the special times first
if(mins === 0){
return [hours,"", "","",""];
} else if(mins === 30){
return [hours, "Y", "MEDIA",""];
} else if(mins === 15){
return [hours, "Y", "CUARTO",""];
} else if(mins === 45) {
return [hours, "MENOS", "CUARTO",""];
} else if(mins > 30){
const mins_txt = spanishMinsToText(60-mins);
return [hours, "MENOS", mins_txt[0],mins_txt[1]];
} else {
const mins_txt = spanishMinsToText(mins);
return [hours, "Y", mins_txt[0],mins_txt[1]];
defaultRowTypes(){ return {};}
return [
type: 'large',
init_coords: [0.05,0.1],
row_direction: [0.0,1.0],
rows: 1
type: 'medium',
init_coords: [0.05,0.4],
row_direction: [0.0,1.0],
rows: 3
module.exports = SpanishDateFormatter;