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2024-04-17 21:08:44 +00:00
# Noordstar caves API
This mod is built in a way to be easy to change the underground world.
The API is written in a way to be very similar to the Minetest API.
## Shapes
Underground caves have varying shapes, and the variable
`noordstar.registered_shapes` contains all those definitions.
For shapes, the following functions are available:
- `noordstar_caves.register_shape(shape def)` Define a new cave shape
- `noordstar_caves.unregister_shape(name)` Remove a defined cave shape
- `noordstar_caves.clear_registered_shapes()` Remove all known cave shapes
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Generally, it is recommended to keep the number of cave shapes below 100.
A good number of shapes is 10 for diversity but performance.
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The shapes are defined as follows:
name = "noordstar_caves:bubbles",
-- Unique name identifying the shape
-- Namespacing is not required but recommended
noise_params = {
offset = 0.4,
scale = 0.6,
spread = { x = 100, y = 100, z = 100 },
seed = 248039,
octaves = 2,
persistence = 0.6,
lacunarity = 2.0,
flags = "eased"
-- NoiseParams structure describing the perlin noise of the shape
-- Values below 0 are always wall, values above 1 will always be part of a
-- cave.
-- Values in-between are either cave or non-cave depending on the
-- cave size: lower values are only included in larger caves:
-- -0.25 ----- 0 ---- 0.25 ----- 0.5 ----- 0.75 ----- 1 ----- 1.25
-- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
-- | | | | | |
-- always a wall | larger caves | most caves |
-- | | |
-- massive caves only smaller caves always cave
func = function(pos, n)
return 2 * n
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-- Function to edit the NoiseParams based on some operation.
-- Keep in mind that this function will be run many, many times, so it is
-- best to keep this function as trivial as possible.
-- The function receives a node's position `pos` and the noise value `n`,
-- and it is expected to return an updated noise value.
-- If absent, the noise value is used as-is.
y_min = -31000,
y_max = 31000,
-- Lower and upper limits for cave shapes.
-- Optional. If absent, the shape is allowed at all heights.
connectivity_point = 10,
verticality_point = 40,
-- Characteristic verticality and connectivity for the cave shape.
-- Similar to how biomes are created, these values create 'shape points' on
-- a voronoi diagram with verticality and connectivity as axes. However,
-- in contrast with biomes, the voronoi cells aren't strict shape borders:
-- they slightly overlap, creating smoother changes between cave shapes.
-- Although the variables can be interpreted differently, the variables
-- stand for the following:
-- - Verticality: high vertical caves have large gaps, massive holes
-- and great paths leading downwards
-- low vertical caves have mostly horizontal corridors
-- with relatively little vertical changes
-- - Connectivity: highly connected caves generally are one massive
-- connected cave system, where you can generally
-- navigate to other parts of the cave without breaking
-- blocks
-- lowly connected caves are usually very separate
-- pieces, single domes, bubbles or standard shapes
-- For example:
-- | low verticality | high verticality |
-- -------------------|---------------------|----------------------|
-- low connectivity | a single large dome | a deep sinkhole |
-- -------------------|---------------------|----------------------|
-- high connectivity | abandoned mineshaft | spaghetti tunnels |
-- -------------------|---------------------|----------------------|
## Biomes
Just like the surface world, the underground world uses biomes to decorate their
caves. The cave biomes are independent of the cave shapes.
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For shapes, the following functions are available:
- `noordstar_caves.register_biome(biome def)` Define a new cave biome
- `noordstar_caves.unregister_biome(name)` Remove a defined cave biome
- `noordstar_caves.clear_registered_biomes()` Remove all known cave biomes
The biomes are defined as follows:
name = "noordstar_caves:tundra",
-- Unique name identifying the biome
-- Namespacing is not required but recommended
node_dust = "foo:snow",
-- Node dropped onto floor after all else is generated
node_floor = "foo:dirt_with_snow",
-- Node forming the floor that the player walks on
node_wall = "foo:ice",
-- Node forming the side walls of the cave
node_roof = "foo:bluestone",
-- Node forming the ceiling of the cave
node_air = "foo:air",
-- Nodes filling the inside of the cave. By default, this is air.
-- You can replace it with e.g. water to make the entire cave a water cave.
-- Keep in mind that cave biomes can blend, so it might not always look
-- very smooth.
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y_max = -100,
y_min = -31000,
-- Upper and lower limits of the cave biome.
-- Alternatively you can use xyz limits as shown below.
max_pos = { x = 31000, y = -100, z = 31000 }
min_pos = { x = -31000, y = -500, z = -31000 }
-- xyz limits for biome, an alternative to using `y_min` and `y_max`.
-- Cave biome is limited to a cuboid defined by these positions.
-- Any x, y or z field left undefined defaults to -31000 in `min_pos` or
-- 31000 in `max_pos`.
heat_point = 0,
humidity_point = 50,
-- Characteristic temperature and humidity for the biome.
-- Just like the Minetest Lua API for biomes, these values create
-- 'biome points' on a voronoi diagram with heat and humidity as axes.
-- The resulting voronoi cells determine the distribution of the biomes.
-- Heat and humidity have an average of 50, vary mostly between 0 and 100
-- but can exceed these values.
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## Decorations
As a final part of generating the caves, decorations can be added to add unique
structures to cave biomes.
For decorations, the following functions are defined:
- `noordstar_caves.register_decoration(decoration def)` Define a new cave decoration
- `noordstar_caves.clear_registered_decorations()` Remove all known cave decorations
The decorations are defined as follows:
deco_type = "simple",
-- Type. "simple" or "schematic" supported
place_on = "floor",
-- Side of the cave to place the decoration on. "floor" or "ceiling" supported
fill_ratio = 0.02,
-- Percentage of surface nodes on which this decoration will spawn
biomes = { "noordstar_caves:tundra", "foo:desert" },
-- List of (cave!) biomes that this decoration will spawn in. Occurs in all
-- biomes if this is omitted.
y_min = -31000,
y_max = 31000,
-- Lower and upper limits for decoration (inclusive).
-- These parameters refer to the Y-coordinate of the node where it is
-- originally chosen to be placed.
----- Simple-type parameters
decoration = "foo:grass",
-- The node name used as the decoration.
-- If instead a list of strings, a randomly selected node from the list
-- is placed as the decoration.
height = 1,
-- Decoration height in nodes.
-- If height_max is not 0, this is the lower limit of a randomly selected
-- height.
-- Height can not be over 16.
height_max = 0,
-- Upper limit of the randomly selected height.
-- If absent, the parameter `height` is used as a constant.
-- Max height will be capped at 16.
place_offset_y = 0,
-- Y offset of the decoration base node relative to the standard base node
-- position.
-- Can be positive or negative. Default is 0.
----- Schematic-type parameters
schematic = "foobar.mts",
-- If schematic is a string, it is the filepath relative to the correct
-- working directory of the specified Minetest schematic file.
-- Could also be the ID of a previously registered schematic.
schematic = {
size = {x = 4, y = 6, z = 4},
data = {
{name = "default:cobble", param1 = 255, param2 = 0},
{name = "default:dirt_with_grass", param1 = 255, param2 = 0},
{name = "air", param1 = 255, param2 = 0},
yslice_prob = {
{ypos = 2, prob = 128},
{ypos = 5, prob = 64},
-- Alternative schematic specification by supplying a table. The fields
-- size and data are mandatory whereas yslice_prob is optional.
-- See 'schematic specifier' in the Minetest Lua API documentation.
replacements = {["oldname"] = "convert_to", ...},
-- Map of node names to replace in the schematic after reading it.
flags = "place_center_x, place_center_y, place_center_z",
-- Flags for schematic decorations. See 'Schematic attributes'.
rotation = "90",
-- Rotation can be "0", "90", "180", "270", or "random"
place_offset_y = 0,
-- If the flag 'place_center_y' is set this parameter is ignored.
-- Y offset of the schematic base node layer relative to the 'place_on'
-- node.
-- Can be positive or negative. Default is 0.
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-- Effect is NOT inverted for decorations on the ceiling.
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-- Ignored by 'y_min' and 'y_max' checks, which always refer to the
-- 'place_on' node.
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## Ores
This mod does not support adding ores to the caves, as this is a feature that
is already well-supported by the Minetest Lua API and doesn't need a mod like
## Misc
In case you wish to do a few other operations, here's a few other functions
that might be helpful to you:
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- `noordstar_caves.set_world_depth(h)` Set the world's depth to a given number.
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This feature is currently only supported in VoxeLibre. Contributions that help
change the world depth in other games, are very welcome.