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module Internal.Tools.Exceptions exposing (ClientError(..), ContextError(..), Error(..), ServerError(..), errorCatches, errorToString)
{-| This module contains all potential errors that may be passed around in the SDK.
import Dict
import Http
import Internal.Config.ErrorStrings as ES
import Internal.Tools.DecodeExtra exposing (opField)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
{-| Errors that may return in any circumstance:
- `InternetException` Errors that the `elm/http` library might raise.
- `SDKException` Errors that this SDK might raise if it doesn't like its own input
- `ServerException` Errors that the homeserver might bring
- `UnsupportedSpecVersion` This SDK does not support the needed spec versions for certain operations - usually because a homeserver is extremely old.
type Error
= InternetException Http.Error
| SDKException ClientError
| ServerException ServerError
| ContextFailed ContextError
| UnsupportedSpecVersion
{-| Errors that this SDK might return if it doesn't like its own input, if it
notices some internal inconsistencies or if it cannot interpret the server's
- `ServerReturnsBadJSON` The homeserver sent JSON that does not parse.
- `NotSupportedYet` Some part of the SDK is intended to be implemented - but it isn't yet.
- `NoAccessToken` There is no more access token and no way of getting a new one.
type ClientError
= ServerReturnsBadJSON String
| NotSupportedYet String
| NoAccessToken
{-| Sometimes, the Context failed to be gathered. In such a case, this function will tell you which one went wrong.
type ContextError
= FailedVersions Error
| FailedAccessToken Error
{-| Potential error codes that the server may return. If the error is not a
default one described in the Matrix Spec, it will be a `CustomServerError`
and provide with the custom string.
-- These error codes can be returned by any API endpoint.
-- See https://spec.matrix.org/v1.5/client-server-api/#common-error-codes
= M_FORBIDDEN { error : Maybe String }
| M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN { error : Maybe String, soft_logout : Maybe Bool }
| M_MISSING_TOKEN { error : Maybe String, soft_logout : Maybe Bool }
| M_BAD_JSON { error : Maybe String }
| M_NOT_JSON { error : Maybe String }
| M_NOT_FOUND { error : Maybe String }
| M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED { error : Maybe String, retryAfterMs : Maybe Int }
| M_UNKNOWN { error : Maybe String }
-- These error codes are specific to certain endpoints.
-- See https://spec.matrix.org/v1.4/client-server-api/#other-error-codes
| M_UNRECOGNIZED { error : Maybe String }
| M_UNAUTHORIZED { error : Maybe String }
| M_USER_DEACTIVATED { error : Maybe String }
| M_USER_IN_USE { error : Maybe String }
| M_INVALID_USERNAME { error : Maybe String }
| M_ROOM_IN_USE { error : Maybe String }
| M_INVALID_ROOM_STATE { error : Maybe String }
| M_THREEPID_IN_USE { error : Maybe String }
| M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND { error : Maybe String }
| M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED { error : Maybe String }
| M_THREEPID_DENIED { error : Maybe String }
| M_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED { error : Maybe String }
| M_UNSUPPORTED_ROOM_VERSION { error : Maybe String }
{ error : Maybe String
, room_version : Maybe String
| M_BAD_STATE { error : Maybe String }
| M_GUEST_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN { error : Maybe String }
| M_CAPTCHA_NEEDED { error : Maybe String }
| M_CAPTCHA_INVALID { error : Maybe String }
| M_MISSING_PARAM { error : Maybe String }
| M_INVALID_PARAM { error : Maybe String }
| M_TOO_LARGE { error : Maybe String }
| M_EXCLUSIVE { error : Maybe String }
{ error : Maybe String
, adminContact : String
| M_CANNOT_LEAVE_SERVER_NOTICE_ROOM { error : Maybe String }
-- Error codes that help understand the server's output
| RequiresUserInteractiveAuthentication
{ completed : List String
, flows : List (List String)
, params : Dict.Dict String (Dict.Dict String String)
, session : Maybe String
-- These can be defined by custom homeserver implementations
| CustomServerError
{ errcode : String
, fullError : E.Value
, statusCode : Int
{-| Shortcut for the decoder of most errors defined in the Matrix spec
standardErrorDescription : D.Decoder { error : Maybe String }
standardErrorDescription =
D.map (\err -> { error = err }) (opField "error" D.string)
{-| Dictionary of known errors that the homeserver may return.
The key is the error type, while the value is a function that reads all required
and optional fields from the response based on Matrix specifications.
errorCatches : D.Decoder ServerError
errorCatches =
[ errorDecoder "M_FORBIDDEN" M_FORBIDDEN standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN"
(\err slg -> { error = err, soft_logout = slg })
(opField "error" D.string)
(opField "soft_logout" D.bool)
, errorDecoder "M_MISSING_TOKEN"
(\err slg -> { error = err, soft_logout = slg })
(opField "error" D.string)
(opField "soft_logout" D.bool)
, errorDecoder "M_BAD_JSON" M_BAD_JSON standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_NOT_JSON" M_NOT_JSON standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_NOT_FOUND" M_NOT_FOUND standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"
(\err rams -> { error = err, retryAfterMs = rams })
(opField "error" D.string)
(opField "retry_after_ms" D.int)
, errorDecoder "M_UNKNOWN" M_UNKNOWN standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_UNRECOGNIZED" M_UNRECOGNIZED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_UNAUTHORIZED" M_UNAUTHORIZED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_USER_DEACTIVATED" M_USER_DEACTIVATED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_USER_IN_USE" M_USER_IN_USE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_INVALID_USERNAME" M_INVALID_USERNAME standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_ROOM_IN_USE" M_ROOM_IN_USE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_INVALID_ROOM_STATE" M_INVALID_ROOM_STATE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_THREEPID_IN_USE" M_THREEPID_IN_USE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND" M_THREEPID_NOT_FOUND standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED" M_THREEPID_AUTH_FAILED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_THREEPID_DENIED" M_THREEPID_DENIED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED" M_SERVER_NOT_TRUSTED standardErrorDescription
(\err rv -> { error = err, room_version = rv })
(opField "error" D.string)
(opField "room_version" D.string)
, errorDecoder "M_BAD_STATE" M_BAD_STATE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_GUEST_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN" M_GUEST_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_CAPTCHA_NEEDED" M_CAPTCHA_NEEDED standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_CAPTCHA_INVALID" M_CAPTCHA_INVALID standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_MISSING_PARAM" M_MISSING_PARAM standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_INVALID_PARAM" M_INVALID_PARAM standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_TOO_LARGE" M_TOO_LARGE standardErrorDescription
, errorDecoder "M_EXCLUSIVE" M_EXCLUSIVE standardErrorDescription
(\err ac -> { error = err, adminContact = ac })
(opField "error" D.string)
(D.field "admin_contact" D.string)
errorDecoder : String -> (a -> ServerError) -> D.Decoder a -> D.Decoder ServerError
errorDecoder name code decoder =
D.field "errcode" D.string
|> D.andThen
(\errcode ->
if errcode == name then
D.map code decoder
D.fail "Not the right errcode"
errorToString : Error -> String
errorToString e =
case e of
UnsupportedSpecVersion ->
SDKException (ServerReturnsBadJSON s) ->
ES.serverReturnsBadJSON s
-- SDKException CouldntGetTimestamp ->
-- ES.couldNotGetTimestamp
ServerException (M_FORBIDDEN data) ->
ES.serverSaysForbidden data.error
-- ServerError (M_UNKNOWN_TOKEN data) ->
_ ->