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module Internal.Tools.Hashdict exposing (..)
{-| This module abstracts the `Dict` type with one function that chooses the unique identifier for each type.
For example, this is used to store events by their event id, or store rooms by their room id.
import FastDict as Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
import Hash exposing (Hash)
type Hashdict a
= Hashdict
{ hash : a -> String
, values : Dict String a
empty : (a -> String) -> Hashdict a
empty hash =
Hashdict { hash = hash, values = Dict.empty }
encode : Hashdict E.Value -> E.Value
encode (Hashdict h) =
|> Dict.toList
|> E.object
fromList : (a -> String) -> List a -> Hashdict a
fromList hash xs =
{ hash = hash
, values =
|> List.map (\x -> ( hash x, x ))
|> Dict.fromList
get : String -> Hashdict a -> Maybe a
get k (Hashdict h) =
Dict.get k h.values
insert : a -> Hashdict a -> Hashdict a
insert v (Hashdict h) =
Hashdict { h | values = Dict.insert (h.hash v) v h.values }
keys : Hashdict a -> List String
keys (Hashdict h) =
Dict.keys h.values
toList : Hashdict a -> List (String, a)
toList (Hashdict h) =
Dict.toList h.values
union : Hashdict a -> Hashdict a -> Hashdict a
union (Hashdict h1) (Hashdict h2) =
{ hash = h1.hash
, values = Dict.union h1.values h2.values
values : Hashdict a -> List a
values (Hashdict h) =
Dict.values h.values