@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
module Internal.Api.Context exposing (..)
{-| This module hosts functions for the `Context` type.
The `Context` type is a type that is passed along a chain of tasks.
@ -10,13 +11,15 @@ after having set the value using a setter function.
Additionaly, there are remove functions which are intended to tell the compiler
"you will have to get this value again if you'd like to use it later."
import Internal.Config.Leaking as L
import Internal.Tools.LoginValues exposing (AccessToken(..))
type Context a =
type Context a
= Context
{ accessToken : String
, baseUrl : String
, transactionId : String
@ -24,16 +27,25 @@ type Context a =
, versions : List String
type alias UsernameAndPassword =
{ username : String, password : String }
type alias VB a = { a | versions : (), baseUrl : () }
type alias VBA a = { a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), versions : () }
type alias VB a =
{ a | versions : (), baseUrl : () }
type alias VBAT a = { a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), versions : (), transactionId : () }
{-| Get a default Context type. -}
type alias VBA a =
{ a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), versions : () }
type alias VBAT a =
{ a | accessToken : (), baseUrl : (), versions : (), transactionId : () }
{-| Get a default Context type.
init : Context {}
init =
@ -44,67 +56,93 @@ init =
, versions = L.versions
{-| Get the access token from the Context. -}
{-| Get the access token from the Context.
getAccessToken : Context { a | accessToken : () } -> String
getAccessToken (Context { accessToken }) =
{-| Get the base url from the Context. -}
{-| Get the base url from the Context.
getBaseUrl : Context { a | baseUrl : () } -> String
getBaseUrl (Context { baseUrl }) =
{-| Get the transaction id from the Context. -}
{-| Get the transaction id from the Context.
getTransactionId : Context { a | transactionId : () } -> String
getTransactionId (Context { transactionId }) =
{-| Get the username and password of the user, if present. -}
{-| Get the username and password of the user, if present.
getUsernameAndPassword : Context { a | accessToken : () } -> Maybe UsernameAndPassword
getUsernameAndPassword (Context { usernameAndPassword }) =
{-| Get the supported spec versions from the Context. -}
{-| Get the supported spec versions from the Context.
getVersions : Context { a | versions : () } -> List String
getVersions (Context { versions }) =
{-| Insert an access token into the context. -}
{-| Insert an access token into the context.
setAccessToken : { accessToken : String, usernameAndPassword : Maybe UsernameAndPassword } -> Context a -> Context { a | accessToken : () }
setAccessToken { accessToken, usernameAndPassword } (Context data) =
Context { data | accessToken = accessToken, usernameAndPassword = usernameAndPassword }
{-| Insert a base url into the context. -}
{-| Insert a base url into the context.
setBaseUrl : String -> Context a -> Context { a | baseUrl : () }
setBaseUrl baseUrl (Context data) =
Context { data | baseUrl = baseUrl }
{-| Insert a transaction id into the context. -}
{-| Insert a transaction id into the context.
setTransactionId : String -> Context a -> Context { a | transactionId : () }
setTransactionId transactionId (Context data) =
Context { data | transactionId = transactionId }
{-| Insert a transaction id into the context. -}
{-| Insert a transaction id into the context.
setVersions : List String -> Context a -> Context { a | versions : () }
setVersions versions (Context data) =
Context { data | versions = versions }
{-| Remove the access token from the Context -}
{-| Remove the access token from the Context
removeAccessToken : Context { a | accessToken : () } -> Context a
removeAccessToken (Context data) =
Context data
{-| Remove the base url from the Context -}
{-| Remove the base url from the Context
removeBaseUrl : Context { a | baseUrl : () } -> Context a
removeBaseUrl (Context data) =
Context data
{-| Remove the transaction id from the Context -}
{-| Remove the transaction id from the Context
removeTransactionId : Context { a | transactionId : () } -> Context a
removeTransactionId (Context data) =
Context data
{-| Remove the versions from the Context -}
{-| Remove the versions from the Context
removeVersions : Context { a | versions : () } -> Context a
removeVersions (Context data) =
Context data
@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
module Internal.Api.CredUpdate exposing (..)
import Hash
import Internal.Api.Chain as Chain exposing (TaskChain, IdemChain)
import Html exposing (input)
import Internal.Api.Chain as Chain exposing (IdemChain, TaskChain)
import Internal.Api.Context as Context exposing (VB, VBA, VBAT)
import Internal.Api.GetEvent.Main as GetEvent
import Internal.Api.Invite.Main as Invite
import Internal.Api.JoinedMembers.Main as JoinedMembers
import Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.Main as LoginWithUsernameAndPassword
import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as V
import Internal.Api.Redact.Main as Redact
import Internal.Api.SendMessageEvent.Main as SendMessageEvent
import Internal.Api.SendStateKey.Main as SendStateKey
import Internal.Api.Sync.Main as Sync
import Internal.Api.Versions.Main as Versions
import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as V
import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Internal.Tools.LoginValues exposing (AccessToken(..))
import Internal.Tools.SpecEnums as Enums
import Json.Encode as E
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time
import Html exposing (input)
type CredUpdate
@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ type CredUpdate
| UpdateAccessToken String
| UpdateVersions V.Versions
type alias FutureTask = Task X.Error CredUpdate
type alias FutureTask =
Task X.Error CredUpdate
{-| Turn a chain of tasks into a full executable task.
@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ toTask =
MultipleUpdates updates
{-| Get a functional access token.
accessToken : AccessToken -> TaskChain CredUpdate (VB a) (VBA a)
@ -82,15 +86,18 @@ accessToken ctoken =
{ username = username, password = password }
type alias GetEventInput =
{ eventId : String, roomId : String }
{-| Get an event from the API.
getEvent : GetEventInput -> IdemChain CredUpdate (VBA a)
getEvent { eventId, roomId } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, eventId = eventId
, roomId = roomId
@ -98,19 +105,22 @@ getEvent { eventId, roomId } context =
|> GetEvent.getEvent (Context.getVersions context)
|> Task.map (\output ->
|> Task.map
(\output ->
{ contextChange = identity
, messages = [ GetEvent input output ]
{-| Get the supported spec versions from the homeserver.
getVersions : TaskChain CredUpdate { a | baseUrl : () } (VB a)
getVersions context =
input = Context.getBaseUrl context
input =
Context.getBaseUrl context
Versions.getVersions input
|> Task.map
@ -121,17 +131,21 @@ getVersions context =
type alias InviteInput =
{ reason : Maybe String
, roomId : String
, userId : String
{-| Invite a user to a room. -}
{-| Invite a user to a room.
invite : InviteInput -> IdemChain CredUpdate (VBA a)
invite { reason, roomId, userId } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, reason = reason
, roomId = roomId
@ -148,13 +162,16 @@ invite { reason, roomId, userId } context =
type alias JoinedMembersInput =
{ roomId : String }
joinedMembers : JoinedMembersInput -> IdemChain CredUpdate (VBA a)
joinedMembers { roomId } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, roomId = roomId
@ -169,15 +186,18 @@ joinedMembers { roomId } context =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput =
{ password : String
, username : String
loginWithUsernameAndPassword : LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput -> TaskChain CredUpdate (VB a) (VBA a)
loginWithUsernameAndPassword ({ username, password } as data) context =
input = { baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
input =
{ baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, username = username
, password = password
@ -196,18 +216,21 @@ loginWithUsernameAndPassword ({ username, password } as data) context =
type alias RedactInput =
{ eventId : String
, reason : Maybe String
, roomId : String
{-| Redact an event from a room.
redact : RedactInput -> TaskChain CredUpdate (VBAT a) (VBA a)
redact { eventId, reason, roomId } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, eventId = eventId
, reason = reason
@ -225,18 +248,21 @@ redact { eventId, reason, roomId } context =
type alias SendMessageEventInput =
{ content : E.Value
, eventType : String
, roomId : String
{-| Send a message event to a room.
sendMessageEvent : SendMessageEventInput -> TaskChain CredUpdate (VBAT a) (VBA a)
sendMessageEvent { content, eventType, roomId } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, content = content
, eventType = eventType
@ -254,6 +280,7 @@ sendMessageEvent { content, eventType, roomId } context =
type alias SendStateEventInput =
{ content : E.Value
, eventType : String
@ -261,12 +288,14 @@ type alias SendStateEventInput =
, stateKey : String
{-| Send a state key event to a room.
sendStateEvent : SendStateEventInput -> IdemChain CredUpdate (VBA a)
sendStateEvent { content, eventType, roomId, stateKey } context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, content = content
, eventType = eventType
@ -284,6 +313,7 @@ sendStateEvent { content, eventType, roomId, stateKey } context =
type alias SyncInput =
{ filter : Maybe String
, fullState : Maybe Bool
@ -292,12 +322,14 @@ type alias SyncInput =
, timeout : Maybe Int
{-| Sync the latest updates.
sync : SyncInput -> IdemChain CredUpdate (VBA a)
sync data context =
input = { accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
input =
{ accessToken = Context.getAccessToken context
, baseUrl = Context.getBaseUrl context
, filter = data.filter
, fullState = data.fullState
@ -316,6 +348,7 @@ sync data context =
{-| Insert versions, or get them if they are not provided.
versions : Maybe V.Versions -> TaskChain CredUpdate { a | baseUrl : () } (VB a)
@ -327,6 +360,7 @@ versions mVersions =
Nothing ->
{-| Create a task that insert the base URL into the context.
withBaseUrl : String -> TaskChain CredUpdate a { a | baseUrl : () }
@ -338,6 +372,7 @@ withBaseUrl baseUrl =
|> Task.succeed
|> always
{-| Create a task that inserts a transaction id into the context.
withTransactionId : (Int -> String) -> TaskChain CredUpdate a { a | transactionId : () }
@ -356,6 +391,7 @@ withTransactionId toString =
|> always
{-| Create a task that inserts versions into the context.
withVersions : V.Versions -> TaskChain CredUpdate { a | baseUrl : () } (VB a)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Json.Decode as D
import Task exposing (Task)
type alias InviteInputV1 =
{ accessToken : String
, baseUrl : String
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ type alias InviteInputV1 =
, userId : String
type alias InviteInputV2 =
{ accessToken : String
, baseUrl : String
@ -20,7 +22,10 @@ type alias InviteInputV2 =
, userId : String
type alias InviteOutputV1 = ()
type alias InviteOutputV1 =
inviteV1 : InviteInputV1 -> Task X.Error InviteOutputV1
inviteV1 data =
@ -40,6 +45,7 @@ inviteV1 data =
, decoder = always (D.map (always ()) D.value)
inviteV2 : InviteInputV2 -> Task X.Error InviteOutputV1
inviteV2 data =
@ -22,13 +22,12 @@ invite versions =
|> VC.sameForVersion "r0.6.1"
|> VC.addMiddleLayer
{ downcast =
(\data ->
\data ->
{ accessToken = data.accessToken
, baseUrl = data.baseUrl
, roomId = data.roomId
, userId = data.userId
, current = Api.inviteV2
, upcast = identity
, version = "v1.1"
@ -40,8 +39,10 @@ invite versions =
|> VC.mostRecentFromVersionList versions
|> Maybe.withDefault (always <| Task.fail X.UnsupportedSpecVersion)
type alias InviteInput =
type alias InviteOutput =
@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Json.Encode as E
import Task exposing (Task)
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInputV1 =
{ baseUrl : String
, password : String
, username : String
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutputV1 =
@ -37,4 +39,3 @@ loginWithUsernameAndPasswordV1 data =
, timeout = Nothing
, decoder = always SO.loggedInResponseDecoder
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Internal.Tools.VersionControl as VC
import Task exposing (Task)
loginWithUsernameAndPassword : List String -> LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput -> Task X.Error LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutput
loginWithUsernameAndPassword versions =
@ -18,6 +19,6 @@ loginWithUsernameAndPassword versions =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordInput =
type alias LoginWithUsernameAndPasswordOutput =
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ that the credentials type needs to know about before it can make a request.
import Internal.Api.LoginWithUsernameAndPassword.V1.Login as L
import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as V
import Internal.Api.Request as R
import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as V
import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Internal.Tools.LoginValues exposing (AccessToken(..))
import Internal.Tools.ValueGetter exposing (ValueGetter)
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
module Internal.Api.Task exposing (..)
{-| This module contains all tasks that can be executed.
import Hash
import Internal.Api.CredUpdate as C exposing (CredUpdate)
import Internal.Api.Chain as Chain
import Internal.Tools.LoginValues exposing (AccessToken)
import Internal.Api.CredUpdate as C exposing (CredUpdate)
import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as V
import Json.Encode as E
import Internal.Tools.LoginValues exposing (AccessToken)
import Internal.Tools.SpecEnums as Enums
import Json.Encode as E
type alias FutureTask =
type alias FutureTask = C.FutureTask
type alias GetEventInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
@ -20,6 +24,7 @@ type alias GetEventInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
getEvent : GetEventInput -> FutureTask
getEvent { accessToken, baseUrl, eventId, roomId, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -28,6 +33,7 @@ getEvent { accessToken, baseUrl, eventId, roomId, versions } =
|> Chain.andThen (C.getEvent { eventId = eventId, roomId = roomId })
|> C.toTask
type alias InviteInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -37,6 +43,7 @@ type alias InviteInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
invite : InviteInput -> FutureTask
invite { accessToken, baseUrl, reason, roomId, userId, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -45,6 +52,7 @@ invite { accessToken, baseUrl, reason, roomId, userId, versions } =
|> Chain.andThen (C.invite { reason = reason, roomId = roomId, userId = userId })
|> C.toTask
type alias JoinedMembersInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ type alias JoinedMembersInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
joinedMembers : JoinedMembersInput -> FutureTask
joinedMembers { accessToken, baseUrl, roomId, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -60,6 +69,7 @@ joinedMembers { accessToken, baseUrl, roomId, versions } =
|> Chain.andThen (C.joinedMembers { roomId = roomId })
|> C.toTask
type alias RedactInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -70,6 +80,7 @@ type alias RedactInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
redact : RedactInput -> FutureTask
redact { accessToken, baseUrl, eventId, extraTransactionNoise, reason, roomId, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -94,6 +105,7 @@ redact { accessToken, baseUrl, eventId, extraTransactionNoise, reason, roomId, v
(Chain.maybe <| C.getEvent { eventId = eventId, roomId = roomId })
|> C.toTask
type alias SendMessageEventInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -104,6 +116,7 @@ type alias SendMessageEventInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
sendMessageEvent : SendMessageEventInput -> FutureTask
sendMessageEvent { accessToken, baseUrl, content, eventType, extraTransactionNoise, roomId, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -127,6 +140,7 @@ sendMessageEvent { accessToken, baseUrl, content, eventType, extraTransactionNoi
-- TODO: Get event from API to see what it looks like
|> C.toTask
type alias SendStateKeyInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -137,6 +151,7 @@ type alias SendStateKeyInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
sendStateKey : SendStateKeyInput -> FutureTask
sendStateKey { accessToken, baseUrl, content, eventType, roomId, stateKey, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -146,6 +161,7 @@ sendStateKey { accessToken, baseUrl, content, eventType, roomId, stateKey, versi
-- TODO: Get event from API to see what it looks like
|> C.toTask
type alias SyncInput =
{ accessToken : AccessToken
, baseUrl : String
@ -157,6 +173,7 @@ type alias SyncInput =
, versions : Maybe V.Versions
sync : SyncInput -> FutureTask
sync { accessToken, baseUrl, filter, fullState, setPresence, since, timeout, versions } =
C.withBaseUrl baseUrl
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Internal.Api.Versions.V1.Versions as SO
import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
import Task exposing (Task)
versionsV1 : { baseUrl : String } -> Task X.Error SO.Versions
versionsV1 data =
@ -8,14 +8,18 @@ Values like these usually imply that there is a leakage in the implementation or
import Time
import Hash
import Time
accessToken : String
accessToken = "mistaken_access_token"
accessToken =
baseUrl : String
baseUrl = "https://matrix.example.org"
baseUrl =
eventId : String
@ -52,10 +56,12 @@ sender : String
sender =
transactionId : String
transactionId =
"elm" ++ (Hash.fromString "leaked_transactionId" |> Hash.toString)
versions : List String
versions =
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ module Internal.Room exposing (..)
import Dict
import Internal.Api.CredUpdate exposing (CredUpdate)
import Internal.Api.Task as Api
import Internal.Api.Sync.V2.SpecObjects as Sync
import Internal.Api.Task as Api
import Internal.Context as Context exposing (Context)
import Internal.Event as Event exposing (Event)
import Internal.Tools.Exceptions as X
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ getEventById : String -> IRoom -> Maybe IEvent
getEventById eventId (IRoom room) =
Hashdict.get eventId room.events
getStateEvent : { eventType : String, stateKey : String } -> IRoom -> Maybe IEvent
getStateEvent data (IRoom room) =
Reference in New Issue