360 lines
11 KiB
360 lines
11 KiB
import sys
import time
import yaml
def main(in_file, out_file):
with open(in_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as open_file:
obj = yaml.safe_load(open_file)
OBJECTS = obj['objects']
NAME = obj['name']
VERSION = obj['version'].replace('.', '_').capitalize()
OUT_FILE = out_file
if OUT_FILE.endswith('.elm'):
encapsulate = lambda s : s if ' ' not in s else '(' + s + ')'
# Boolean
class BoolField:
def type_name(self):
return 'Bool'
def encoder(self):
return 'E.bool'
def decoder(self):
return 'D.bool'
# Integer
class IntField:
def type_name(self):
return 'Int'
def encoder(self):
return 'E.int'
def decoder(self):
return 'D.int'
# String
class StringField:
def type_name(self):
return 'String'
def encoder(self):
return 'E.string'
def decoder(self):
return 'D.string'
# Float: should be avoided as it isn't allowed for canonical JSON.
class FloatField:
def type_name(self):
return 'Float'
def encoder(self):
return 'E.float'
def decoder(self):
return 'D.float'
# Timestamp
class TimestampField:
def type_name(self):
return 'Timestamp'
def encoder(self):
return 'encodeTimestamp'
def decoder(self):
return 'timestampDecoder'
# JSON Value
class ValueField:
def type_name(self):
return 'E.Value'
def encoder(self):
return ''
def decoder(self):
return 'D.value'
# Enum
class EnumField:
def __init__(self, name) -> None:
self.name = name
def type_name(self):
return 'Enums.' + self.name
def encoder(self):
return 'Enums.encode' + self.name
def decoder(self):
return 'Enums.' + self.name[0].lower() + self.name[1:] + 'Decoder'
# Another object
class SpecObjectField:
def __init__(self, name) -> None:
self.name = name
def type_name(self):
return self.name
def encoder(self):
return 'encode' + self.type_name
def decoder(self):
decoder_name = self.type_name[0].lower() + self.type_name[1:] + 'Decoder'
if 'anti_recursion' in OBJECTS[self.name]:
return f'D.lazy (\_ -> {decoder_name})'
return decoder_name
# List of fields
class ListField:
def __init__(self, child_field):
self.child = child_field
def type_name(self):
return 'List ' + encapsulate(self.child.type_name)
def encoder(self):
return 'E.list ' + encapsulate(self.child.encoder)
def decoder(self):
return 'D.list ' + encapsulate(self.child.decoder)
# Dict of string -> fields
class DictField:
def __init__(self, child_field):
self.child = child_field
def type_name(self):
return 'Dict String ' + encapsulate(self.child.type_name)
def encoder(self):
return 'E.dict identity ' + encapsulate(self.child.encoder)
def decoder(self):
return 'D.dict ' + encapsulate(self.child.decoder)
def str_to_field(value : str):
if value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']'):
return ListField(str_to_field(value[1:-1]))
if value.startswith('{') and value.endswith('}'):
return DictField(str_to_field(value[1:-1]))
if value in OBJECTS:
return SpecObjectField(value)
match value:
case 'value':
return ValueField()
case 'bool':
return BoolField()
case 'int':
return IntField()
case 'string':
return StringField()
case 'float':
return FloatField()
case 'timestamp':
return TimestampField()
raise ValueError("Unknown value `" + value + "`")
class Field:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key = key
self.field = str_to_field(value['type'])
self.required = False
if 'required' in value:
self.required = value['required']
if not self.required:
self.default = None if 'default' not in value else value['default']
def elm_name(self):
if self.key == 'type':
return 'contentType'
words = self.key.lower().replace('_', ' ').replace('.', ' ').split(' ')
words = ''.join([w.capitalize() for w in words])
words = words[0].lower() + words[1:]
return words
def encoder(self):
if self.required or self.default is not None:
return (
'Just <| ' + self.field.encoder + ' data.' + self.elm_name
elif self.field.__class__ == ValueField:
return 'data.' + self.elm_name
return (
'Maybe.map ' + encapsulate(self.field.encoder) + ' data.' + self.elm_name
def decoder(self):
if self.required:
field = f'D.field "{self.key}"'
elif self.default is None:
field = f'opField "{self.key}"'
field = f'opFieldWithDefault "{self.key}" {self.default}'
return f'{field} {encapsulate(self.field.decoder)}'
def type_definition(self):
if self.required or self.default is not None:
return self.field.type_name
return 'Maybe ' + encapsulate(self.field.type_name)
class Object:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.name = key
self.description = value['description']
self.anti_recursion = 'anti_recursion' in value
self.fields = []
for k in sorted(value['fields'].keys()):
v = value['fields'][k]
self.fields.append(Field(k, v))
def elm_name(self):
if '.' not in self.name:
return self.name
return ''.join([word.capitalize() for word in self.name.split('.')])
def lowercase_elm_name(self):
n = self.elm_name
return n[0].lower() + n[1:]
def encoder_name(self):
return 'encode' + self.elm_name
def decoder_name(self):
return self.lowercase_elm_name + 'Decoder'
def encoder(self):
return (
f"{self.encoder_name} : {self.elm_name} -> E.Value\n" +
f"{self.encoder_name} " + (f'({self.elm_name} data)' if self.anti_recursion else 'data') + " =\n" +
f" maybeObject [\n" +
',\n'.join(f' ("{f.key}", {f.encoder})' for f in self.fields) +
f"\n ]\n" +
def decoder(self):
return (
f"{self.decoder_name} : D.Decoder {self.elm_name}\n" +
f"{self.decoder_name} =\n" +
f" D.map{len(self.fields)}\n".replace('D.map1\n', 'D.map\n') +
f" (\\" + ' '.join(["abcdefghijklmnop"[i] for i in range(len(self.fields))]) + ' ->\n' +
f" " + (self.elm_name if self.anti_recursion else '') + " { " + ', '.join([self.fields[i].elm_name + '=' + "abcdefghijklmnop"[i] for i in range(len(self.fields))]) + '})\n' +
''.join(f" " + encapsulate(f.decoder) + '\n' for f in self.fields) +
def type_definition(self):
return (
"{-| " + self.description + "\n-}\ntype " +
('alias' if not self.anti_recursion else '') + f" {self.elm_name} = " + (self.elm_name if self.anti_recursion else "" ) +
" {\n" + ',\n'.join(f" {f.elm_name} : {f.type_definition}" for f in self.fields) +
'\n' + " }\n\n"
object_list = [Object(name, val) for name, val in OBJECTS.items()]
object_list.sort(key=lambda o : o.elm_name.lower())
with open(OUT_FILE + '.elm', 'w') as write_file:
write = write_file.write
write(f"module {OUT_FILE[4:].replace('/', '.')} exposing (\n ".replace('\\', '.') )
imports = [f"{o.elm_name + '(..)' if o.anti_recursion else o.elm_name}\n , {o.encoder_name}\n , {o.decoder_name}" for o in object_list]
write('\n , '.join(imports) + "\n )\n")
write("{-| Automatically generated '" + NAME + "'\n\nLast generated at Unix time ")
write(str(int(time.time())) + "\n-}\n\n")
content = ''.join([o.type_definition + o.encoder + o.decoder for o in object_list])
if 'Dict' in content:
write("import Dict exposing (Dict)\n")
if 'opField' in content and 'opFieldWithDefault' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.DecodeExtra exposing (opField, opFieldWithDefault)\n")
elif 'opFieldWithDefault' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.DecodeExtra exposing (opField)\n")
elif 'opField' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.DecodeExtra exposing (opField)\n")
if 'maybeObject' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.EncodeExtra exposing (maybeObject)\n")
if 'Timestamp' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.Timestamp exposing (Timestamp, encodeTimestamp, timestampDecoder)\n")
if 'Enums' in content:
write("import Internal.Tools.SpecEnums as Enums\n")
import Json.Decode as D
import Json.Encode as E
print(f'Generated file {out_file}!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])